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Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:18 pm
by Xest
Luz wrote:You COULD cluster Prydwen and Avalon ?

Even if not both english servers, the NF zone could still be common, letting english people go head to head vs. germans or others etc?

well I dont know.. good points there tho Briannon.
Sounds about likely, after all, Brits allying with the Germans would be a first :p

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:27 pm
by Briannon
Luz wrote:Erhm.. I understood it (from 1.75) that each Server has it´s onw uniqe ToA and SI and Classic, the only shared zones are NF, DF. And that you could not travel to TOA on another Server. . but then I missunderstood?

Well, unless its changed in 1.75 (and I'll check later tonight) what you had was shared frontier and battleground zones (i.e. all ports to the frontiers/bgs from all realms on all the clustered servers go to the same place, so you would have hibbies from Gawaine, Bors and Palomides, albs from Gawaine, Bors and Palomides, and mids from Gawaine, Bors and Palomides all landing in the same zone, hence tripling the populations that could be found in there at any one time). What you also had was each server having its own set of PvE zones (i.e. in each cluster there were three sets of mainland, three sets of SI, three sets of ToA and three sets of Cata zones). What was then added were cross-server channellers that would switch you from (say) TNN on Gawaine to TNN on Palomides or TNN on Bors. This meant that there was a better chance of getting, for example, large battlegroups for the harder ML encounters.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:30 pm
by Briannon
Trez wrote:Well they could just "deny" the EU servers the option of going to other servers ToA, SI ect. and just make the RvR zones shared.

This would prevent the language problems, I know we got a hard time getting ppl for ML raids, but I think we can survive it.

And the servers they should cluster for RvR should be the 3, 4 or 5 lowest populated servers ofc. this would give alot of players in NF/DF and alot more fun to the game.

But it wouldn't prevent the cross-realming issue which is my bone of contention with clustering pryd and excal: not the fact that they would prevent cross-realming, but that by preventing cross-realming you would be tied to one realm per account, or make you wait 8 hours before you could play your other realm-server alts.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:24 pm
by centurion
don't know if it has been mentioned before but you should check and the news there for some nice new updates on clustering issue and a poll ( under surveys ) =)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:56 pm
by Trez
But it wouldn't prevent the cross-realming issue which is my bone of contention with clustering pryd and excal: not the fact that they would prevent cross-realming, but that by preventing cross-realming you would be tied to one realm per account, or make you wait 8 hours before you could play your other realm-server alts.

I wouldn't cluster Prydwen and Excalibur, but rather Prydwen (EN), Carnac (FR) and Logres (DE), maybe even Deira (IT) and Cumbria (ES).

This would include the 3 smallest from each of the start servers plus maybe the 2 new ones so they can get a real RvR experience from the start.

The timer set by Mythic so you can't cross realm is a bit harsh, 4 hours or even 2 hours would have been enough, alot changes in 2 hours in RvR.


Just saw the friday news on the site, it seems it will be Prydwen and Excalibur, but only with 1 hour of "downtime" and if you got chars on 2 different realms before the clustering is done you can still play both realms, it is only if you wanna start over you are "trapped" to play one realm only.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:20 pm
by Kallima
So have I got this right? If Prydwen and Exc are clustered, then they have one frontier and one lot of relics. That means that I log on my hib Pryd character and go on a relic raid and we get a relic. If I then log on my alb Exc characters and go on a relic raid I will be taking back the same relic that my hib Pryd character just captured. I will also be fighting the people that I was teamed with earlier. This removes the whole point of the game for me. It seems like playing snakes and ladders with myself.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:30 pm
by Xest
Kallima wrote:So have I got this right? If Prydwen and Exc are clustered, then they have one frontier and one lot of relics. That means that I log on my hib Pryd character and go on a relic raid and we get a relic. If I then log on my alb Exc characters and go on a relic raid I will be taking back the same relic that my hib Pryd character just captured. I will also be fighting the people that I was teamed with earlier. This removes the whole point of the game for me. It seems like playing snakes and ladders with myself.
tbh if something like that bothers you that much you're not fit to survive such a harsh and dangerous place as the internet anyway!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:31 pm
by Treeeebeard
Just saw the link on FH about clustering and seems they just released the information on it, althoguh we need to vote.

1 hour wait and it means if you have no charc on alb exc you carnt ever make new charc ...

One big plus tho, It explains how to change server languaes to English so we dont realy need to play exc for second realm o/

One thing thing this does mean, As far As i know(Well..Guess:P) Alb serverly Overpopulates alb/exc compared to hib and mid/exc(I think) So we get the privalge of voteing to be zergd :P

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:34 pm
by Lairiodd
from the Friday news
- The server clustering is irreversible ;
Why? surely since all chars are flagged as from a specific server, you can just undo it ... everyone ends up in the same spot but on their own server after the server reboot.
- When you enter the RvR zone or your realm on the other server, the name of your character will contain the name of the server you come from if another character from the other server has the same name (by example : Scott from Prydwen, or Scott from Excalibur) ;
- It will be not possible to create a new character with a name that already exists on the other server ;
- It is possible to join together areas other than the frontier zone. Those areas are those that load when you enter them, save for the housing zones ;
- Players who have characters from different realms on both servers will still be able to play them, but there is a one hour timer to change from one to the other ;
- If a player has never played on one of the two server, he will be able to create a character on both servers, but only in the same realm.
So make sure you have a level 1 created for spying :).
Clustering can be considered for servers with lower populations and this juncture could possibly concern :
German servers :
Dartmoor and Logres
Dartmoor and Lyonesse
Logres and Lyonesse

French servers :
Carnac and Orcanie
Carnac and Ys

English servers :
Excalibur and Prydwen.
So much for the multilingual idea :)
If you go in the poll section of the website, you will be able to answer these questions :

Within the framework of a possible clustering of the servers Excalibur and Prydwen, which areas would you like to see joined ? (If you choose answers 1 or 2 make one choice, and otherwise choose as many as apply).

- None, I would not like to see English servers clustered
- RvR only
- Main cities
- Classic Zone
- Atlantis
- Shrouded Isles
- Catacombs

Depending on your answers, we will then be able to decide whether we set server clustering in place and for which languages.
Seems to me that for something like TOA, there seems to be very little benefit in having only 1 TOA set of zone. If you need to do a large raid that needs all servers to help, then you can set that up to raid a specific server. In the cases where you only need 1fg to do an arti, the more pops the better, so more zones is better.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:40 pm
by Kallima
Xest wrote:tbh if something like that bothers you that much you're not fit to survive such a harsh and dangerous place as the internet anyway!
Well, of course I'm not, but that doesn't seem relevant. My point was that it becomes a bit meaningless if you are playing on both sides in the same game (RVR zone). Rather like placing bets on both sides to win in a football match.