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Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:13 pm
by Jarahl
So simply because we outpreform the Albs and Mids, even tho we are less in numbers compared to them, we arent underpopulated anymore? That doesnt makes any sense to me.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:24 pm
by Glenmorangie
[quote="Bourkey"]Tbh i disagree with taking are underpopulated bonuses away. How are we gonna manager as a realm claiming now? ]

we will have to suck it up till after clustering. Once clustering has happened, im quite sure hib exc and hib pry can keep all towers claimed

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:25 pm
by Whine
Alb/Mid have their toys and over powered ability combinations... All realms have stuff the other realm would like... From an Alb perspective these are why at least some of the Hibbie toys are disliked

- baseline stun - not much i can say about this, clerics get it though.
Yep, clerics do... Groups shout at them for using it though as they're not healing... Under used in Alb tbh but there's been a complete hatred\paranoia of anything like that since the smite line got nerfed a long time ago.
Other reason... Hib has it on a lot of classes, and being stun nuked is not fun

- animist - Theurg LOS check needs to be sorted out at the same time then.
Biggest bugbear here = stackable shrooms & LOS... Melee alt charges in to kill someone in a keep situation. 'Oh crap, shrooms, run away!!!' You run away but still get battered senseless even when out of LOS. Casting shrooms up on tower battlements and oil is a real sod...

Easy enough to deal with if you have an aoe nuker but wizzies are pretty much disguarded now in RvR because other casters do a better job :(

- nightshade rr5 ability - Sorc RR5 Ability?
Sorc RR5 is overpowered... No denying it

- bainshee - Again not much i can say.
It's all about the CAE... This seems to do a very high amount of damage at low RRs but to make it worse there are times when it seems to bug and hit people where it shouldn't...

- vampiirs - Why do people think these are overpowered? just a pretty balanced class.
A fully prepared Vamp chews through many classes like they don't exist.
The stealth detection self buff is nasty

- rangers - Scouts??
Higher RR melee spec rangers eat scouts and sometimes infils alive (dual wield)...

- hibs in general - Albs in general? :D
Each realm has it's own characters... We're all as bad as each oher :P

- tower defenses/take - Solo mid took loads of ours the other day.
Back to stackable shrooms :(

- keep defences
Back to stackable shrooms :(

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:39 pm
by Lothandar
Lothandar wrote:DOOM!!!!!! DOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:39 pm
by Silverbirch
pikeh wrote:nightshade rr5 ability - Sorc RR5 Ability?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:39 pm
by Kesxex
It's ok. I followed the number pretty steadily and over the last four weeks the active RvR community of level 45+ is even on Prydwen.
From this point alone (and that is what counts) Hib can more than hold its own.

With regards to claims: Don't forget that we get clustering soon so that will mean more guilds on the same amount of keeps and towers. Albs and Mids seem to manage quite good - why shouldn't Hibs?
After all we get more rps than the others (getting more balanced now with Mid really every week trailing so they should get imo a bonus) so we are making more bps too.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:43 am
by Lieva
i thought they woulda kept the underdog bonus til clustering tbh

still - if we dont deserve it any more, we dont :(

makes me cry irl that we loosing our two day /free level to 5 days though :p
loved that :D

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:38 pm
by Shike
nibs wrote:Do theurg pets die when you kill a theurg? (dont actually know :)) I realise the damn things not only chase you, but chain stun and nuke you for 100dmg a pop - and they can pump out half a dozen of them in *very* short period of time.

And if you nerf the bainshee dd, nerf the runie one to 209 too thx - oh and also remove the self debuff they get to accompany this spec nuke should they spec for that.

Ooh, and nerf BD's - 50% resists and insta lifetap hits for 250 damage *cry* :)

Its endless - but every realm has a bunch of buggered classes at their disposal.
theurgpets do not die when theurg dies.

And tbh, I pretty much agree with Xest, Bainshees CAE need a falloff, their mainDD need a nerf also to 219 so it is in line with the speccDDs, silly that a baselinenuke has highest delve of all nukes. Anipets need a 2nd loscheck aswell. Then hib is fine imo.