Full Master level's Remains -- drunken bidding posts

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Post by Bourkey »

lol kabane your charging someone for putting in a drunken bid? and charging him 10 plat. Thats funny :p
[19:25] Jupiler: in heaven there is no beer, thats why we drink it here...when we're gone from here, our friends will be drinking all the beer

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Post by Lairiodd »

I guess the point is that if Amedor bid 110p he would have paid more than he needed to and what are the chances of Medjai saying that his bid at 100p didn't count at that point? Though, there isn't much that can be done about it other than say a deposit is required to bid, but that is likely to drive away bidders rather than make the auction work better.
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Post by Bourkey »

But Medj Apolagised and said he was Drunk. I cant see any rules saying you have to pay back anything so why should medj have to do anything, he was drunk lol, said sorry next day. Fair enough.

People are just taking it way to seriously, In my opinion :)
[19:25] Jupiler: in heaven there is no beer, thats why we drink it here...when we're gone from here, our friends will be drinking all the beer

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Post by Sugah »

Suppose he could be from some far eastern country lol but the bid was posted 07-29-2005, 11:47 AM. If hes drunk at that point hes needs to contact the http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.
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Post by Monk »

TBH if medj made a mistake while drunk then fair enough nothing bad bout that, and since he's apologised and explained, i dont think anythinh terrible has happened.

now this trying to charge him 10%, what planet are you on tbh m8, this is a forum, for a game, where you cant influence what he does at all, so i dont think he has to pay anything at all.

so this approach as if you can somehow force him to pay you within 24 hours is just total bs
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Post by Kabane »

Come on guys plz get a grip Well all know Medj would not pay a fine, what Lairiodd said is true i dont like the fact that that weather he was drunk or not he was trying to taunt Ame into placeing a bid that was not jusafide, and blaiming it on being drunk yet taking almost a day and a half to post other wise just isnt funny , Im fairly sure that most of you know me well enouph to know that first off i wouldnt try to collect on this , but would use this as a fair warnning to others not to place wall bids ( incases u dont know what a wall bid is, when the bidding is slow or below the "Rrp" and the current bidded is put up agest a figment of someone imagination inorder to drum up some other bids')

Now Back to the sugect at hand Hemuli You'r bid stands at 55P Do i hear any more bids <looks at Amedor> <then scans the rooms full of biders>

Cheers Kabane

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Post by Lieva »

wish i could bid on this :/
i was lost on the first one :lol:
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Post by Bourkey »

Ok fair enough Kabane, but i dont personally know you and there are no smiles or that in the posts you said about it, so how are people to know if you are being serious or not.
[19:25] Jupiler: in heaven there is no beer, thats why we drink it here...when we're gone from here, our friends will be drinking all the beer

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Post by Bugzy »

Personally, i would've made u pay for being an asswhole.

But i'm not Kabane.

So your lucky.
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Post by stupeh »

Name calling while spelling the insult wrong makes you look clever... really.

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