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Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Lenah wrote: Ankh
Trust no one, except me. You cant trust the crowd, u can trust the leadership tho.
Well that kind of depends on who leads a raid :) but I admit that I know I can trust you and quite a few others (not Thandruil ofc ]/Ankh[/B]


Post by Kallima »

I don't even know what this thread is about.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Kallima wrote:I don't even know what this thread is about.
its about YOU!! yes YOU!!! Don't try to act as if your not guildy mate!!!
I KNOW you stole my cake!

Edit: And also, im disapointed that you dont use [ooc] in the forum! :(


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Post by Quinlan »

Name shame and burn them all for 2 reasons:

1. Nice entertainment at work
2. It aint bad to know who is involved if you ever get guild applications, pve groups, rvr groups etc.

Would you invite someone in your guild Lenah if you know he/she stole something in the past? Maybe you are one of those people who forgive someone when they type: Sorry, i was bad but i am good now. Then prepare to be screwed several times. Only if they show actions 'forgiveness' might be given. Forgiving doesnt include forgetting

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Post by Thandruil »

Lenah wrote:
After all you and your guild has cone trough, you should know better not to start a wich hunt. You know what I speak of.
Euhm, me and my guild have done what??

Think i've done enough already for the realm, and still am doing.
So plz explain to me what u are talking about.
Thandruil lvl51 Elf Ranger RR6L3 ML10 CL5 :thand:
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Post by Belisar »

Seems to me Bugzy has posted a rule which applies to the raids he leads - he will not tolerate people who do not act in a way he feels is fair and honest.

Tbh good for him, if it is his raid then he can apply whatever rules he likes and blacklisting people he finds are untrustworthy seems sensible to me.

I do worry about the rest of us asking for naming and shaming (if peeps had not posted here I would never have thought there was a specific incident behind it) although I do recognise the humour in handing out tar, feathers, pitchforks and stockpiles of wood.

There are two sides to every story, or as someone's sig once said three - yours, mine and what actually happened (who was that Ven or someone ?) and I worry that an innocent or mistaken action could get someone an unfair reputation.

Equally I also see some sense in telling the realm of people who cheat, lie and steal but how are we to know which side of the story to believe. We have seen a number of accusatory threads with claim and counter-claim and I for one end up none too sure who to believe and who to trust.

So I would say run your raids, follow your rules, kick the people you want to kick but let's all be careful about pointing fingers or asking for names over these forums.
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Post by Kallima »

Ankh Morpork wrote:its about YOU!! yes YOU!!! Don't try to act as if your not guildy mate!!!
I KNOW you stole my cake!

Edit: And also, im disapointed that you dont use [ooc] in the forum! :(

[ooc] oops sorry Ankh I missed the ooc. <cries> Now Aran will hit me with his fish.

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Post by Gamblor »

Lenah wrote:
I'm just expressing my love to the community.
Bahh though you where told not to take that out in public again ;P

/rubs eys .. no they are still burning
Gamblor Evilneonhammer Lvl 49 Champ :gamblor:
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Post by Childofkhain »

tbh lenah is probably right people all have their own rules for raids and you can't expect people to adhire to the rules you may set on your raid when you are on somone else's raid.
I would like to know who this so called theif is so he/she can defend him / her self and so we can find out if it is the truth. As i said just now on the ml1 topic i am not Zcerus so but i do know him irl and i know what happend with EoY was a mistake and very stressful for him as for the ml2.10 incident well i will let him explain because tbh i dont want to get anything wrong.

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Post by Aran_Thule »

Kallima wrote:[ooc] oops sorry Ankh I missed the ooc. <cries> Now Aran will hit me with his fish.
<slaps Ankh with fish> Wheres my cake???
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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