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Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:43 am
by Gahn
Tare wrote:The key problem here, is that GoA has to rely on Mythic to fix the bugged code, they are not allowed to touch it. Of course Mythic can fix bad problems because they don't have to wait for the yanks to wake up and do their work.

edit: oh and xest, the servers were never hacked.
Erm do u remember when they mailed all new passwords? :kesxex:

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:49 am
by clearbrook
Xest wrote:Anyone who's been to the US will know that customer service there is vastly superior to that in most of Europe - you only have to walk into a shop in the US to be descended upon by hoardes of happy smiling workers offering to help you, asking if there's anything in particular you're looking for.
Well I have been to the US on Holliday and for some months working. I had a great time when I was on holiday, but it wasn't half so nice when I worked there. I think that the problem is that an awful lot of the "customer service" perception comes down to the mood that you, the consumer, are in.

When you are relaxed and happy on holiday you don't notice little problems. When you are tired and p*ssed of after a bad day at work you only notice all the little niggling hassles that you get.

I have a particulary "fond" memory of a restuarant in Boston where we only tipped 5% because we had waited over an hour to be served. Mr "happy smiling customer service" actually shouted and swore at us as we left (makes me wish we had gone for 2% in retrospect ;) ).

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:54 am
by Ovi
Xest wrote: Stuff...
Just because MySQL is open source does not mean all of the database is open to GOA for inspection / change, hence the need to involve Mythic. It isn't just about having skills, it is also about having access rights.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:55 am
by Ovi
Gahn wrote:Erm do u remember when they mailed all new passwords? :kesxex:

That was not because the server was "hacked", it was an ex-GM letting passwords get into the wrong hands.

Although I would say getting the passwords by social engineering is just a different form of hacking :)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:16 pm
by Gahn
Ovi wrote:Just because MySQL is open source does not mean all of the database is open to GOA for inspection / change, hence the need to involve Mythic. It isn't just about having skills, it is also about having access rights.
To me it's still unclear how the hell this sort of corruption happened only to Prydwen, if it was for Clustering pre changes would have happened on Excal too (and still no explanation on y didn't happened in U.S.), anyway the most worrying part is that they still got no clue on how it happened :/

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:17 pm
by Tare
Gahn wrote:Erm do u remember when they mailed all new passwords? :kesxex:
that has nothing to do with bugged code though, that's about GoA's billing system, which we all know has been completely FUBARed since day 1 :p

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:30 pm
by Overdue
And the hacker who hacked back then still has everyones CC details xD. Ah how great GOA really are.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:40 pm
by Ovi
Overdue wrote:And the hacker who hacked back then still has everyones CC details xD. Ah how great GOA really are.
No the CC details were not compromised, since they were not held by GOA in any case, but a third party :o

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:50 pm
by Xest
Ovi wrote:Just because MySQL is open source does not mean all of the database is open to GOA for inspection / change, hence the need to involve Mythic. It isn't just about having skills, it is also about having access rights.
How do you think GOA were making changes to tables for clustering if they don't have access rights?

Do you even know much about SQL servers? Assuming GOA can still remember the 'sa' password for their MySQL instances then you couldn't be more wrong tbh.
When you are relaxed and happy on holiday you don't notice little problems. When you are tired and p*ssed of after a bad day at work you only notice all the little niggling hassles that you get.
Your argument couldn't be more flawed, I've been to far more than just the US on holiday thanks :p In France, Portugal, Czech Republic, Egypt the customer service seems roughly the same as that in England whereas in the US and Canada it's valued much more highly, it's not just my personal experience, it's pretty common knowledge that a lot of North America businesses rely on customer service as a core part of their strategy to win customers over. Of course that's not to say you don't have bad experiences in North America, you do anywhere, the difference is that they're just so much more professional in dealing with customer service issues there and as I say, maintaining that high standard by doing random checks on their stores and staff and such.
Although I would say getting the passwords by social engineering is just a different form of hacking
It is, Kevin Mitnick is regarded generally as the most famous hacker in the world yet the majority of his exploits were social engineering tricks as opposed to actual technical exploits and hacks.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:52 pm
by clearbrook
Xest wrote: Your argument couldn't be more flawed, I've been to far more than just the US on holiday thanks :p In France, Portugal, Czech Republic, Egypt the customer service seems roughly the same as that in England whereas in the US and Canada it's valued much more highly, it's not just my personal experience, it's pretty common knowledge that a lot of North America businesses rely on customer service as a core part of their strategy to win customers over. Of course that's not to say you don't have bad experiences in North America, you do anywhere, the difference is that they're just so much more professional in dealing with customer service issues there and as I say, maintaining that high standard by doing random checks on their stores and staff and such.
1) I don't see why my argument could be more flawed. I never implied anything whatsoever about where or how often you go on holiday. I was saying that peoples impressions of things depend on whether or not they are on holiday. Maybe most countries have worse service than the UK].