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Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:20 am
by Elrandhir
Will join in with a Mana Eldritch of D00m!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:05 am
by Koila
OK..well if it is fairly early in day i might be able to make it

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:56 am
by spook
intend to start early in the afternoon. As I'm not certain how long it'll take, then I prefer having some leeway, in case it gets hairy.

(at least I'm gonna stock up on beers, haha... Btw, still looking for a co-leader able to take over if... uhm, I run out of beer ;) )

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:06 pm
by Elrandhir
[quote="spook"]intend to start early in the afternoon. As I'm not certain how long it'll take, then I prefer having some leeway, in case it gets hairy.

(at least I'm gonna stock up on beers, haha... Btw, still looking for a co-leader able to take over if... uhm, I run out of beer ]

PM me, Il tell you what artis to do before you have gotten to many beers in ur belly =P j/k

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:07 pm
by Koila
Early in the afternoon..hmm might be able to make that

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 7:27 am
by Kesxex
Sounds good. As I need credit on specific characters for specific artifacts which so far always need a BG.

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 8:34 am
by Piojo
Do it on a weekday!

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 12:10 pm
by Lieva
most people work on a weekday tho.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:26 am
by Influenza
Ill be there on my chanter :)

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:36 pm
by spook
You may, or may not read these pointers. Even if you don’t, I’ll be pointing any questions that they cover to the thread in which they’re posted. If you can’t agree with this, either stay away or point out in an adult (not the xxx-rated way) manner what you think should be looked over.

Pointers for artifactraids

Some may ask “why don’t you just do as you wish during the raid, that’d save you loads of time and no one wants to read all this stuff anyways!”.

I prefer people being aware of what’s going on, and why I’m acting as I am. Besides, this may prevent nagging from different sides.
My aim with these raids are to get as many people as much credit as possible for their characters, possibly improving some people’s playing pleasure due to getting access to an artifact they wouldn’t otherwise have. Enforcing some very simple, but not overly restrictive rules helps making this much more enjoyable... don’t you think so?

Now, the more boring but actually important stuff:

- Please show up before the posted starting time, we all know how quickly 30 minutes passes while waiting for people that are ”almost there!” That along with...
- LDs. I want these raids done in an efficient and quick manner, adding an hour due to waiting for people, returning to rez etc is not much to my liking. A group with bard (with CTR lvl 10) will be assigned rezzing duty before we leave haven. When someone returns from LD and dies, this party will be on site asap. We will not start an encounter before ld’d people have caught up with main BG.
- I’m very open to suggestions from people, as long as they’re set forth in a decent manner and without condescension. I am a fan of democracy, so will ask BG for anything that might change something for everyone, in the end though I reserve the right to veto something if my spider senses tingle.
- If we wipe due to stupidity/ld pull/whatever might go wrong I will have NO open anger in the BG. You’re welcome to tell your group or guildies what an idiot I or someone else are, but doing so in a public BG adds absolutely nothing positive to the raid and does nothing but helps changing my mind about trying to do this stuff. Trust me, you WILL be removed for being overly negative or directing personal insults.

Lotto will be done at end of raid by everyone doing /random 1000, highest picks one item, second in line picks the next one and so on and so forth.
When hitting the Oceanus zones, I will be claiming Spear of Kings should it drop.

These pointers are in no way final and changes may occur with time. I will, approximately 15 minutes before each raid takes off, post the url for these pointers in the BG so everyone has another chance to look it over.

Please note that I'm nowhere near a perfect person, I'll be trying to do this the best way possible, but I have a tendency to be a bit rash and forget things on the fly. Should something be left out, it's NOT on purpose and you should not feel wronged in any way - Unless you've been removed from BG, but then you can be sure that you deserved it -