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Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 2:12 pm
by Norcott
I thought that we had a better class of people here on this server (prydwen hibbies) and much higher community spirit.. I think its right that the forum should be modded and censored.. this game is from 12+.. u wanna use bad language and f and blind then get ya sel over to FH and become one of the sheep that most seem todo and if you wanna be thought of as a retard who cant think of otherways to better express him/her self without the use of 4 letter words, then do more reading and learn more you will get better thought of..
Theres nothing wrong with having a heated discussion but the use of bad bad language is not acceptable on a forum or any where else tbh.. we can all do it .. and im not marter but theres a time and a place i work in the construction industry i hear it as everyday use but it doesnt mean i have to use it in all communication
From a parents angle
I for one have kids who will be stood around my pc at times i may want to read this forum or other forums so its not really fair on people like me for others to use bad language as it the restricts me from using the forum..
I appreciate kids do hear it more often in the playground but that doesnt mean that we have to back it up and give them the impression that its ok to do that because thats NOT the right example to be setting, the kids of today are going to be the leaders of the future, so teach them well as they will be controling YOUR future.
Nothing wrong with heated discussions just the choice of words.. Ive been included in a few as well and once it hits the 4 letter words gutter then its time to bow out it then moves from a discussion to a personal flame attack.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 2:42 pm
by Mojo
I don't think swearing as bad at all, sometimes a good swear word just can't be replaced, I think the issue people have is using swearing for personal insults, and at the end of the day an insult is an insult no matter what words are used.

Anyhow we have a filter group so all those who can't handle a few choice words don't have to. But remember folks, kids swear cos they get a reaction, keep reacting and the kids keep swearing.

I wonder how many under 18's are going to sign up to the filter group anyway.


I agree with Puppet and Pikeh I don't need to be baby sat thanks :)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 2:50 pm
by naic
Mojo wrote:I don't think swearing as bad at all, sometimes a good swear word just can't be replaced, I think the issue people have is using swearing for personal insults, and at the end of the day an insult is an insult no matter what words are used.

Anyhow we have a filter group so all those who can't handle a few choice words don't have to. But remember folks, kids swear cos they get a reaction, keep reacting and the kids keep swearing.

I wonder how many under 18's are going to sign up to the filter group anyway.


I agree with Puppet and Pikeh I don't need to be baby sat thanks :)


My exact thoughts.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 2:53 pm
by Mojo
Norcott wrote: if you wanna be thought of as a retard who cant think of otherways to better express him/her self without the use of 4 letter words, then do more reading and learn more you will get better thought of..
I dont think we need to be calling everyone who uses a 4 letter word a reatrd now, but maybe you calling someone a retard for saying they had shit day in work makes you a better person? do you teach your kids to generlise and insult people after you taught them not to swear?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 3:49 pm
by Norcott
Mojo wrote: do you teach your kids to generlise and insult people after you taught them not to swear?
No... the playground and forums do just fine on that score. which is what I was stating before you miss quoted and used it completely out of context which just proves my point exactly.
ie: trying to start an augument against somebody elses opinion which isnt to your aproval which was on topic of the original discussion unlike your post which was a personal attack against how I bring my children up to be responsible people..

Exacly what right do you have to question my integrity as a parent.. and to what bearing does it have on the discussion..

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 3:57 pm
by Cernos
Calm down dears, it's only a forum :D

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 3:59 pm
by Maeloch
Cernos wrote:Calm down dears, it's only a forum :D
I am not your sister!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 4:03 pm
by Mojo
Norcott wrote:No... the playground and forums do just fine on that score. which is what I was stating before you miss quoted and used it completely out of context which just proves my point exactly.
ie: trying to start an augument against somebody elses opinion which isnt to your aproval which was on topic of the original discussion unlike your post which was a personal attack against how I bring my children up to be responsible people..

Exacly what right do you have to question my integrity as a parent.. and to what bearing does it have on the discussion..
I was making a point, I used you to do that, I also knew that you would most likely take offence when doing so, so there is little point in my defending it.

I wasn't trying to start a fight either. I just felt your post was quite ironic

I was born with the right to question anything I wish to question, but like I said I was making a point.

I was insulted by your out of context quote, you were insulted by the implied meaning of my reply, the matter of me swearing in my post was seemingly overlooked ^^

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 4:09 pm
by Satyn
Cernos wrote:Calm down dears, it's only a forum :D

actually this is not just a forum, but really not in the mood to go further into it, i think you get what i'm saying.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 4:14 pm
by Cryn
I find it quite strange that a lot of parents live in denial about swearing. We all start using bad language at the age of 10 or whatever, some earlier some later, and we use it for our whole lives.

A parent will go around swearing like a trooper and seeing nothing wrong with it, but suggest that his child is exactly like him in this respect and he'll not like it.

Even worse, most parents know in the back of their minds that as soon as the child is out of the house they swear in the vulgar ways that only children can find amusing.

This forum ticked over for over years with moderators only stepping in in extreme cases. It's been the heart of the Hib/Pryd community so if anyone thinks that community has some kinda value, it's partly due to the way this forum worked during that time.

And Norc, I'm sorry matey but I hate seeing people say "retard". It's very derogatory and quite insensitive to the fact people really exist who have learning difficulties. I'd much rather people - if they really MUST use direct insults - use something of a more socially-neutral nature like a sexual or vulgar expletive. I don't tend to pick people up on it because I don't think it's my place to dictate how others express themselves publically.

Do you really think if your children look over your shoulder while you attack people calling them sheep and retards it's a good example for them to follow? Not trying to question your parenting skills, but you did raise the issue of them seeing unacceptable stuff while you post.