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Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:44 am
by Lothandar
"Oh no they will see my privacy files because I am a dumb ass useless git who
stores his credit card numbers and passwords! in excel/word !!"

Sums up the QQ-er about "spyware"

If someone is challenged mentally and stores cc information on his computer, he deserves to have them "sniffed"

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:23 pm
by OohhoO
Lothandar wrote:"If someone is challenged mentally and stores cc information on his computer, he deserves to have them "sniffed"
That's like saying "if someone is challenged mentally and stores money in his wallet, he deserves to have his pockets picked or get mugged."

A wallet is for money. A computer is for data. It shouldn't matter what data, you should be able to store it there safely, just like you should be able to store money in your wallet safely.

A lot of countries take privacy & data-security issues very seriously, for the simple reason that the vast majority of users don't have any real clue about the dangers, and the expansion of profitable e-commerce is dependant on peoples confidence in the mediums security.

This kind of spying needs to be made seriously punishable IMO.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:24 pm
by Elrandhir
Ankh Morpork wrote:Hmm...


Even though it seems abit harsh I think it's good if they can detect cheaters, and you shouldent really have any all to important info stored on the comp neways.

from the post it seemed abit over the top though, but something similiar is defenately needed if they are to detect cheaters, well thats what I belive neways.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:54 pm
by judas
if it hasent been said. the law's about this kind of "spyware" is much more strict in the Eu compared to the Us. anyone know if Blizzard uses this program on the Eu WoW servers aswell?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:55 pm
by Lothandar
OohhoO wrote:That's like saying "if someone is challenged mentally and stores money in his wallet<cut>"

Not reading past this point, no, storing cc numbers in txt files is not like storing money in a wallet. Even if you lose your wallet you don't lose all your money and id cards. Provided you weren't a dumbnut and didn't put your (eg.) monthly salary+ all your personal ids in it.

Just because we CAN store crucial information on the computer doesn't mean we have to be jackasses with all the trojans out and do it. No way I would store my passwords for important accounts (especially cc related) on my computer which is running windows and I am playing daoc on it.

Incase you didn't get it by now, no, it is not like saying that, they are like totally different, like fire and water, like the ground and the sky, like black and white, like sour and sweet, like hot and cold, like bad and good, like right and wrong.

I dare not imagining the effort made to store your passwords on a piece of paper.

Another fun contradiction in the whiners lines about his point of "oh mi gosh they get 2 much inzfo" : Why do you subject yourself to danger by opening important files while you're PLAYING A STUPID GAME ? Close that crap, plug pc off the cable modem, build a concrete wall around it, then open the (only the almighty knows why is it even there) txt files containing your entire life, in passwords.
Elrandhir wrote:Even though it seems abit harsh I think it's good if they can detect cheaters, and you shouldent really have any all to important info stored on the comp neways.
What he said

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:24 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Lothandar wrote:Not reading past this point, no, storing cc numbers in txt files is not like storing money in a wallet. Even if you lose your wallet you don't lose all your money and id cards. Provided you weren't a dumbnut and didn't put your (eg.) monthly salary+ all your personal ids in it.

Just because we CAN store crucial information on the computer doesn't mean we have to be jackasses with all the trojans out and do it. No way I would store my passwords for important accounts (especially cc related) on my computer which is running windows and I am playing daoc on it.

Incase you didn't get it by now, no, it is not like saying that, they are like totally different, like fire and water, like the ground and the sky, like black and white, like sour and sweet, like hot and cold, like bad and good, like right and wrong.

I dare not imagining the effort made to store your passwords on a piece of paper.

Another fun contradiction in the whiners lines about his point of "oh mi gosh they get 2 much inzfo" : Why do you subject yourself to danger by opening important files while you're PLAYING A STUPID GAME ? Close that crap, plug pc off the cable modem, build a concrete wall around it, then open the (only the almighty knows why is it even there) txt files containing your entire life, in passwords.

What he said

So you pretty much say that if I forget to lock my door to my appartment when I go outside I deserve to all my stuff? The thing is, you SHOULD be able to store what ever you want on YOUR personal pc without having to risk it being stole. Sure, its stupid to do so - but thats not the point.


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:16 pm
by Satyn
Dear Lothandar....

It has come to my attention that you like to slack of most of the posts being made around here. I think you dont love yourself to much.

Everytime i read your posts i'm scared to even start reading it cos i'm keeping my finger to my mouse to see if its needed to give a warning or an edit. You always sound so hostile.

correct me if i'm wrong ofc. just my little opinion here.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:59 pm
by stupeh
Maybe he likes to show the alternate viewpoints, or feels strongly about his opinions. :o

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:21 pm
by Elrandhir
Satyn wrote:Dear Lothandar....

It has come to my attention that you like to slack of most of the posts being made around here. I think you dont love yourself to much.

Everytime i read your posts i'm scared to even start reading it cos i'm keeping my finger to my "mouse" to see if its needed to give a warning or an edit. You always sound so hostile.

correct me if i'm wrong ofc. just my little opinion here.

hm that sounded funneh, if ur from Sweden ;D marked it bold ^^

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:53 pm
by Satyn
[quote="Elrandhir"]hm that sounded funneh, if ur from Sweden ]

i know what you swedes also call a mouse, we use it aswell in belgium ;)