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Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:42 pm
by Cromcruaich
A couple of things they could do,

if people have templates with rogs in them, then provided what arti's and drops they have back ups the template then the rogs should be recreated.

Also they could consider setting up a set of houses with CM's with a randomly generated selection of rogs with good toa util and just let people loose, this may go some way to being a sink for all the plat they are giving out.

sure there is more, including wads of cash and sexual favours but it maybe a start.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:31 pm
by Majty
Requiel wrote: Just a quick update to clarify a few things.

Rogs and crafted items. We are completely unable to replace these. Rogs are generated on the fly by the game and as such aren't recreatable and crafted items can only be created by crafting them oddly enough. If I generate a crafted item then it will look like a normal crafted item, it'll smell like a normal crafted item but you won't be able to SC, alchemise or dye it. For any Rog or crafed item we are simply going to have to give you cash to replace it.
This thing i find very strange. How can you make a game without some kind of editor for the database stuff. I mean you can make new items and put in to the game, how hard can it be to make a rog act like a new item and put it up to a NPC for the affectet player to go and pick up?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:39 pm
by Sharkith
Cromcruaich wrote:if people have templates with rogs in them, then provided what arti's and drops they have back ups the template then the rogs should be recreated.
Requiel has said they cannot do this - thats the big problem - and an awful lot of templates use very special drops of this nature. We can seriously only wait and see hopefully it won't be as bad as it all seems right now. Hopefully it will be alright right?

ooops see above Requiel - replied while I was typing. :satyn1:

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:47 pm
by Lieva
yknow :p

i told my work collegues about this today and they were shocked also.
None of them play the game or play any computer games but they understood the loss of time that it took everyone to get their stuff.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:54 pm
by Trez
I think the players who are most likely to leave Prydwen are those who play mostly on Excalibur. If someone with say, 8 level 50 characters on Excalibur had say, 1 or 2 level 50s on Prdywen that had lost everything, then I think they'd probably be inclined to think, "Sod it! I'm staying on Excal from now on!"
I have all my mains on Prydwen, highest char on excal are a lvl 37 wizzy.

I got 6 chars stripped for ALL items on them, in their inventory and in their personal vault.

I cannot remember all these items, and if GOA cannot recreate all these items but decide to go and give me 75p instead they can go F... themselves.

My gf's account ran out thursday, so I cannot go check it until we get the 10 free days, cause I will not pay for a month just to find out she lost all her items on her chars as well.

And the part with not being able to recreate RoG items, thats bullshit, as Majty says, u dont have a DB without an editor of some sort, and if this is the case then the entire GOA staff should be dragged outside and shot for being stupid.

Fact is, many ppl cant play the chars they want cause they miss like a zillion items, and it is fully understandable if they quit, I know my gf, a RL m8 and me will if the items are not restored.

It aint for fun u spend many hours lvl'ing, getting items, lvl'ing artis and getting MLs to find out u are back at the starting point because of some DB crash, they could might have prevented by takeing a backup as soon as they changed anything in the DB (the tables they added ect.)

Only one thing would bother me if I quit, and thats the loss of contact with many ppl that I like.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:09 pm
by Maeloch
Majty wrote:This thing i find very strange. How can you make a game without some kind of editor for the database stuff. I mean you can make new items and put in to the game, how hard can it be to make a rog act like a new item and put it up to a NPC for the affectet player to go and pick up?
Apparently they can't do this. However, mebbe they could get the drops by having some of their 100th lvl toons go farm ToA for a week as penance. ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:24 pm
by Cromcruaich
[quote="Maeloch"]Apparently they can't do this. However, mebbe they could get the drops by having some of their 100th lvl toons go farm ToA for a week as penance. ]

Now thats an idea!

What poster said before, really odd they havent got a tool to spawn rog items. Its almost unbelievable ...

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:25 pm
by rvn
goa managed to do the event weapons back si, surely they can make unique-rog items? (didnt loose any rogs i had in my template but if i did and they told me "sorry go fuck yourself, we made an error and wont fix it" id would instantly stop paying subs.) (a good rog is the most valued item in the game, its higher than hammer of apollo or so :p)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:34 pm
by Sharkith
rvn wrote:goa managed to do the event weapons back si, surely they can make unique-rog items? (didnt loose any rogs i had in my template but if i did and they told me "sorry go fuck yourself, we made an error and wont fix it" id would instantly stop paying subs.) (a good rog is the most valued item in the game, its higher than hammer of apollo or so :p)
maybe someone could clarify - is The Immolated Ring a rog for example? How about The Brood Mother's Fang?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:38 pm
by Jupiler
Sharkith wrote:maybe someone could clarify - is The Immolated Ring a rog for example? How about The Brood Mother's Fang?
those aren't rogs, those are just rare drops with the same stats all the time...

and you gitts are lucky, i lost each and every item on each and every character i had on prydwen....can't wait to get the so called "cash return" for those rogs, to find out the market economy has increased the prices by 1k%
