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Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:34 am
by Finolin
Belisar wrote:Did have an incident recently where a rare scroll I sold cheaply was then sold on by for a nice profit (or perhaps they were just lucky and got another quite quickly). But it kind of makes me think that you can try to do the right thing (such as Malim is) but some people (and not everyone) will try and take advantage if they can.
It would be relatively easy to 'corner the market' on certain items that people sell. For instance, there are some rare scrolls of which there are only a handful for sale on the ME. Someone with enough cash could buy them all, and then relist them at a higher price. There would be work involved to snatch up any of the item that showed up at a lower price, and there's always the danger that if you put the prices up too much people will just farm for themselves, but still it could be very profitable if that's the way you wanted to play the game. And it is just a game.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:46 am
by Ankh Morpork
Finolin wrote:It would be relatively easy to 'corner the market' on certain items that people sell. For instance, there are some rare scrolls of which there are only a handful for sale on the ME. Someone with enough cash could buy them all, and then relist them at a higher price. There would be work involved to snatch up any of the item that showed up at a lower price, and there's always the danger that if you put the prices up too much people will just farm for themselves, but still it could be very profitable if that's the way you wanted to play the game. And it is just a game.
Aye, thats the problem. I think the majority would agree to lower the prices, but there is always atleast ONE who would think in the way you just described and one is enough to ruin the system.

Also, you suck Finolin - just thought I had to add it ]/Ankh[/B]

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:11 am
by Finolin
Ankh Morpork wrote:Aye, thats the problem. I think the majority would agree to lower the prices, but there is always atleast ONE who would think in the way you just described and one is enough to ruin the system.
Ruin the system? Hardly. If you don't like the prices someone is charging, even if they're the only one selling, you can always farm things yourself, or with some of the majority you think would agree to lower the prices.


Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:54 am
by Ovi
Not much different to rl economics tbh, except cash in game is probably easier to come by for most people :)

At least we don't need to "waste" money on food and drink for the characters yet ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:18 pm
by Lairiodd
I have a question, why is it OK to roll for a 2nd stone and then keep it for trade and not OK to sell it for money ? In effect, a respec stone becomes a 10p coin :).
Finolin wrote:It would be relatively easy to 'corner the market' on certain items that people sell. For instance, there are some rare scrolls of which there are only a handful for sale on the ME. Someone with enough cash could buy them all, and then relist them at a higher price.
Perfectly fair.
There would be work involved to snatch up any of the item that showed up at a lower price, and there's always the danger that if you put the prices up too much people will just farm for themselves, but still it could be very profitable if that's the way you wanted to play the game. And it is just a game.
and this is why it wouldn't work. Somebody who tries to corner the market would end up being undercut. You might be able to increase the prices slightly but there is alot of risk. If someone decides to flood the market, you can also lose money.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:28 pm
by stupeh
less modding my post imo ;<

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:51 pm
by Alexandrinus
tbh stupeh your <modded> word is nothing for

and to the 12plat will never can change the market,the market is a self leveling economy from supply and real sad about such prices because i know there are so many gentle peeps here in hib wich do there owne micro economic of fair prices and trade already

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:49 pm
by stupeh
i dont care if its 'nothing' for the forums, id prefer what i said not to be modded by admins :| not like it was even a tiny bit extreme xd

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:54 pm
by Aardh
I never understood why people think its ok to buy a scroll for an artifact, or even the arti itself for 5-15p (or sometimes even more), but find it so hard to pay about 10p for a full respec stone. Back in the days when we could farm them with 1fg animist and some naturalists, 10p each might had been a bit overprice (and i sold em for 3p each back then as well). But that isnt possible anymore, and all/most of those stone are long gone. However, its still possible to duo most (if not all) scrolls in the game with chanter/druid, menta/druid or with chanter/menta combo with a druid standing next to you. Do that with the dragon and you will have all the respect you can get in this game :)

I think its quite odd that you can charge 10p for a scroll that you might be lucky with getting on some ml raid. while its not accepted to pay just as much for a thing like a respec stone, that changes your characters performance completely (while a scroll or even arti is just 1 brick in the wall for most templates).

This is just my point of view though, not saying im right :)

Peace out! im of to zhe pub! :)

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:03 pm
by Finolin
Lairiodd wrote:and this is why it wouldn't work. Somebody who tries to corner the market would end up being undercut. You might be able to increase the prices slightly but there is alot of risk. If someone decides to flood the market, you can also lose money.
To be honest I think it would work if you pick the right item and have the time/money to control the market. Set the price low enough that people don't feel the need to go farm for themselves or flood the market, but high enough that you make money.

Of course, I still have a never-worn Ancient Cracked Stag Hide in a vault (won in a lotto), which at one point was fairly valuable but which I neither sold nor used, so I'm probably not the best person to be giving advice in terms of financial speculation.