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Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:13 am
by Briannon
Jupi wrote:can u then play the same char on english servers??

As Adalyn said, you would have to start again on the europe servers because characters aren't transferable across servers, not least because they are playing in different versions - the US servers are always several patches ahead of what we have here.

However, one reason I would recommend a US account is the length of time it takes to get new content here. We're debating March/April as the possible release time for cata, which has now been on release in the States since December. A US account gives you the chance to play the game as Mythic intend it without having the long wait for the Euro version. I certainly enjoy the catacombs version a lot more than the current 1.71 version and to this day I cannot understand why there has to be so much delay. Why can't we have parallel development here in Europe?

I know WoW may not be everyone's favourite cup of team atm but Blizzard managed to get it released in Europe only 2 months after the US release, so why not DAoC?

I don't know the answer and would be interested in hearing from someone who does.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:40 pm
by Jupi
aye it was a noobish question, sorta baffles me about release dates as well, catacombs being released coming into the summer is bad, as people naturally dont spend as much time in front of a computer on a warm sunny day as opposed to a cold winters nite, releasing catacombs in the winter makes more sense and WoW got the timing and execution just right imho (btw havent played it yet)... the longer GOA delay the release of catacombs the more WoW people will get addicted to WoW..... WoW has sold 340k copies so far, people say DAoC is still a better game.. if i was a GOA/Mythic director i would be kicking my Sales & Marketing Manager out the door for lost oppurtunites and revenue and they need some serious head scrathing to be done... complacency & the general erosion of the community by stupid nerfs/patches/expansions is what has DAoC where it is atm... looking at future patches it looks as if the penny has dropped, hopefully not too l8.. we can all play the political "sit-on-the-fence" role but come on...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:48 pm
by Argyleyn
Well, tbh, Mythic could never hope for wow's success as daoc didn't have 3 single player games based on it that everyone and his mother was addicted to prior to daoc release.

I initially wanted to try catacombs, really doubt i will get the time now really. Hope you all enjoy it though :)

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:18 pm
by Lieva
theyre both wrong!!!!
Catacombs : official release dates
Although websites have been speculating about the release date for Dark Age of Camelot : Catacombs, we had not yet announced any official date. Today's news is thus the ideal opportunity for us to inform you for the first time that the release will take place on Thursday, March 24th. The boxes will be available in shops on the same day, with the exception of Great Britain, where it is traditional to release games on a Friday, so March 25th. Because of the launch, the servers will be shut down the morning of March 24th for us to patch, however you will be able to enjoy the new expansion that evening.

good friday though so we have NO chance of getting it before tuesday :(

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:54 pm
by Lieva
i know its an old thread but someone in my guild noticed the webbys are still saying the wrong date. I know requiels been posting on freddys house about it so thought i would put this here too.
&quot wrote:For the record I have been in pretty much constant contact with the Marketing dept for the last couple of weeks, finding out what the cause of the problems is and what's being done to resolve it. I'm sure they're sick of seeing my face by now. Nobody here is unaware of the situation.

This is the state of play at present. The official UK launch date is the 25th March. Due to pressure from a certain very large high-street retailer, the expansion is going to be listed by all merchants as being available from 1st April. However, we are sending out stock to UK retailers at the same time as it is beng sent to Continental stores. If you order from, CDon, Webhallen or any of the other major merchants they will be shipping it as soon as they have stock available. Game however will not have stock until April 1st. None of this will affect players in countries other than the UK, you will find it in stores and websites as normal.
so .. anyone else from the uk wanna find this major high street store person and batter him :)

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:03 pm
by Briannon
Banana wrote:
so .. anyone else from the uk wanna find this major high street store person and batter him :)


I wonder if the clue is in Requiel's post where he says [XXXX] will not have stock until 1st April but other retailers will have it before?

Hmmmm, I wonder...

All I will say is that whilst is advertising it at £14.99 they will get my order for three copies, and if a high-street retailer is trying to hold things up then I say a pox on all their houses and let's all buy it on-line.

It is time the consumer bit back and reminded these high-street retailers that they are competing for our pound/euro/kroner/koruna/rouble and we will have the game when WE want it, not when they deem it appropriate for us to have it.

Power to the customer!!

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:11 pm
by Requiel
Briannon wrote:As Adalyn said, you would have to start again on the europe servers because characters aren't transferable across servers, not least because they are playing in different versions - the US servers are always several patches ahead of what we have here.

However, one reason I would recommend a US account is the length of time it takes to get new content here. We're debating March/April as the possible release time for cata, which has now been on release in the States since December. A US account gives you the chance to play the game as Mythic intend it without having the long wait for the Euro version. I certainly enjoy the catacombs version a lot more than the current 1.71 version and to this day I cannot understand why there has to be so much delay. Why can't we have parallel development here in Europe?

I know WoW may not be everyone's favourite cup of team atm but Blizzard managed to get it released in Europe only 2 months after the US release, so why not DAoC?

I don't know the answer and would be interested in hearing from someone who does.
The reason there is a delay is because we licence the game from Mythic rather than being an offshoot of Mythic. Blizzard run WoW US and WoW europe themselves and all development is done inhouse in parallel. Both Euro and US players are their customers and so they have a vested interest in keeping both sets of players happy.

Mythic's customers are all in the US. Mythic do not answer to Euro players at all regarding quality of service. It makes no commercial sense for them to make their paying customers in the US wait for Europe to localise patches and content. Having said that however, Mythic have acknowledged that the process by which we localise content is too unwieldy and can be streamlined. There have been some initiatives put in place to reduce the delay between live release on US servers and live release here.

For the record, as some of you may not know how the patching process goes, here's a potted breakdown of how it works.

1: Mythic develop the patch, test it internally, put it on Pendragon for player feedback and testing.
2: When the bugs are ironed out and it's as finished as it can reasonably be, it's put live on US servers.
3: Mythic watch it for a couple of weeks to make sure it's stable and to fix the bugs that will inevitably be found when your test crew grows from a few dozen to tens of thousands.
4: Mythic fix whatever needed to be urgently fixed as a result of the patch.
5: When it's stable and the post release bugs have been ironed out we get sent the patch (with fixes) for translation and testing.
6: We translate the language parts (which doesn't actually take as long as some people would have you believe), some patches have a lot of translation (expansions for example), others have barely any. We also translate the server code to fit our server setup. Also the EU codebase is slightly different to the US codebase due to various licence issues.
7: We test the patch in English. If we find any bugs we send them back to Mythic.
8: Mythic find a fix for the bugs and send us new versons of the patch.
9: We test the new patch, send any new bugs back to Mythic.
10: repeat steps 7, 8 and 9 until the patch works properly.
11: Test translations in French, German, Spanish and Italian to make sure that everything that should be translated is translated and that there are no broken dialogues, keywords or other problems that could occur from changing languages. Problems at this stage are fixed inhouse.
12: We put the patch live on our servers.

The delay at present comes from steps 7-9 where we need to send things back and forth between Mythic and ourselves. The speed at which we get fixes back very much depends on how busy Mythic devs are. With NF we were testing as they were doing final tests on Catacombs. It's not hard to guess which project would be higher priority. While it's unlikely we'll ever be on the same patch as the US, Mythic have told us they want to speed up the process and have faster response to our problems.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:21 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Imo its worth waiting for the EU version. Atleast then we know what to expect rather than perhaps an unpleasant suprise :)


Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:24 pm
by Xest
Ankh Morpork wrote:Imo its worth waiting for the EU version. Atleast then we know what to expect rather than perhaps an unpleasant suprise :)

Yes but on the same note you don't get to rofl irl at all the kiddies who rolled fotm warlocks only to get their arses nerfed to hell and back now :p

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:01 pm
by Monk
Briannon wrote:Yes.

I wonder if the clue is in Requiel's post where he says [XXXX] will not have stock until 1st April but other retailers will have it before?

Hmmmm, I wonder...

All I will say is that whilst is advertising it at £14.99 they will get my order for three copies, and if a high-street retailer is trying to hold things up then I say a pox on all their houses and let's all buy it on-line.

It is time the consumer bit back and reminded these high-street retailers that they are competing for our pound/euro/kroner/koruna/rouble and we will have the game when WE want it, not when they deem it appropriate for us to have it.

Power to the customer!!
power to the russians! :)
(was just surprised, not many ppl know of the rouble :) )