Arti Raid signup

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Emerald Rider
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Post by Bondoila »

Btw, im not signing up me or any of my alts. I signed up Shaanor, 50 eld, a friend of mine :) so please change name in list.
Healer - L50 - RR4LX
<Crimson Eclipse>

Bondoila - L50 Bard - RR11LX
Bleich - L50 Ranger - RR7LX
Anole - L50 Eld - RR5LX
Bondoila - L50 Sorc -RR7LX

Bondoila - L50 Shammy -RR4LX

Emerald Rider
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Post by Killder »

Signing up my Ranger, Crontab, for Malice and Battler.

Emerald Rider
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Post by Eradium »

Put me down for Bracer of Zo'arkat and Eriny's Charm pls :boing:

Can bring me bot Helpz to buff and heal if required.

Will have to miss this first raid (or perhaps come for just 1 hour) due to ML5 tho :banghead:

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Post by whiteblazethecelt »

:ba: put me in for malice/bruiser and erines haubeck! now theres one u dont see much off! :mezz:

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Emerald Rider
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Post by naic »

Naicara, Jacinas Sash and Atlantis stone tablet :)

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Cermonial bracer for my Nightshade Ankhs. Apart from that I dont think there is anything I need atm .. (apart from scrolls, but thats another story ;))


Emerald Rider
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Post by locherbread »

I'd like my hands on Bracer of Zo'arkat & Battler , so fire me down for this ^ ^
Greenpegasus Season 50 dippy & unkempt druid

Lovfinion Season 50 The Know it all Chanter

Locherbread Season 50 The Sauve Lover :brokenhea

Wolfzander Season 50 Little dude ranger

Emerald Rider
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Post by Sparky »

bit late but signing up my 50 warden edlina

for bracer of zo'arkat and Guard of Valour

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork » can remove my request.


Emerald Rider
Posts: 64
Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:10 pm

Post by Eibhing »

Signing up for atlantis tablet and a drop from battler
( the cinder slevees ) :cow:

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