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Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:24 am
by Nejtun
this " second group" thing is looking quite busy , i would like to sign up my vamp for one of those spots if it happens please :)

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:03 pm
by Kesxex
2nd group set and filled.
Good chance we get them filled with active players and I prefer to have it this way - therefore no buffbots.
Bring them along anyway (as I will do) for emergency rez.

Plan is (parallel execution):
Grp 1
1.4 Barrier
1.8 Ruby
1.1 Fire Island
1.2 Thieves

Grp 2
1.1 Fire Island
1.2 Thieves
1.8 Ruby
1.4 Barrier

(Barrier has around 30 mins repop time)

Then together
1.6 Kirk
and eventual 1.7 Rassa and 1.3 Chiefs

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:54 pm
by isletha
sign my hero up for 2nd group plz m8 if the last spot is free :army:

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:53 pm
by Belisar
Got a guildy called Lopaz who is after a reserve spot if both grps full.

L 50 vamp - he'llbe around for any no shows.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:08 pm
by Kale
Im sorry guys but i wont been able to come due to some family issues :S.
Im so sorry m8s, try to find another druid please.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:17 pm
by Tox
hi my duid needs ml 1 steps so i can be a convoker to help repairs etc so if there is a free spot going id like to come along
sox lvl 49 rr3.5 druid

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:24 pm
by Unliving
I see you didn't sign me up kes, but turns out I don't need to attend anyway :)

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:15 pm
by Pizzero
sign up bard lvl 50 name pizzero

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:25 pm
by Kale
Finally i will be able to come 100% sure, just came back of that emergency. So if u havent another druid yet i would like to get a spot =).
Regards, Kale