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Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:42 pm
by stupeh
nibs wrote:I completly agree and am now consideribly humbled. No longer will i run around solo against greater numbers and look upon myself as being in a realm with the lowest active RVR population.
We don't have the lowest active RVR population anyway, it's the overall population that we have the lowest for.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:09 pm
by Briannon
I've created an account on FH just so I can respond in a most appropriate way to the drivel spouted by this moron.

He thinks Midgard is Hard mode? Do me a favour. Apart from a necro the easiest class I've ever played is a bonedancer closely followed by a skald.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:25 pm
by Thandruil
Tbh i think he is just frustrated he decided to play Mid 3 years ago instead of Hib. He prolly wanted to make a Vamp or Bainshee, so now he got to start whining to hide the crying.

His post is fun to read actually, and do we care what he thinks?? I think not :bab:

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:52 pm
by Kesxex
Dai, I don't know where you take your information from but the numbers are straight against you.
For sure, we still have the lowest RvR population out in Frontiers with Albs and Mids each outnumbering us 1 to 1.5 but nonetheless Hibs take home the biggest share of rps since the last 10 weeks.

In a way I understand his whine (and that it is after all). His way of speech I don't - after all he is flaming.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:24 pm
by VidX
The problem is that Hib still has multiple active rr8+ groups, Mid very rarely does, and Alb doesn't have any active rr8+ chars that aren't stealthers it seems.

Hib STILL has the lowest population, Hib STILL has the lowest active RvR population, but the experience and actual teamwork in the realm is what is causing the problems for Mid/Alb, not the 'overpowered' classes, which Mid has had WAY MORE than their share of (Savages for a few patches, BDs, Warlocks, SBs + Zerkers before LA nerf, Runies, Pac Healers and their actual existing insta-stun, AE insta-stun, AE castable-stun etc.).

In regards to this guys idiocy: starting to bring terrorists into his argument is a sure sign he's a complete moron with a grudge that exists outside of the game, don't think his issue is with DAoC...

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:08 pm
by Satyn
Banana wrote:what a complete...muppet...

but without going to freddys house and checking for myself - anyone else know if the other mids think this or its just this person who is one sandwige short of a picnic..


and yea i guess animists and bainshee (from what ive seen at my lowbie level of 8) seem very overpowered - gagh yknow i cant even continue to try to see it from his side. hes just a muppet!

that post gave me a bloody headache!

Belomar wrote:Vonwar: Sorry to say it, but you truly are a retard. Yes, I play in the same realm as you do (I'm a Mid!), yet I respect members of the other realms--they are players, not enemies. It is clear you take this game far too seriously. This is not a war, this is a game. Involving the IRA in a discussion about a game numbers among the most distasteful and pathetic things I've seen on this forum, and I truly hope you get a permaban because of it.

Maleg wrote:I agree with everything Vonwar says. You easy mode Hib players are just trying to cover up your overpoweredness so you don't get nerfed. Never before have I seen such an accurate perspective of the game.

Keep preaching Brother!
Maleg wrote:When I read the patch notes for NF I took a good look in the mirror and realised I couldn't live with myself if I continued to play when Mythic clearly decided to may Hib so overpowered. I desided to 'do the right thing' and retire.

I'm just glad somebody has finally got the balls to come here and post the truth!
Yma wrote:The day I'm gonna hate players of the other realms only because they play other realms ... well, I hope I'll be wise enough to quit, as it will mean this game is going too far.

I may have much different opinions than hibs or albs and may despise their gaming ways, but I respect them beyond all of this, they're players just as me, I can't blame them just because Mythic isn't able to balance the game better or to avoid loopholes, it's not their fault - and when the pendulum was swinging on our side, many of our realm mates were doing the same.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:20 pm
by Lieva
Satyn wrote:that post gave me a bloody headache!

how come? :(

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:22 pm
by Overdue
Lmfao good old Maleg completely taking the piss :)


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:40 pm
by Dai
kes what numbers? i didnt say anythin about rp's, i said that our side of nf is blue an red, it is, the last few days mids an albs have held keeps an towers on our side of nf, an we maybe takin home more rp's,i didnt say we weren't, i said we were gettin battered cuz we are, we have the least keeps an towers, that in my eyes is gettin battered, takin homemore rp's or not, albs an mids own just under half or our nf. its simple maths to work out we'd be takin home more rp's, the fight is on our door step, an there are more mids an albs to kill, more targets for us, im not disputing that we are takin home more rps, but we aren't winnin by keeps an towers

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 6:27 am
by Sharkith
the guy deserves a medal - I was avoiding reading the boards in work but laughed so hard when I saw his post I was almost in tears. I spent most of yesterday checking the responses and laughing even more when he got worse....
