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Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:28 am
by OohhoO
I don't get that particular bug, but I do get one which ports me to Scathaig Tower (the northernmost one) 25% of the time when I try to port to Drum Cain from anywhere in NF. Funilly enough I only get it on one PC, & regardless of wether I'm playing US or Euro version, despite having bought & installed completely seperate versions. Not really terribly annoying but I always wonder what the cause is.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:30 am
by Alexandrinus
got today this ld bug, was in Arbor Glen den suddenly both accounts ld'ed and when i get back in i was in Volcanus and rs

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:36 am
by Norcott
take it you were bound there then .. ur probably dieing becuase when u go ld ur chars are still running and run into agro as it take 20secs i think to log you out from lding..

RE: your ld.. when you go ld do you go dead on both accounts at the same time or does your second account thats running in backround (which i presume youve set it to do) die and bring down the other one.. which tends to end up with a reboot..