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Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:21 pm
by Adalyn
Requiel wrote:However...

Is it possible that these two situations are connected? When people did it properly the encounter gave no trouble at all.

It is possible that those two situations are connected. It is also possible that the database is corrupt (and can become corrupt at anytime, for example the prydwen incident awhile ago) or someone knows how to break the encounter and does it every morning so none can farm it.

It is also possible you reset it wrong and everything disapeared on both servers (which it has) at the same time. People make mistakes and it took you a couple of attempts to get ML2.4 correct awhile ago when it used to roam and get stuck in walls.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:23 pm
by Requiel
When I reset the encounter earlier this evening, the reset was cluster wide. To reset it, I despawned everything and then respawned it in Pryd/Hib. Despawning is a global action and so all six instances of AT would have been despawned at that time.

The mob despawns because of tether limitations which is the basis of yur exploit. If you had your party within the encounter area and fought the Acaeus there then you would find that it wouldn't despawn on you. This is how the encounter is supposed to work and if it's done correctly it doesn't break. When players try to exploit encounters then there can be unpredictable results and there may be additional consequences for deliberately breaking encounters.

If you still feel you were doing nothing wrong then I'd be interested to know why you suddenly went LD as soon as I popped out of invis mode next to you.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:28 pm
by Adalyn
Requiel wrote:When I reset the encounter earlier this evening, the reset was cluster wide. To reset it, I despawned everything and then respawned it in Pryd/Hib. Despawning is a global action and so all six instances of AT would have been despawned at that time.

The mob despawns because of tether limitations which is the basis of yur exploit. If you had your party within the encounter area and fought the Acaeus there then you would find that it wouldn't despawn on you. This is how the encounter is supposed to work and if it's done correctly it doesn't break. When players try to exploit encounters then there can be unpredictable results and there may be additional consequences for deliberately breaking encounters.

So i could be banned/permanetly banned for doing it the way i have been doing it for sometime now, also knowing that alot of people do it the way you watched?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:30 pm
by Requiel
Adalyn wrote:So i could be banned/permanetly banned for doing it the way i have been doing it for sometime now, also knowing that alot of people do it the way you watched?
Consider it a warning. I have a whole list of better things to do than reset encounters because players deliberately break them in an attempt to exploit.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:31 pm
by Adalyn

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:44 pm
by Requiel
Yes it would have despawned on Excal when I reset it on Pryd while you watched as I've already explained. When it despawned a second time on Pryd after you'd broken it again it would have made absolutely no difference to the encounter on Excal as they don't communicate or affect each other in any way. There is no 'database corruption' involved here and I know how to reset the encounter thanks.
To me it looks pretty simple, the encounter works when you do it properly and breaks when you try to exploit it.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:45 pm
by Lieva
req when we getting the dream patch :)

then no more posts like this as we can just go to the merchant :D

and in future.
Can peeps just not complain when they dont follow the rules to an encounter.
Yes it is nice animists/chanters can pwn hard to do encounters however complaining that the encounter is bugged when you dont do it kinda daft im afraid :(

I really dont know if thats whats happened here or not as ive got a little confuzzled....

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:52 pm
by Adalyn
Banana wrote:req when we getting the dream patch :)

then no more posts like this as we can just go to the merchant :D

and in future.
Can peeps just not complain when they dont follow the rules to an encounter.
Yes it is nice animists/chanters can pwn hard to do encounters however complaining that the encounter is bugged when you dont do it kinda daft im afraid :(

I really dont know if thats whats happened here or not as ive got a little confuzzled....

From what i was aware of at the start, i wasn't exploiting anything, just opening chests till main mob spawns and killing it.

And if that is bug abusing or exploiting a bug, why not fix it then to stop people doing it instead of banning the ones who do it like the way i did then.

Ah well seems i will be doing it by killing the Triton Acaeus and mana ment there to heal pet so don't get aggro on heal or ment. If it is still broken, expect another Rightnow :<

Ah well 1.81 easy mode here soon, only have to do it once... yay ><

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:54 pm
by Lieva

the encounter isnt sposed to be pet pulled
none of them are
thats what he means by abusing the encounter.
It does bite as it makes doing the encounter harder BUT its not how the encounter was wrote.
So always a chance for it to bug out.


or maybe the encounter can be pet pulled using the above technique as you said.
That sounds more feasable.
But would explain why its classed as abuse if you are sposed to kill the tritons and not let them depop?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:56 pm
by Adalyn
Anyways can close it now Bannana if you want, nothing else more to say and am sure Requiel has nothing else more to say as he has better stuff to do then sort bugged encounters out that people brake (bad coding by mythic more like).

Would be faster doing it 'killing the triton acaeus' to find it still doesn't work anyways.