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Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:16 pm
by Satyn
Xest wrote:No I just blame WoW for turning the good, caring, honest people of this world into roleplayers! :p
haha time to join me then ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:30 pm
by Heta
Xest wrote:No I just blame WoW for turning the good, caring, honest people of this world into roleplayers! :p
that rules me out then I guess?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:43 pm
by Xest
Heta wrote:that rules me out then I guess?
No because now you're an evil WoW roleplayer. It took you just like it took Satyn!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:52 pm
by Heta
but you said only good, caring, honest people of this world got turned into roleplayers!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:19 pm
by Xest
Yes and you were but now you're not!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:14 pm
by Kesxex
English servers still have life in them. Worth coming back?


You still find old players you still know or heard of. The mix nowadays is a bit harsher than when I started. Maybe the game supported soloing in PvE too much so that by the time a character is 50 you might know 2 or 3 others max that you levelled with.
PvE raids are as such a real PITA as 87.5% of a group (everyone except me
8-) ) doesn't know how to play in a group. Makes making a successful PUG in RvR also a bit difficult.

The 8v8 crowd is much thinned out and thanks for that and their imposed game style that everyone had to adhere to and their double morale.

Albs are keeping pressure on Hib all the time (not that this stops us taking all relics for a while) and Mids are making a bit of comeback recently.

Think the hardest for you, Lenah, would be to get used to the new guilds and alliances.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:50 pm
by Nikolas
Theres plenty of people playing tbh since the server clustering it seems.. I was quite suprised.. It's all kicking off in emain

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:16 pm
by Asterixxx
well i just started playing again :)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:56 am
by Gahn
Situation is as following:

Fg scene is pretty dead (apart some peeps who's trying to put it up again, but i see much bitchering and discussions between em).
Solo action is close to non existant.
Zerg action and generally speaking mindless rp farming, tower humping and bridge camping is well alive and kicking.
Half of the peeps playing atm got little to no clue on how to work togheter bar running to some choke point, pile in and get some rps before getting rolled by the counterpart zerg.
Ofc if the last bit is your idea of fun in game u can log in in rogs and go and mezz some and heal some more, if not u won't have that much fun on Uk cluster (or u'll have it 1 outta 5 session u try as it's happening to me right now)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:24 pm
by Lenah
What I read, and what I've been talking with few of ya in MSN .. it seems its not worth opening accounts, specially if it would mean opening BB acco aswell. Pffts, well, someone has said that each phase only lasts for certain time, and it seems 2,5 years being unemployed and online 16h a day was enough for this little girl =) what it makes, aprox 4% of my life expectation? Pretty much spent on the altar of Mythic =) And no wonder it still brings me warm feelings and dreams =)

But, because past is past, and current situation is what it is, eyes turn to the future. I'll meet you in WHO, or Aion, you just wait. When ya see Krnzacgh Cruzznzigwrnz casting your direction, you know whose sylvan soul it is =)