Classic Server... in English!! Hoorah!!

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Post by Quinlan »

Cryn wrote: The RR differential will be much less for a long time. So you won't find yourself facing groups with an extra 9000 HPs, faster purge, MoCing casters, etc. The differential will eventually grow again, but it will take some time to get as bad as it is on prydwen these days.
I think you could be mistaken with that one. What happened on the US servers is set groups going there and basically PL-ing themselves to 50. This means a certain percentage of the server will be 50 when the rest if far from it. They then go to RvR (maybe the get bored soon i dont know) and will rise very fast compared to others.

This is what happens on every new server. But i think it could be worse on this server since you will get groups from all languafes competing. Making it alot harder for the rest.

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Post by Gandelf »

Yes, I have to agree that we may see some players migrating from normal servers to the Classic one. But I don't think it will be as bad as some people think. There will be players from all the non-English servers who will converge on the one Classic English server, so you can expect a healthy population level.

The population may decrease if they introduce more non-English Classic servers, but a lot people will stay on the English one if their characters are well established.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

1 year ago or so I would proberbly have gone to this server instantly, but not ive started to like toa so atleast I wont bother with the classic server :)


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Post by Kesxex »

If the "classic" server is as successful in Europe as it is in US then it will make Excalibur and Prydwen a dead zone.

Good thing is that it will be like Camlann in a way that all languages are on one server. Initial success will be there and curiosity will make this server the busiest for a time.

I think when people realise that they exchanged TOA 2fgs raids (except some ML raids and some arties) for hour long massive 80+ ppl raids with a chance to win of about 1% instead of 8% then a good few will come back.

TOA will be replaced by Darkspire and Galladoria. Because after all playing classic all the nice TOA boni (only from Darkspire) can't be missed if you are a serious powergamer :dairylea: :mwahaha:

Oh, and make sure you are top of the dog on this server in regard to rps. Cause some of the abilities don't have a counter from ML abilities there they will be even more overpowered than they are on TOA servers. Welcome to balance :mwahaha:
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Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Kesxex wrote:I
I think when people realise that they exchanged TOA 2fgs raids (except some ML raids and some arties) for hour long massive 80+ ppl raids with a chance to win of about 1% instead of 8% then a good few will come back.
Yeah, I was thinking about this when we did a galladoria raid the other day. Remember how long it used to take and how little chance you had of winning? :)

Lately the ML raids have gone really smooth so I really don't mind doing them anymore (only thing that I dont like is the mlxp harvesting)


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Post by HappyG »

Bad idea atm, messing around with already low population on normal servers. ToA up or down, people with more time/dedication will always pwn you, on normal or classic server, and many casual players will most likely be dissapointed. Population on us classic servers is already dropping, and imo will eventualy end up like pvp servers.

I see this as a short term solution to attract some old players, which will harm eu daoc on a long term. But than, we said something similar for spanish server, and they didnt listen, so lets wait and see :P
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Post by Cryn »

Quinlan wrote:I think you could be mistaken with that one. What happened on the US servers is set groups going there and basically PL-ing themselves to 50. This means a certain percentage of the server will be 50 when the rest if far from it. They then go to RvR (maybe the get bored soon i dont know) and will rise very fast compared to others.

This is what happens on every new server. But i think it could be worse on this server since you will get groups from all languafes competing. Making it alot harder for the rest.
Yes and that's less than ideal. But on prydwen we have whole guilds of RR10 enemies and when they roll a new char, that char essentially gets power-RR'd and gains ranks and a meteoric rate. The frontier is dominated by RR10 groups and the only people who can compete are other high RR groups. You said earlier that these days fights last longer, but that's only the case for high RR hibs. Low RR hibs are practically insta-wiped without the fast purges, MoC3s and big DIs to to keep them up.

On classic the differential may well grow quickly, but it will take a long time for it to get as bad as pryd. On pryd it's a problem that's been growing for the entire lifetime of the server and we too have our share of elite guild that PL each other then rush through RRs. The only thing that slows them down is the number of people already at astronomical RRs.
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Post by Elrandhir »

Gandelf wrote:I am looking forward tremendously to this server.

Also, I don't know about you, but the fact that Mythic (and subseqently GOA) have decided to introduce "Classic" servers, suggests only thing... that ToA was a mistake. Why else would they introduce new servers without ToA? Obviously, thousands of players have told Mythic they don't like ToA... there is no other reason. If players were happy with ToA, then Classic servers would not have been introduced.

All along, players have been saying that the game was developing in ways that were not fitting to the original concept of the game.... it finally looks like their voice has been heard... for once, I am happy! :)

nope it probably means that they have listened to what many peeps want, and not that TOA was a mistake.

I would never change to a Classic server as I have spent to much time with the chars I have, not sure If I will test it out or not, but I wouldent change sever thats for sure.

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Post by Edlina »

Cryn wrote:On classic the differential may well grow quickly, but it will take a long time for it to get as bad as pryd. On pryd it's a problem that's been growing for the entire lifetime of the server and we too have our share of elite guild that PL each other then rush through RRs. The only thing that slows them down is the number of people already at astronomical RRs.
That's not really true, that's just a nice hope you can have, but it's an illusion, people will be rr6+ by the time even the semi casual players will hit lvl 50 and begin to farm DS, and quite frankly, the difference between a rr6 in an opted DS SC set and a rr1 in a part DS set is even bigger than the difference between a rr4-5 with the most important toa items, and a rr10 in full toa set...

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Post by Wyst »

Quick Question

Will Darkness Rising expansion be applied to the classic servers? ie can folks just do the upgraded epics/champion level stuff and therefore get a reasonably useful set of kit to play with?
Wyst Fullthinker 50 Warden ML10 BM RR8+
Vilcleft Cullthinker 50 BM ML10 BL RR5+
Ydrys Bard ML10 Soj RR4+
Hegglion 50 Voidy M10 convoker RR3+
Grusalug Hero, brainless ML8 WL RR3+
Cwmblyss MotherofWyst ML10 Conv RR2+
Ydryst Darkside screamer ML10 RR4+
Arnfiorgrit Valewalker ML8 RR3+
Molarbfloem Druid ML10 Perfector RR6+
Quickflick NS ML5 RR3+
Some others of lesser note on other servers of no consequence

All now asleep and probably forgotton

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