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Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:07 pm
by Hrymf
Fifta wrote:groups on classic servers don't use wardens
Of course they will, extra healing and random interupting, and even pbt can be usefull, did you ever play back when classics was around? Even the resists have a huge factor tbh, and with druids not having FoP and the like, extra healing can be good.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:14 pm
by HappyG
Succi I think said 2x Bard, 2x Drood is fotm setup on classic.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:27 pm
by Elrandhir
Hrymf wrote:Of course they will, extra healing and random interupting, and even pbt can be usefull, did you ever play back when classics was around? Even the resists have a huge factor tbh, and with druids not having FoP and the like, extra healing can be good.

yeah Hrymf, think wardens are greatly needed also, resists, extra healing and interrupting.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:16 pm
by Succi
2x bard
2x druid
champ/ another caster
hero (offensive)
light eld

2x cleric
2x merc or 1x merc 1x armsman with new changes

2x healer
2x shaman
dps tank
tank/caster - usually warlock/rm

were generally the best on US , however playstyle is alot different there (not worse at all)

and 2nd bard > warden cuz :

1. speed 6
2. end always up
3. 2nd SoS (hibs always win cc)
4. AE interupts
5. Can insta switch to 16% body resist chant and /stick a cleric or healer with weapon out = bye bye useless warden

I played as only bard a few times and it worked (can add another eld then), but I was rr5 by then. Need to be alot less aggressive trying to win initial cc as if you get mezzed without purge in a tank grp your abit screwed, instead alot easier to sos away from fight to get end up then return to cc.

Oh and generally the alb grp is strongest cuz they have 4 dps slot, guard bot and best interupter in game.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:29 pm
by Edlina
Prefer offensive champs and heroes over vamps, why?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:36 pm
by Succi
Cuz they generally do more dmg (+ stuns v important) and champ s/c debuff + rr5 really helps alot. Vamps can work very well saying that though , hib train should get owned by 2x shammies buffshearing them... obviously this isnt possible with vamp and PR'ing a vamp twice can be very fun :>

im personally very tempted by :
2x healer
2x shaman
2x svg
2x sm

setup as it would make levelling/darkspire easymode and mid is alot more of a challenge on classic servers i feel

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:29 pm
by Mojo
I will ignore, due to not having the time etc.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:31 pm
by Silverbirch
Edlina wrote:Prefer offensive champs and heroes over vamps, why?
don't forget that the next patch to hit US will give heros some nice grp friendly skillz as well

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:35 am
by Kesxex
Ignore for a long while at least, maybe forever.
With 1.81 inc it will be half as difficult to get a very good template on TOA servers than it will be on classic servers.
Sure, DR will give a basic set to work from (aka Epic) but for successful template building you will have to have to level 2 characters unless the one you play is a needed class for DS raids.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:51 am
by Sharkith
Will definitely go there but going to Mid - time to see another side of the game.