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Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 7:57 am
by Satyn
Gitt wrote:I appreciate your decision, I'm sure Prydwen will be a better place for it

Excuse me? I hope i'm reading this wrong.

Caestar hun, you are not leaving. I understand where you are coming from but dont quit over something like this. Its not worth it. Who will i have to pick on now? Or hit on your girlfriend!!

Hope you slept ok and thought this over cause i'm gona stalk you till you come back. I'm bloody serious.

And for you ankh goes the same thing!!

Guys its only a bloody game...stop get frustrated over something like this.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 8:08 am
by Killder
Not saying bye Caesty, you better be back.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 8:53 am
by Gandelf
You'll end up returning, like I did twice.

My opinion is that we need all the players from the old days of DAoC that we can get. Please reconsider your decision.

I am surprised that I haven't been publicly executed, let alone banned for some of the things I've said on the forums. I don't know what you posted, but in the end if you can't speak freely, then what is this world coming to?

You can't leave now anyway, because we've all got such an exciting new expansion to look forward to that will finally prove that all along, all that Mythic really wanted was a mmorpg that would bring the Wizard of Oz to a computer monitor near you. Yes, "Over the Rainbow" will finally complete the circle and see us all merrily skipping off down that old yellow brick road, hand-in-hand, singing, "We're off to see the Wizard..."

I've suspected this for a long time... well, at least since steeple hats were introduced into the game... the Wicked Witch of the West just wouldn't look right in a hardened Brea helm.

Over the Rainbow will also see a new "dirty tricks" style called "Throw Water" for melting Witches. The Style tree is this:-

05 Minor Splash
11 Greater Splash
20 Minor Wetting
28 Greater Wetting
36 Greater Torrent
44 Massive Deluge
50 Time to build an Ark

Anyway, please don't leave us! We need you. You would really be missed. Having left and come back twice myself, one thing that really touches me is how much my friends missed me and are glad to see me return.

Don't go!

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 10:49 am
by Venoid
Hmmm, I dont normally post on quit posts, but 194 days :O, even my champs not played that much ;p, so no wonder your played out.

I do find it interesting that your deciding factor to quit tho is getting banned on a forum that by apart from what the discussion is about, have absolutely nothing to do with the game.

Not to sound negative, because from the responses it looks like you are a swell person ingame, but from the few (very few) times I have visited FH, your posts did actually come across as more aggressive and provocative than many there (which is saying something), even if the FOAD comment may of instigated the banning, you certainly didnt imo build up any sort of reputation for yourself to make a mod question their decision to ban you, so it doesnt really surprise me that they did ban you if they suddenly had a crack down on their ruling system.

I dont see what the big deal is about having the RvR forum on FH anyway, I mean Mids/Albs need it for their in realm raid organizing, but the RvR part for a long time has simply been "dont zerg noobs", "congrats realm x for early morning/cheating/zerging relic raid", "nerf player x that just killed me", "you cheated you just killed me" or "gratz random player for hitting RR 2->10".

And Gand, even tho many of your posts (here at least) are whacky and either meant to be clownish or not thought through properly, their all respectful in their own way, and certainly bring a smile to many peoples faces, I certainly wouldnt execute you from a forum for that :p.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 11:22 am
by Silverbirch
Bah Isletha AND Caestar in one week :/

Come back ya gimpster, had enough north east peeps leave since wow ffs, so no more being silly.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 11:50 am
by Puppet
Personally I think Venoid should come back

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 12:06 pm
by Seanpaul
Another silly bugger.

Stop drop and roll when you're on fire, come back when the flames have died out.

Expect to see your colourful language on /as next month when you come back.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 3:01 pm
by Satyn
Puppet wrote:Personally I think Venoid should come back


Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 4:36 pm
by Goretooth
Heya... Nylis here...

I ofcourse hope you'll be back but I want to thank you for those great RvR times we had... you were really really fun to play with and I learned lot's :P... Never flee! ^^

I wish you really good luck out there... and the same goes for Isletha ofcourse tho I only played a little with you :P...

- Nylis

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 8:09 am
by Alexandrinus
anyone saw this, all the people playing to much RVR or leading some ML-Arti runs going to burn out and leave the game, stop this cut down your playing and you will have more fun in playing.

btw..... FH is a joke , thats the reason i never will post there