Plat/PLing for cash... Can it be stopped?

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Post by Luz »



There are several ways around BB's and the ONLY reason mythic dont do anything about it is because they stand for, oh I dont know, 40% of their subs income? Which is like ALOT of money.

Requiel, unless you are paid to say such stupid things please dont. doh:

It is exactly the same, to own a BB you need to be "flexing your wallet", if only not as much as for items etc. But since I owned a BB for like 3 years, its something like 3*12*12 euro . . . 432 Euro.

I seriously HOPE that you are aware of this and that nobody can be so blind...
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Post by Requiel »

Arcsalin wrote:Well on that BB arguement Requiel. In some ways you are by passing the game by using your wallet. I have since quit playing because of the BB's and I cannot afford to play two accounts. It is just impossible now to play any character without the use of a BB and I like to solo but am I hell as like paying for two accounts and two pc's and a nice pipe to run a game that is still in 32 bit mode. You just cannot compete now in RvR without one. In PvE it is possible to get by but it is damned slow.......

I say GoA please permit a buff NPC that I can pay for buffs from - even if my subs were to rise slightly for that NPC I would pay it, and then I would be back in a shot :)

And before anyone says is possible to have NPC's that give full buffs :)
It's not the same thing and you don't need your own buffbot to play. I'd say that you don't need buffbots at all (I don't have one) but your mileage clearly varies and my playstyle is likely very different to yours.

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Post by Luz »

lol :o

omg so pwned I got ^^
u too arc !
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Post by Xest »

Requiel wrote:It's not the same thing and you don't need your own buffbot to play. I'd say that you don't need buffbots at all (I don't have one) but your mileage clearly varies and my playstyle is likely very different to yours.
He's right you know, you don't need a buffbot, everyone could just play a vamp and ignore the other 40 odd classes :p
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Post by Requiel »

Luz wrote:Pffffffftttt.....


There are several ways around BB's and the ONLY reason mythic dont do anything about it is because they stand for, oh I dont know, 40% of their subs income? Which is like ALOT of money.

Requiel, unless you are paid to say such stupid things please dont. doh:

It is exactly the same, to own a BB you need to be "flexing your wallet", if only not as much as for items etc. But since I owned a BB for like 3 years, its something like 3*12*12 euro . . . 432 Euro.

I seriously HOPE that you are aware of this and that nobody can be so blind...
I'll say it once more.
A buffbot is not the same thing as paying to bypass game content.

I'm sorry if that's an unpopular statement and I'm not saying I agree with the concept or implementation of buffs in DAoC. However the important difference is this: There is no restriction over running more than one account. There is a restriction on trading ingame objects etc for real money for the reasons outlined earlier amongst others.

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Post by Arcsalin »

Requiel wrote:It's not the same thing and you don't need your own buffbot to play. I'd say that you don't need buffbots at all (I don't have one) but your mileage clearly varies and my playstyle is likely very different to yours.
Simple equation on this Requiel, and please don't take this the wrong way matey because I have no arguement with you.

Mainstream RvR=buffs to play or feed other people realm points. (Personally I don't find it fun trying to play for five hours competitively and earning 1000 realm points because I got lucky. Doing the realm missions is only fun for a little while and now most just do them because of the time of day they are playing and there is actually no realm vs realm play in the map)
PvE = do not need bb to play but can be slow, most people have buffbots so grouping is very unlikely unless people raid items for their templates. That's not exactly fun either.

which finally = Yes you can play this game without a buffbot but it is not likely going to be very much fun for you. And the whole point of games is that they are supposed to be fun, which for me Dark Age of Camelot is not any more and the reason why I beta test games now for other companies so that I can have some valid input into new games where the dev's actually listen to their beta testers first and implement the right changes for a workable game.

If I ever managed to get an opportunity to beta test future Mythic releases for this game I would jump at the chance but that's not likely to happen.

In the old days I could play my Ranger quite well without buffs and on self buffs in RvR with the obvious adaptation of playstyle. And yeah, I could play my nightshade in non-mainstream RvR ie Darkness Falls. But sadly since the game has gotten a whole lot more complex it is neither viable or an option any more because people are always buffed to the hilt. The population of Darkness falls dramatically fell after the introduction of Catacombs and even before then it was dwindling with the arrival of TOA - all obvious as to the reasons why this happened sure. Sadly Darkness rising did not have the impact on the Darkness Falls population that I had hoped it would do, but you cannot force people to play in one area of the game and such an idea now with the game as it lies in pure folly at such a suggestion.

And to be honest, after much time spent talking to your RightNow team finding bugs, it suddenly dawned on me that was all I was really doing in the game because it was the only thing left I could really do. That's not fun either, it's unpaid work :(
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Post by Arcsalin »

Requiel wrote:I'll say it once more.
A buffbot is not the same thing as paying to bypass game content.

I'm sorry if that's an unpopular statement and I'm not saying I agree with the concept or implementation of buffs in DAoC. However the important difference is this: There is no restriction over running more than one account. There is a restriction on trading ingame objects etc for real money for the reasons outlined earlier amongst others.
I actually agree with you, I liked playing the game without buffs as to me it represented a challenge that I relished because everyone else was running with buffs. But sadly since DR that's now not possible :(
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Post by Ovi »

Requiel wrote:I'll say it once more.
A buffbot is not the same thing as paying to bypass game content.

I'm sorry if that's an unpopular statement and I'm not saying I agree with the concept or implementation of buffs in DAoC. However the important difference is this: There is no restriction over running more than one account. There is a restriction on trading ingame objects etc for real money for the reasons outlined earlier amongst others.
Whilst it is true that you can get by without buffs, it is also true that even if the market for high end items was cornered, you could still get by. You would have worse kit, so things would be slower... exactly the same as thing are slower without a bot. (Unless you roll a Vamp and ignore the other classes as Xest rightly suggested).

The difference is that the money for Bots does at least go to the game developer / distributer. Unlike cash for farmers going into third party pockets.

One of the main factors in my decision to quit was the fact that I wasn't prepared to either upgrade my PC to run 2 accounts, or purchase another machine to run the second account when my Laptop gave up the ghost. Even now I would probably open my account for the odd month here and there to play with friends again, but I know I would end up feeling left out having only one account.

I do understand the differences, but I don't agree with your assertion it isn't paying to bypass content.

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Post by Lairiodd »

Luz wrote:Pffffffftttt.....

He didn't make that claim .

In any case, the difference is that BB's are in fact permitted by the game rules, paying RL cash for in game money is not. Someone has to decide on game rules or that can be no game.

On the topic of the thread, the real problem is that in most MMORPGs, time = power. This creates an incentive to pay other people to play for you, thus eliminating the time requirement.

The counter arguement that not allowing RL money have an effect on gameplay just means that RL time becomes the determining factor. You will level much faster if you can play 8 hours a day. There is also the issue that playing for blocks of time is more valuable than playing for 10 mins here and there.

For example, Eve uses a system where "leveling up" works in real time, even if you are logged off. This balances between people with lots of time and little time. However, it means that people who create an account later can never catch up with those who created an account earlier. There is still the issue of buying skills so that your "queue" is always filled.

I don't think there is any perfect system which can completely eliminate RL effects. In the end, you have to spend some RL time playing.
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Post by Arcsalin »

I still say that having a buffbot NPC that will give buffs in RvR would be nice but then also it would mean alot of dead accounts for GoA/Mythic. Of course it is not profitable as it stands and thus not likely. But, it would mean a fairer game overall and there are options for doing this but some of them would cause problems with subscribers etc but unless Mythic drastically changed the face of the game in favour of overall fairness and balance and get that balance right, DAoC will continue to dwindle.

On the subject matter though, Gandy, most people I know are extremely rich in game now. I am sure as hell that you are too with that spellcrafting street fighting skills thang you got there. Anybody that buys/sells plats for real money in my opinion is dumb and are welcome to stop by my house any time to give me real money for fake money xD
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.........far too many 50's to mention and no bb - hardcore gaming for a hardcore peep :)

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