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Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 8:12 am
by Ankh Morpork
I really like your idea of artifact raid :) so if it ever starts you can count on me :) To bad I only have 1 char atm that i need an artifact for (since i only have 2 templates atm)


Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 8:25 am
by Jarahl
Luz wrote:then it´s like any other artiraid.

the whole idea was to let someone get all encounters + artis if lucky in a night. Saving some of the headache of ToA for that person.
I see what you mean m8 :) However I just dont think its possiple, since some twat always says "screw ya'll, im going home"

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 8:31 am
by Ankh Morpork
Jarahl wrote:I see what you mean m8 :) However I just dont think its possiple, since some twat always says "screw ya'll, im going home"
Actually, it IS possible depending on who joins the raid.


Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 9:21 am
by Asterixxx
i would be interested only i have not yet recieved a template for my ranger and my other templates only require scrolls and named drops to complete. also it depends on when you wud be running it as RL might not allow me to attend every single raid. that seems to be a big factor in this type of arti raid.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 10:04 am
by Moley:)
I don't have a template as such , more just a random assortment of arti's /rog to be the best damn gimp ever!! .. so can i still join in ? encounter for nailiahs ,cb etc on Moleymoleymoley:moley::moley::moley: :classic:

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 10:13 am
by Heta
Ankh Morpork wrote:people being thrustworthy?

I feel Ankh becoming disapointed in a near future

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 10:15 am
by Luz
Moley:) wrote:I don't have a template as such , more just a random assortment of arti's /rog to be the best damn gimp ever!! .. so can i still join in ? encounter for nailiahs ,cb etc on Moleymoleymoley:moley::moley::moley: :classic:
No - there must be a template. ie. a goal with the raids, to kit up people for better RvR.
Cant spend lots of peoples times getting any artis one dont have.

then, again - we are back on regular Arti hunts, and there´s allready plenty of thoose =)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 10:16 am
by Moley:)
Okie dokie :classic: :moley: Cheers for replying

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 1:04 pm
by Ambrinoa
I like the idea.
If you ever get this going I would be glad to be a part of it.


Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 2:11 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Heta wrote:I feel Ankh becoming disapointed in a near future
after 3+ years in daoc I know what to expect. And there are quite a few people in daoc that I trust :)
