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Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:54 pm
by OohhoO
There are a couple of things you can do against this kind of thing, but you need to have a very good rep to get away with it.

1) Always form your own group, or insist on being leader - You can kick any idiots.

2) Issue 10 minute no buff no heals no rezz red-cards. Most offenders will leave of their own free will.

As I say ... you need to be an extremely well-respected healer to get away with these :D

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:55 pm
by Elrandhir
heh if you know you have done everything you can then why even care what others say, I know I wouldent.

Know i got Immune after playing my Hero for so long... talking pre TOA now though as I havent had as much time to RvR as of late, but usually it was why dident you guard/slam for me Elrandhir....well if you bothered to look I was occupied guarding/slamming for nother person at the time ;P but as I said, who really cares ;P I knew I had done everything I could so...

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:08 pm
by Dorin
You cleric you heal ok????

priceless moments of preNF and spaniard randoms in grp

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:30 pm
by Kallima
Elrandhir wrote:heh if you know you have done everything you can then why even care what others say, I know I wouldent.
Sadly we are down a few druids who did care. <salutes the memory of several druids who she has discussed the top ten druid hate list with over the past year and who are lost to the veil>

Actually, there have been many funny moments when the rest of the group have joined in with memorable comments. My personal favourite being 'Gwenne isn't healing you because she is slightly dead at the moment.'

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:30 pm
by Sharkith
Kallima wrote:1 ) Stop yelling heal at me when I'm dead!

2 ) Stop yelling heal at me when you are in Hadrians wall and the rest of the group is in Emain Macha.

3 ) I would love to heal you but four trolls are beating me to a pulp and its distracting.

4 ) I noticed you yelling FFS HEAL! the first time, there was no need to repeat it another ten times. I still can’t heal you when I’m dead.

5 ) Never, never, never tell me to use /map. I know about /map and if it told me what I needed to know I wouldn’t be wasting my time asking you. It may be news to you, but there are eight people in this group and the yellow blobs don't have names on them to tell me which is you.

6 ) Okay, so keep telling me to use /map rather than tell me which yellow blob is you so I can rezz. Stay dead. See if I care.

7 ) When you screamed for rezz on the top of the tower you might have mentioned the full group of Albions standing on your corpse.

8 ) Stop yelling buff me. I am going to buff you. If you were paying attention you would notice I am working my way through the group buffing people and there is no especial reason why I should buff you ahead of the people who are politely waiting their turn.

9 ) Thank you for telling me your buffs just dropped. I know this. They dropped because a warlock just fried me and I am a pathetic corpse lying at your feet.

10 ) So you think having your buff bot in an RVR group is a really good idea and they are going to be a great help healing the group. Fine. I’m a healer druid but of course things like spread heal make no difference at all, and your buff bot will be just as good as me and just as good as having a second proper healing druid in the group. I tell you what, I don’t like aggro and arguing the point. In fact, I’m so convinced that your nurture druid heals as well as me, that I’ll just get my hero and let your buff bot take over healing the group.
It is a great summary of just how bad it can get in my very brief career.

11) stop yelling at me I don't know if you have noticed but we have a level 40 here who is taking all my power to just keep them alive.

12) I am nature spec that means you cannot have spec buffs. Understand?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:36 pm
by Kallima
Sharkith wrote:11) stop yelling at me I don't know if you have noticed but we have a level 40 here who is taking all my power to just keep them alive.
Oooo, thats a good one. Reminds me of the low level one I got landed with in an RVR group who kept doing things like running under the oil and instantly dying for fun. You weren't the other druid in that group were you? I remember two of us going insane with frustration because we were constantly out of power.

Having someone below level 45 in an rvr group is a real strain on the healers, down to about level 40 (preferably 42) can still be helpful if its a healer and keeps their head down.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:48 pm
by Sharkith
yes it was me - I will never forget it. I was running on the buff bot who really was not up to the job healing and I know you were taking the strain that day - I spent most of the evening out of power. I would not advise bringing a buff bot into RvR for obvious reasons (their healing is really crap) we had no option that night (it was the night we broke the Albs port to iRvR).

Funnily enough I enjoyed it so much even if I was rubbish I started Sharkella. Much better than faffing about on a Nightshade. ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:53 pm
by Briannon
[quote="Quinlan"]Remember the name of the person who is whining at a healer and NEVER group with them again. Problem solved ]

You'd probably have no-one left to group with in this case ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 2:14 pm
by Cromcruaich
How about:

Click that accept rez button when its offered, and dont go fickin afk after dieing as my power is better used for keeping the rest of the group alive. (Hopefully a thing of the past come 1.78)


Dont shout at me when I cant get a fop down, it takes 3 hours to cast, my MoC is down and that group is running 3 pac healers.

and, on a similiar previously mentioned point

I would love to heal you, but as you just solo chased that sos'ing mincer to that L10 keep you aint getting squat off me m8y. (Oh and what are these purple guards doing hitting me now?)


Why cant my doggy swim underwater?

Ok none of those will push you over the edge on their own :)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 2:19 pm
by Biloria
Nice ones or I got one.

"Buff me I can't do anything without buffs"

"okey Group now I have to buff xxxx so I can't heal you other guys so blame xxxx if you don't get any heals"