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Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:22 am
by Adalyn
Heya nib,

If any spots left i got a fop druid (30 reg/44 nurt), Animist or Enchanter i would like to join with, for a bard being puller it will not work... you cannot pull from range, you have to pull by body pulling which gets you pretty much insta killed :/

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:37 am
by Neea
Some info:
4-5 animists, 1 bard out of group to pull. 2 druids, 1 pbae(can add a second pbae if only 4 animists).

Set up in between the three camps closest to big bridge, shroom up. bard lull pulls one named and drags it to shroom field/pbae. use chanter pets(if you have chanters) to aggro any caster adds and drag them back. release clump after first 3 named, move to second set of camps, repeat.

Have bard get all the charms and hang behind the group a ways. Animists shroom the hell out of the shore, and when capped the bard moves over and has charms summmon Samut. Animists then start hitting him with Bombers and you PBAE, he'll drop in less then 30 seconds.

6 animists (4 50's, 2 /20's minimum), 2 bards, 1 druid with power font, any extra firepower is bonus. We only setup twice (instead of three times) to save time. Also, we use two bards, as the problem with only one bard pulling is sometimes that bard will get mezzed or extra aggro and won't be able to kite the Charm mobs to the kill zone. The extra bard helps alleviate this problem and speed up the encounter.

Reference the following map I created: ... hrough.jpg

Basically you setup kill zone on the green dot, have the bards pull the mobs in the order listed. I marked yellow dots approximately on each location the bard should be standing to look through the huts to get proper LOS to pull the named mobs. Kite to kill zone, rinse and repeat. With 6 animists keeping full grove of shrooms up, you can collect all 6 charms in about 7-8 minutes. Have one of the bards collect the 6 charms and summon Samut. Once that's done you have a little time to release clump and move to the red dot to setup the 2nd kill zone.

Setup, bard pulls and kits to kill zone, Samut dies really, really fast with the animists using arboreal DD bombers on him while shrooms nuke him down.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 11:33 am
by Almas
Nyeh sign me on anyway... Will be entertaining.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 3:18 pm
by nibs
Ok setups now full, so sorry to those who didn't get in. And as for all the critic saying its not possible with the setup ive proposed.

Hows about you let me lead me own event (i realise your trying to be helpful, but tbh, i dont wanna read a whole lot of negative stuff) :\

Bard *can* pull and live.
3 animists and 2 pbaoes is more than adequate; thrown adalyn in on 4th spot just to shut you all up.

Anyone who dont listen and do as i ask will get abuse; i lead, you listen, thats the way a raid works.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:18 pm
by Amedor
A group of 9 4tw :D

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:24 pm
by Elrandhir
nibs wrote:Okay, the glutten for punishment i am, and since atm im treating daoc as my break between study and such, i like to have a purpose when im actually in game!

So, Erinys Charm farm group]Setup[/b]

bard (puller): niblet
druid (bit of reg would be nice): Almas
ani: Voltys^shifty
ani: Genbu
ani: Sienestaja
ani: adalyn
warden: symn
pbaoe: amedor
pbaoe: eibhing (also has BB)


Wednesday 25th
7pm GMT (ideally all be there for 6.45)

Im gonna take the bard spot and act as puller; if we are sucessful i hope someone else will be able to take over pulling duty so i can switch to my animist.

Druids are great pullers you know ;P

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:25 pm
by Adalyn
Amedor wrote:A group of 9 4tw :D

Its actually a grp of 8 + nib is out of grp pulling :P

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 5:28 pm
by Eradium
nibs wrote:For now i want to do it with just 1FG (i want to keep participants low(ish) so that i stand a chance of perhaps running it enough times to make everyone the proud new owner of the arti)

If sucessful ill arrange runs more frequently until people feel confident enough to run their own attempt at getting it :)
OK m8, no probs.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 6:02 pm
by Amedor

Druids are great pullers you know ]
You just want Almas to die :)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 10:03 pm
by Amedor
What I would give for the first Erinys Charm.. since that'll finish my template ;)