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Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:53 am
by Xest
Gandelf wrote:Just proves the point (for me anyway) that ToA was the biggest mistake that Mythic made.
If there had been no ToA, then Mythic (and GOA in turn) would not have had to have made the retrograde step of commissioning the "Classic" servers and we would not be in the position we are in now, where all the Hibs are playing on Glastonbury and leaving the Prydwen Hibernian frontiers open for plundering.

What they should have done instead, is remove ToA from all the servers, disable all artefacts and ToA drops, but leave the ToA races. Yes, it would have created a few problems in the short term, but at least everyone would still be on Prydwen.

Having said that, I'm enjoying playing on Glastonbury and loving the notion that there is on ToA on it. But, my heart dispairs somewhat for the fate of Prydwen.

I kind of get the feeling that Mythic are just clutching at straws to try and prolong the life of a game that a number of people feel should have been consigned to the scrapyard many months ago.
The appeal of classic wore off pretty quick with a lot of US players, mostly the people playing there are people who came back to DAoC specifically for it, most guilds that moved from a ToA server to it didn't take long to move back. Also, 1.81 makes ToA much more fun, it's still essential but it's relaxing - you don't have to spend 30mins+ fighting through to the ML7 group steps for example only to potentially whipe on one of the steps and have to repeat, 1.81 lets you port right to between steps .5 and .6 of dungeon based MLs apart from ML9 meaning you can port to the middle of sobekite eternal, temple of twilight or deep volcanus - no more boring, risky runs etc. Scroll farming is also so easy now, it takes just long enough to get a scroll for it to be worth having the feature exist but not so long that you get bored, I have a short attention span for farming but I got 4 scrolls I wanted in the space of 30mins last night which really isn't bad imo. You get like a scroll off every other mob so it kinda keeps you going as it's nice to see what you got.

Personally as of 1.81 I'd say ToA servers are actually the more fun and more balanced ones - classic has issues like perma-buffed vamps on a no-bot server or casters who have bots and just abuse them in tower/keep warfare to farm the people who have to have their bots in the open where they're free rps if they want to be buffed too or buff limits making different realms 8vs8 groups unbalanced or cutting the number of possible group layouts making 8vs8 less interesting.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:07 am
by Lieva
Maeloch wrote:Classic server is effectively the all-euro cluster server now. Not sure population here will recover, will just have to see, peeps may be back with 1.81.
some peeps have actualy come back to the game cuz of classic :)
at least 2 that i know of :D
And one has been away since before err.. Shrouded isles :p

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:51 am
by Hrymf
Banana wrote:some peeps have actualy come back to the game cuz of classic :)
at least 2 that i know of :D
And one has been away since before err.. Shrouded isles :p
Think alot from the old SI days have come back to try classic, problem is though, classic servers arent classic at all, its just no toa, and overall its still the same amount of farming needed. On top of that, the rvr wont change much compared to how it is on normal servers, grp setups will change a bit, and the fights will be faster because of the less options to keep high power and such and tbh, im pretty sure rvr wont be any funnier or better than it is on normal servers, THAT much impact didn toa have on rvr. NF had alot more impact. All toa did was make more options and utlities, which i see as a good thing, more options = more difference on each person/group/realm.

Anyway, i think most people who have gone classic will come back again, some sooner than others :D

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:54 am
by Landra
I happen to like TOA and I had fun playing on it and still do, and I still need some arties yet. Classic is fun but it encouraged me to make a new charc on TOA. So I made an animist, finally and I am having fun with that as well. Though I do miss you all to be honest :)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:35 am
by Gandelf
Banana wrote:some peeps have actualy come back to the game cuz of classic :)
at least 2 that i know of :D
And one has been away since before err.. Shrouded isles :p

Hehe... 2 people out of 3,600 on Glastonbury, that's like er... 0.056% (rounded). ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:47 am
by Belgerath
Well im on classic and indend to stay there cba begging for ml group steps on my ranger any more for to get higher than ml3 so im just not going to, and im really enjoying albion atm. Me and a few of my rl m8's have made a guild called Death Jesters and average 21-28 peeps online primetime and its a great laugh its really is like the old days xping in green armour with people you actually dont know, it has brough the element of fun back for me that 2bh i though it had lost so im sorry but i really doubt i will return and 2bh all of the people ive talked to recently feel exactually the same.
O and i actually got to use my group bar before thid, or lvl 50 which to be perfectly honest doesnt happen on the excal/pry cluster anymore and hasent for sometime :?

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:54 am
by Kesxex
Personally for me it's nice to have a break till 1.81 - too much hunting for nothing on Pryd atm.
As such I like the change and challenge of new realm, new classes and task crafting to make money.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:09 am
by Merino
Gandelf wrote:Lack of Hibs on Pryd...
Gandelf wrote:Just proves the point (for me anyway) that ToA was the biggest mistake that Mythic made.
Having said that, I'm enjoying playing on Glastonbury and loving the notion that there is on ToA on it.
Typical case of being away and drawing wrong conlusions tbh.

1. Albs are rumored to have taken Crauchon at 5am, there never were many Hibs playing at that time even before Glastonbury

2. At about 22:30 CET when we tried to take Crauchon T2 the second time there were 23 players in the BG, out of 53 who were in Emain.

This has nothing to do with ToA, this is business as usual on Hib, every group for its own, screw the realm.

And as a sidenote I can't imagine a reason why sane people go to a classic server where they exchange ToA grind for DS grind, but that's just me.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:11 am
by Moley:)
Having fun on Mid/Glas atm , will prob go back to pryd l8er but having too much fun being over powered NERF MIDS AND ALBS .. please :)

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:19 am
by Gandelf
Belgerath wrote:Me and a few of my rl m8's have made a guild called Death Jesters.

So how do you kill your enemies? By telling them jokes? ;)