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Post by Quinlan »

Pimp My Tricycle!

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Post by Satyn »

Quinlan wrote:Pimp My Tricycle!
if you need a pimp ask ankh he's mine.
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Post by Treeeebeard »

Lol at gamahs picture xD :mezz: :bp:
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Post by Sharkith »

<Sharkith finally finishes salvaging the ram>

"OK peons who are we burning?"

<looks around notices the remmants of a large party no-one around his urinal has gone and above all else Hibernia's pipe for smoking is missing>

"Ahhhh bollox we got raided when we were stoned again. Bloody Albs! Now where is that witch?"


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Post by Satyn »

Sharkith wrote:<Sharkith finally finishes salvaging the ram>

"OK peons who are we burning?"

<looks around notices the remmants of a large party no-one around his urinal has gone and above all else Hibernia's pipe for smoking is missing>

"Ahhhh bollox we got raided when we were stoned again. Bloody Albs! Now where is that witch?"


does it always take so long with you?
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Post by Elrandhir »

Thought us Sweeds where strange, but hm... well, Guess we are both strange and dum because most of your posts I don´t understand atall seems as your just randomely putting together sentences ;P
I understand all of Anks posts ofcourse as he is a Swed, or whatever ;P
Elrandhir L50 Hero 7l7 Thunderer
Elthorian L50 6l7 Ranger Silverhand
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Elrandhira L50 5lx Druid BB
Elradah L50 Easymode Bainshee
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<Crimson Tears> sweden:
(N)o (P)aiN (N)o (G)aiN

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Post by Bubble »

this thread made baby jesus cry

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Post by Treeeebeard »

Satyn wrote:does it always take so long with you?
His been salvaging many rams to build himself a Lady Sylvan as i keep taking them all of him! xD
Marsh horde
Treeeebeard Hollowhead <Animist> ML10 RR5 Grandmaster talior


TheBigSmurth <Sorceress> 50 RR2


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Post by Sharkith »

I am referring to the fact that I seem to be the only person who does it. I start one and end up sitting there for like 30mins (because of accidental movements etc). Then I get almost to the end a random Alb stealther comes along and very unsportsman like ganks me whilst sitting there and its almost done etc....


Meanwhile relics change hands etc...

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Post by Wyst »

Its true, I leave rams all over the frontier all the time. Mainly coz I want Mythic to allow Albs to delve them to see that I made them, coz they simply dont kill me often enough as it is.

And besides Shark, it saves you making graves everywhere.

And as for Treeee, you have no chance with the Sylvan ladies, I am the sexehist Sylvan, Charisma specced Wardens for the Win:)
Wyst Fullthinker 50 Warden ML10 BM RR8+
Vilcleft Cullthinker 50 BM ML10 BL RR5+
Ydrys Bard ML10 Soj RR4+
Hegglion 50 Voidy M10 convoker RR3+
Grusalug Hero, brainless ML8 WL RR3+
Cwmblyss MotherofWyst ML10 Conv RR2+
Ydryst Darkside screamer ML10 RR4+
Arnfiorgrit Valewalker ML8 RR3+
Molarbfloem Druid ML10 Perfector RR6+
Quickflick NS ML5 RR3+
Some others of lesser note on other servers of no consequence

All now asleep and probably forgotton

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