[Official] Clustering thread on FH

General 'Hibernian' forum for the entire cluster
Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Heta wrote:I got banned once for calling GOA fucktards on FH, but guess thats not the opinions you are after in that thread :sheepskip
You actually play on GOA's servers?


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Post by Lasaeonn »

I will not be posting my thoughts on FH as I do not have an account there and almost every thread I have read from there turns into a flame thread. So I will post here in the hope that they will be read.

I have voted NO to clustering.

I do not see how having a zerg of 160 people is going to be any better than having a zerg of 60 people. The zerg from all realms will at least double in size it will not spread out across multiple zones as some predict, a zerg by its very nature clumps together for mutual protection. So get ready for more stop the zerg complaints, I also wonder what the lag situation would be like.

I do not see how adding an additional 100% (at least) to the current RvR population will aid people in finding ‘fair’ fights when no one adds to the fight halfway. The more solo people and solo groups who roam trying to avoid the zerg will find that once they have found a worthy opponent that before the fight is finished someone else will stumble across their fight and will join in. Expect more complaints about people stealing RPs, XP etc.

Relic attempts will only be feasible at unsocial hours no longer will it be possible to get relics during prime time. So everyone will have to get used to regular alarm clock raids.

Realm wide communications will be very much harder. As from my understanding no player originating from Excalibur can join a Prydwen guild and no alliance will be able to contain both guilds originating from Excalibur and Prydwen. Expect more friction between the hard-core RvR player and people like me who PvE for pleasure and RvR occasionally.

We do have a relatively close community and especially as we have played the under dog for so many years we have an underlying pride in Hib / Pryd. If overnight our numbers more than double and the influx of people have a totally different history I fear that what community spirit we still have will evaporate. Expect more complaints about badly timed raids, artefact camping, spawn camping etc.

Some people have threatened to leave or promised that many will return if clustering happens, this is in my opinion a silly attempt at black mail and should be ignored. I think that if clustering happens that yes maybe initially there will be a jump in population but when the dust has settled and people see that it has not fixed that one silly problem that made them leave in the first place they will not stay for long.

I agree that in the future there may be more reason to cluster but as it stands now I think that the 2 English servers have the numbers to function independently. The more I think about this the more I become convinced that clustering will bring many more problems that it will solve and in my opinion will hasten the day that more people will leave the game and even fewer new players will join.
Lasaeonn Blackstaff the Enchanter GM DarkBlade Mercenaries
Lasander the Bard with no style
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Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

I worry about the lag myself...sometimes it gets impossible to attack cos of the lag, if we add an even bigger population the question is if it will get playable at all.


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Post by Luz »

Since I think there´s more random casual players then hardcore RvR players..

... more random groups vs. group. If the casual player finds he can go out and meet more of the like it will be more fun

more keep / tower warfare I think, which I like.

Since the majority of players dislike Zerg and stay clear of it if they can I think the RvR will spread over more areas so not more zergs then today..

tho when the zerg DO grow, it will be bigger maybe
Bah. Lv50s.
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Post by Briannon »

[quote="Nored"]What difficulty? :P

Our last Relic Raid was one of the easiest I've ever been on ]

With little difficulty means with hardly no problems :)

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Post by Briannon »

Lasaeonn wrote:
Some people have threatened to leave or promised that many will return if clustering happens, this is in my opinion a silly attempt at black mail and should be ignored.

As one of those people I just want to say it is not blackmail - it is a consequence and fact. For it to be blackmail I would have to expect GOA to change a decision or make the one I want on the basis of my actions. I'm not arrogant or stupid enough to think that I have that much influence on anybody.

All I have said is that imo clustering pryd and excal changes the product offer to such an extent that I will no longer wish to buy it when I have a better alternative product available to me.

Not blackmail, customer choice.

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Post by Asysh »

Its so official, its hosted on goa's own forums!

Oh wait, that would be sensible...
Asysh Eccos RR5 Valewalker, ML10 Battlemaster
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Post by Gear »

Hello from Hib exca. Most of the people I know don't really play on pryd at all, so we don't know what to expect. The reasons however we felt (I voted yes on clustering) that clustering had to take place, was because of the droping population in rvr. I read here that most hibs are not hardcore rvr like we are in exca. That might indeed lead to an overwhelming situation regarding your perception of rvr.

I don't know how you rvr in pryd, however in exca, at least hibs and mids try to go out in opted groups (there are some nice albs ones too). Voice communication is a must, as rvr is/has become more of an fps experience with tremendous damage and really quick fights.

That's from the rvr side, and at least from my personal perspective. On the pve side, artis are permanently camped (the only time i managed to find danos up, and not camped for the gov i needed for my vamp, was before heading off to work at around 7:00 GMT). MLs on the other hand are quite easy as we manage to attract quite a few people (downside of that is afk-ers and LDs), but every mob is going down with ease.

I hope these information have helped you out a bit. We are going to get clustered, it's official, time will tell if it'll be for better or worse, from my side I'm trying to keep a positive attitude about it.

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Post by Jupiler »

On the pve side, artis are permanently camped (the only time i managed to find danos up, and not camped for the gov i needed for my vamp, was before heading off to work at around 7:00 GMT).

well that's what i'm(as a more casual player) scared of the most really...other than that, hib/exca doesn't seem to have the trashtalking people alb and mid have. I'm looking forward to see you hibbies around...maybe make this forum a new home for you guys :)
&quot wrote:After playing zupiler and repeatedly getting beat by him (bastard)

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Post by Tadej »

Ahem...i voted no but i guess most of the ppl voted yes. Can anyone tell me WHEN the clustering will take place? So i can lvl my hero be4 i cant afford any gear for him :< Imo housing should stay separated so even us the non-greedy, non PvE h0es can get some pve items. The rvr wont move anywhere btw, it will stay at bled bridge, just more ppl zerging it. Splendid. Basically now there wont be 50 albs camping their own keep...there will be a 100 :/ I hope u have lots of guardians and warders on excal so i can get some rp :<
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