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Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:35 pm
by Downy
Seem i have my very own unique problem then :satyn1:

Now and then,withouth any reason the keyboard changes it's layout to USA version,greatly annoying since you can't do / mark anymore.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:44 pm
by Thandruil
Shike wrote:i have this bug also, using deridas, could have with that to do, not sure.,

I have another bug with newest derida aswell, my grpwindow put all grpmembers in wrong order.. GL is last in it etc

The group window isn't bugged m8, i had it as well, and thought it was a bug, but when u install Derida and choose which group window u want, u can c an arrow next to it, which shows in what order the group members will show up, just change that :)

About the letters, i don't have the problem, but Satyn got it, and we both use same Derida skin.

Another thing i do happen to have sometimes is when i want to send a pm to someone, for example /send Neill, i then get Eill is not in the game or another realm. Which makes it kinda impossible to send a pm to that person then.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:28 pm
by Shike
Thandruil wrote:The group window isn't bugged m8, i had it as well, and thought it was a bug, but when u install Derida and choose which group window u want, u can c an arrow next to it, which shows in what order the group members will show up, just change that :)

About the letters, i don't have the problem, but Satyn got it, and we both use same Derida skin.

Another thing i do happen to have sometimes is when i want to send a pm to someone, for example /send Neill, i then get Eill is not in the game or another realm. Which makes it kinda impossible to send a pm to that person then.

will check it when I get home heh, had no idea they changed it so i never looked for it.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:40 pm
by Gandelf
Thandruil wrote:Another thing i do happen to have sometimes is when i want to send a pm to someone, for example /send Neill, i then get Eill is not in the game or another realm. Which makes it kinda impossible to send a pm to that person then.

That's exactly the problem I'm on about. I had the same with a player named Tinyblade, the game kept saying that "Inyblade" is not in the game. It seems to be something associated with "t" and "n" letters that coincide with the start of a new line. I don't have any UI installed, just the standard SI one.

Nothing has changed on my setup, it was ok before.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:25 pm
by Dallanah
I have same bug with T. When i make my chat size bigger i can read ok but when i type again other line same fault, so each time need make bigger and bigger chat screen... :(