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Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 1:00 am
by Balthasar
Dont see much reason to sell for loads tho, if you can farm ml10 and got all items needed then where is the need for cash? ;)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 2:19 am
by VidX
[quote="Balthasar"]Dont see much reason to sell for loads tho, if you can farm ml10 and got all items needed then where is the need for cash? ]
Because you don't get Mad Tales scrolls in ml10 ;)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 9:32 am
by Puppet
[quote="VidX"]Because you don't get Mad Tales scrolls in ml10 ]

Indeed. Plus people see the movie; but how fast you think 5 level 49 ML0 animists would do GoV for example? Surely they would drop Danos in 10 secs flat too; so if its that easy why does GoV go for 20+ plat on the CM's ?

GoV's are also ALOT more common then any of the ML10 items.

Anyhow better expensive then not for sale is my motto; but I think majority of people will not sell ML10 stuff until they got their chars/alts/friends sorted.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 12:12 pm
by Gamblor
Treeeebeard wrote:I already tried on my ani and got turned down :P
that cuz you hang around with Jim ;P and Bugz o_O

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 7:32 pm
by Treeeebeard
[quote="Gamblor"]that cuz you hang around with Jim ]

But jims in it :P
I got to join today as Jim was late and piki never turned up so i helped with first 4 mobs and only pircer droped (Hasn't been rolled for yet) THen jsut contiued to die to draco. =p

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 9:16 pm
by Puppet
Treeeebeard wrote:But jims in it :P
I got to join today as Jim was late and piki never turned up so i helped with first 4 mobs and only pircer droped (Hasn't been rolled for yet) THen jsut contiued to die to draco. =p
Yeah then I came and we killed it flawless; no casualties and under a minute

Can never have too much SS in ML10 :D

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 7:26 am
by pikeh
Adalyn wrote:Animists alrdy had there nerfs, doubt it will happen again, and ML10 has been farmed alot on all servers with 5 animists/druids for quiet sometime now and guess what? no nerf and never will.
yeh, ani's got hit pretty hard when the nerf came. Looking back on it, i cant belive mythic ever put unlimited shrooms on, thats so OP.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 12:16 pm
by Venoid
Whyd you have to go and make a movie about it :/, not like people dont know what an animist raid looks like, doesnt anyone learn from the Americans mistakes: ... 6769424/?1

Expect a nerf inc soon now as currently half of Mythics dev team are now gonna be lulling over that movie, and wouldnt surprise me if GoA hotfix it over here seeing as the movie originated our end this time.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 3:03 pm
by Luz
Venoid wrote:Whyd you have to go and make a movie about it :/, not like people dont know what an animist raid looks like, doesnt anyone learn from the Americans mistakes: ... 6769424/?1

Expect a nerf inc soon now as currently half of Mythics dev team are now gonna be lulling over that movie, and wouldnt surprise me if GoA hotfix it over here seeing as the movie originated our end this time.
then please explain to me how they are going to hot-fix that ?

Nerf animists more? Like WHAT ?

Make ml10 harder? It´s a common dungeon, making it harder for ALL realms then.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 8:50 pm
by Venoid
Dont ask me how their gonna nerf animists, Mythic are very VERY protective of their epic encounters, look how fast the Dragon encounter was changed when people abused high powered RR abilities/special class skills, they even perma despawned him on the US servers till the fix was in.

Nerfing ML10 to make it unshroomable is as simple as making the mobs immune to Body damage or whatever the pbae spell damage type is, it could be something simple like that, it could be a lot harder detrimental to animists, like lowering the shroom cap from 100 to 30 max per 2000 units, not enough to cry that animists are made worthless, more than enough to prevent them farming epic mobs, who knows, point is the stupidest thing you can do when you abuse what in all shapes and forms is basically an exploit, is make a brag video gloating about it, it will undoubtedly garner attention from the wrong types of people, especially those in other realms which rightfully so feel cheesed off they dont get the same luxuries as was the case with Bubbles the Prydwen Sorcerer.

And no need to get all animist protective Luz, I played one remember, but whether you like it or not, you "shouldnt" be able to farm stuff like the ML10 mobs with 1fg of animists, so dont get upset if Mythic do react to that video, afterall you saved them all the hassle of reproducing anything, they just have to analyze the video, can see exactly how you did it, and alter things accordingly to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Point is you shouldnt brag about things like that, beleive me, Ive helped people farm the Olcasgean encounter with 4 people pre ToA, I know all about exploiting special class skills and encounter workings to player advantage, but you didnt see us plastering with all our communique rubbing it in peoples noses like you guys have. Puppet knows all too well about my epic farming ambitions ;p.

Congratulations and all on your acheivements, just be a little more discreet about it, what people dont know, doesnt hurt them, Ive actually felt a little embarrassed for you guys myself (lord knows why), you couldnt of bragged more about this if you tried, if not for the original post telling your accomplishments, to actually using the forum as your personal group communique channel to let people know your ready to go at it again, and now this post with a linked video showing everyone how you did it. Discretion is a virtue, and I can pretty much guarantee youve probably received tons of PMs from people asking to get in on the act which youve turned away as not worthy.