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Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:12 pm
by Elrandhir
Thandruil wrote:All i can suggest to people atm, is take screenies of all ur chars imo, then if something happens, at least u know for sure what items u had!

Wont be needed, because if my chars would be screwed up again, then I would know for sure that it would be time to quit.

[Discussion] Lag issues

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:03 am
by Kabane
hay guys his is a few questions i have for GoA before my account runs out thought u might like to see the out come of these questions, so here they are and i will post the replys soon as they come in.

Hi I would like to ask you a few question’s as im sure a Lot of my fellow realm mate’s would like to know the answer to so if I have you full attention I shall begin
Question One :- Why is there so much lag and LD’s with in the game on pry Sever? Question Two :- If the ISP You end is to blame why the HELL DON’T YOU CHANGE IT???:???????? As it is Certainly Not a ISP problem Our end!!!!
Question Three :- I reported a loss of items on the 9/9/2005 at 8:13 AM Due to the Pryd crash and sever reset, Why have I had NO response from you Since he 9/9/2005 6:41pm Regarding this matter?.
Question Four:- why has it taken you Over SIX months not to fix the XML for the ROH???? Will it Ever be fixed?.
Question Five:- Do you honestly think it is a good idea to change the poison mine workings even though Mythic didn’t class it as a bug and as working as intended, yet fail to have all the lost item restoration’s sorted?
And finally,
Question SIX :- Will you actually read and reply to these question or will you just use your Famously Condescending reply of :-

Im sorry to hear about your problem,
The only way we can help you with this matter is if you supply more information then /delete your charters move to Outer space fast forward in time 30 years when Daoc has died a death then shoot yourself with a hand pistol.
Only once this has been completed will you feel better about the way we at GOA deal with our problem’s…

Yours thankfully and waiting absently

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:29 am
by awarkle
ill reply from what i know

question one : looks like the Router near to where the goa offices is has gone boom or is faulty (again just asumed from ping plots) so your asking the company to 1. change its location (how many folk you think they employ + move all the servers (which are housed at another building)

question two: they cant just change from opentransit because its the backbone the only way they could change was if they were to move countries then your relying on another companies backbone.

question three: as for your items lost did you word your rightnow query easily read because i lost all the equipment on my necromancer and worded it to the best of my ability of what i knew (listed it as ROG items mainly). currently the gms are running on reduced staff (from what i can know) they have lost zenythe due to personal issues and are probbly in the process of training a new gm up. Who they arnt going to allow to go totally rookie on customers accounts.

question four: xml isnt going to be fixed until after darkness rising at which point it will be fixed (i dont really care it doesnt effect the game at all) the reason its down is probbly due yet againt to reduced staff.

question five : personally yes it was important to change poison spike for the simple reason ITS BUGGED it was never meant to be used in the way it has been used. its a land mine dot meant to slow people down and basically disrupt groups ie you get thrown out of speed and have to stop while folk are taking damage. Your not meant to throw it in your enemies face as a freebie dot dd.

question six : If i was a gm i wouldnt respond because has gone from being a calm collective place where peeps could discuss things like adults to a big whiny flame fest against goa. Now if your company where you worked at was constantly labeled as incompetent or flamed becuse of somthing beyond your control would you think " o well its just the company they are targetting " or the people who work in the company. You work it out.

yes i have been effected by the item loss , yes it did take them around 6 weeks to fix. Did i keep them up to date to changes to that character yes i did. has the lag effected me or my guild yes it has are we anoyed that the game has entered another laggy phase. yes i am. Am i whining about it across multiple forums including the goa internal ones. NO im not . am i forwarding as much information as i can to the gms in an attempt to help them out YEs i am.

I recomend that if it has really taken as long as it has to get items on a stripped character that you update your rightnow querie make sure you havnt included leet speek or abreviations IE

if you lost gov dont say you lost gov say you lost a Guard of Valor artifact lvl 6. (or whatever)

if you cant remember the name of an item you got from a quest use alakahzam or warcry to find out as much information as possible. Just please stop complaining and then stating you think the gms are wonderful and in no way blame them because the way you are wording things you are blaming them.

thought i would add "take a time out folks" people are getting very *****y recently and i may stop posting here all i seem to see nowawdays is flames and complaints not the i used to know :(

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:06 am
by Kias
awarkle wrote:question five : personally yes it was important to change poison spike for the simple reason ITS BUGGED it was never meant to be used in the way it has been used. its a land mine dot meant to slow people down and basically disrupt groups ie you get thrown out of speed and have to stop while folk are taking damage. Your not meant to throw it in your enemies face as a freebie dot dd.
Q: (Insert question here on Poisonspike, changes to Poisonspike on our European servers, and so on.) -from camelot herald

A: I'm a little fuzzy on the details of what happened there. What I do know is this: Poisonspike may presently be cast during combat, and it is presently our intention to leave that alone. I don't know if that was originally considered a bug, but if it was, it's a feature now! As with everything in the game, the team might change their collective minds. For now, however, it is not scheduled to be changed. We just had a communication breakdown with our partners in Europe, and we'll take care of it.

seems like another goa ****up rly ^^

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:08 am
by Kabane
sorry awarkle old buddy im sure most ppl here know i dont complain for no good reason but frankly im feed up with the slack shift money grabing company called GOA!,
with regards to my first question yes they can sort it out but just movinh isp's they Dont need to change loc inrder to do this and if they change isp then the router will be differnt as 2 companys dont use the ame eupitment,
this goes for my second question, with regards to my question nummbered three, i told them exsactly what i thought i lost inc some ROG item's i didnt use abreviations nor Leet, regards to question four , the have had reduced staff for over 6month's? if so they should really start to look at the staff op's and the way the treat there current staff, question five , in your eyes it might of been but in Mythic's it was not and last time i checked they were the game dev and creator's so mabey GOa should keep to what they do badly and stay out of things they shouldnt be in,question six well to be perfectly honist i think its both the company and the ppl that work there, i dont need to work it out i pay them to play the game not to have ppl shifting the blame from there staff to the company that in acutual fact cannot operate if they dont have the staff. i dont use more than one forum i use i use RN to tell GOA of my problem's and then inform ppl on (my friends/enemy's) about these problem GOA dont have a forum for us to use as they couldnt handle the complants from there Baddly run francise. RN is a customer suport system and quite frankly its a Very baddly run customer suport system. if GOA decided to pull there finger out of what ever orafice they have it tucked into and started to do what they are pay'ed for then wuld return to the good old forum i remmber. at the end of the day if ppl dont have somewhere they can take there fustrasion out on then you would see a Lot more ppl leaving the game than you do at the moment has become a resleave valve for the pppl that play this game and once things are sorted with in Daoc europe it will return to what i once loved.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:32 am
by awarkle
well <shrug> i dont know what else folks if they start getting too flamey and whiny

as for that sanya quote frankly from what i beleive mythic told goa it was getting changed goa changed it ahead of mythic then mythic did a 360 and blamed it on goa. Tbh it was probbly a comunication break down.

I cant do anything regarding lost items thats at goa's end and your end to either complain directly to them through right now or to cancel until it is fixed. I cant do anything else just tired of being whined at by everyone.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:55 am
by Thandruil
Elrandhir wrote:Wont be needed, because if my chars would be screwed up again, then I would know for sure that it would be time to quit.
Same here tbh, i only had 1 char stripped last time, and since she was low lvl i didn't even report it since other people have far more important chars to get their stuff back on. But if it happens again now, i prolly just quit as well :'(.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:47 am
by Qbic
awarkle wrote: question six : If i was a gm i wouldnt respond because has gone from being a calm collective place where peeps could discuss things like adults to a big whiny flame fest against goa. Now if your company where you worked at was constantly labeled as incompetent or flamed becuse of somthing beyond your control would you think " o well its just the company they are targetting " or the people who work in the company. You work it out.
Erm but keep on posting on FH? Now excuse me for thinking this is a tad ridiculous and if you think about it I am quite sure you agree. Now I know has quite a few frustrated people on here but this isn't nearly as bad as FH. So I would scratch this argumentation.
I often disagree with the whines of certain people but at a certain point a company that offers a service needs to communicate and preferrably in a decent manner. I for one (and I am not alone) think we do have a reason to complain about this.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:00 am
by Belisar
Qbic wrote:Erm but keep on posting on FH?
Makes no sense to me either.

Think I mentioned before - no matter how upset and how personally Req took the posts on prydwen not posting here is actually going to cause more problems than it will solve.

We can all go and make exactly the same comments on FH - what then ?
does Req stop posting there.

Telling us to use official communication channels is just going to annoy RN or GM's on line as we continue to moan about lag, ld's, restoration etc etc but use those channels where answers are only possible to single people and not the mass population.

Not saying the comments made on another thread which caused Req to took the stay away action were right - just that staying away is not going to help other than shelter him from the flack and pass it on to someone else.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:09 am
by Qbic
I agree 100% with you Belisar :blutark: