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Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:16 pm
by Xest
Gandelf I'm not seeing enough posts from you, I think you need to post more :(

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:36 am
by Mojo
Gandelf wrote: But where have all my old posts gone? =(
This is a new forum.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:28 pm
by Xest
I don't need Gandelf to move spam to spam central <grins evily at Quinlan> :p

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:28 pm
by Kathryn
welcome back!

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:09 am
by Quinlan
Xest wrote:I don't need Gandelf to move spam to spam central <grins evily at Quinlan> :p
see spam central ;p

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:15 pm
by Briannon
Alexandrinus wrote:rofl first we got Xest back in this forum then Gandelf.........what will follow :eek2:

welcome back :noangel:

Clustering :(

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:03 am
by Moley:)
Yes i am late .. but i have been asleep/DAOC thats about it. Anyway WELCOME BACK! (you can never leave , you are bound by the seal of Dark Age of Camelot.. you will either play forever or die trying >:) :flame: *ahem*'s a good life

PS. sorry for refreshing this whole thread when u all said hello .. but i'm special *glee* :cow: