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Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 8:49 am
by Aran_Thule
point is its against CoC so if they get caught farming themself they get banned, simple as that.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:00 am
by Downy
I really doubt anyone will do it,as it's really not worth the hassle.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:12 am
by HappyG
Downy wrote:I really doubt anyone will do it,as it's really not worth the hassle.
OohhoO wrote:hmmm let me see I reckon that's about 1k RPs every 10 minutes ...
6k / h is more than most stealthers do on Agramon, doesnt seem "not worth doing" to me :)

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:45 am
by Takitothemacs
for those of you worried... there are ways and means of finding out... IP addresses and the like if people are doing it they will be caught and punished accordingly... and yes some people have been banned in the past for such activity.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:08 am
by Arcsalin
OohhoO wrote: you can get 300 RPs every 2-3 minutes from assassination quests

Not true else everyone else would be doing them, trying running solo with no bard bot (sigh some peeps will never understand the true definition of solo) where ever you are going, especially places like bolg or behn and there's no way you can get those rps every 2-3 mins. More like every 10 mins or worse still not getting them at all because you got zerged (foresees the whine because of clustering).

On a side note though, seeing as everyone wanted the 'old ways' back, expect some old whine to go along with it too ie "QQ You bastid you added on my kill" etc (not seen those in a long time but more peeps = more hunger = more add) :s

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:14 am
by OohhoO
Arcsalin wrote:Not true else everyone else would be doing them, trying running solo with no bard bot (sigh some peeps will never understand the true definition of solo) where ever you are going, especially places like bolg or behn and there's no way you can get those rps every 2-3 mins.
depends a lot on wether or not you have speed & can kill fast & which towers you get sent to ... crim spire / behn tower sucks but sometimes I get a whole run of Ail/Scath/Nged ...

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:25 am
by Moley:)
Add eh ? <looks at True shot 3 ability> Right , helping the realm <winks> , Yeah i think it bloody lame if ppl cross realm , but then i think BB's lame and can't change that .. but maybe goa will cause it don't make them a profit and annoys ppl then it might be fixed having a GM hiding in RvR o0. You never know , i just know i'll be camping towers cause no way am i gonna survive with no fag bot against so many stealthers . So far about 20 per area (busy ones) think it gonna go up to like 50 . FUN :(

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:38 am
by Elrandhir
Moley:) wrote:Add eh ? <looks at True shot 3 ability> Right , helping the realm <winks> , Yeah i think it bloody lame if ppl cross realm , but then i think BB's lame and can't change that .. but maybe goa will cause it don't make them a profit and annoys ppl then it might be fixed having a GM hiding in RvR o0. You never know , i just know i'll be camping towers cause no way am i gonna survive with no fag bot against so many stealthers . So far about 20 per area (busy ones) think it gonna go up to like 50 . FUN :(

As you I think Cross realmers suck bigtime and need to be Banned instantely if enough evidence ofcourse.

Comparing it with bb's is just silly though, even though it would have been better to not having them from the start it's more or less imposs to change it now I belive.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:50 am
by Moley:)
Elrandhir wrote:As you I think Cross realmers suck bigtime and need to be Banned instantely if enough evidence ofcourse.

Comparing it with bb's is just silly though, even though it would have been better to not having them from the start it's more or less imposs to change it now I belive.
Aww let me dream plz El , im hoping i can 1 shot kill ppl again :/