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Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:10 am
by Mambopoa
Monday and server still not up, anyone heard of any times?

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:15 am
by pikeh
Ankh Morpork wrote:Personally I would have done the same tbh, better to give yourself abit of marginal instead of promising to have it back in just a couple of hours (as they did say that the corrupted files might not be the problem) I can fully understand peoples frustration but at the same time I can understand the people working at GoA. This is ofc a statement I will withdraw if we dont get some kind of compensation :D


They could have said "we will be working non-stop over the weekend to try and get this fixed before the start of the week" instead they said "there is no chance the server will be up on the weekend". They have obviously encountered the problem but they havnt even updated us.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:17 am
by Alexandrinus
Mambopoa wrote:Monday and server still not up, anyone heard of any times?
they started woking in the morning :eek2:

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:23 am
by Dorin
Alexandrinus wrote:coming out of a country where work is done when it had to be done this really hurts
yea same here, it's very annoying to see that its not the same @goa....... not that pisses me off that the server is down, but the fact that they dont give a fuck about it couse its weekend...LOL. A gm should correct me if i'm wrong but is it like this for most of the companies in France? weekend = bye, cya on monday, even if its a critical issue (33% of the UK _ english speakin servers not being online is critical at me, especially after it has been down for a while before weekend :) should be 50% as who cares bout camlann).

kudos if they were just joking bout this nocarecuzofweekend stuff, if not well here is some fish for you dudes :sharkith: :aran1:

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:40 am
by Poh
they could atleast give us some updates on the matter. Really frustrating when your main server is down and your highest excal char is a lvl 15 Arms. They could atleast make a post this morning saying how long they think it'll take before pryd is back up.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:43 am
by Medjai
Poh wrote:they could atleast give us some updates on the matter. Really frustrating when your main server is down and your highest excal char is a lvl 15 Arms. They could atleast make a post this morning saying how long they think it'll take before pryd is back up.
2-3 more days id say

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:48 am
by Cryn
Why are we so sure they didn't work the weekend? Is there a post somewhere that says that's what they did? I really have trouble believing that any company - even GOA - would be able to just shrug and go home for the weekend when a server is down.

I know that all dev companies I've worked for, you work 16 hour days every day until it comes back up. People get extra time off once the problem is fixed, but it's understood that servers being down (or even just app servers running as software) get fixed ASAP. The idea of going home and putting your feat up for the weekend while your customers suffer is unprofessional in the extreme.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:50 am
by Ankh Morpork
I agree with you on this Cryn. Just cos the server isnt back it doesnt mean they havent spent time trying to fix it.


Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:55 am
by Mambopoa
Most are complaining about the lack of information, we are not asking for a complete debug of the problem, but at least a few bits of information so we know something is happening.

Trouble is, if a GoA person posts, we hope its up by 3pm. To a lot of people that is seen as a definite statement.

This is one of those times where no news is not good news. For us, we would like to be spoon fed a little information. Especially over the weekend where we have had no information.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:57 am
by Ankh Morpork
Yeah I guess some information after the weekend would be fair...but I'd rather see them spend their time fixing it instead :P

Edit: I wonder if the stuff people gave to me last week are still there or if I have to talk to them again to get the items :( this -> <- close to finish a template and then we get a eventual rollback :P lol!
