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Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:42 pm
by Puppet
Merino wrote:You say it yourself, that bragging is a huge invitation to the nerf bat. And, if I may add, rightly so. Playing a tank sometimes i have mixed feelings knowing that a FG of Anis and support is able to do what several FG of tanks and support can't even imagine to achieve. Of course I'm happy that we as a realm have more ML10s and have some ML10 items to purchase on the market thanks to you, but I guess it's the animist class which is gonna pay the price for that.

Just my opinion.

Perhaps; but the day you hit as hard as a buffed sorc-pet ML9'ed and can take as much beating as it is the day I congratulate you.

Face it: In DAOC pets > tanks. Stupid? Yes.

Better use it to your benefit; Mythic wont change it regardless (the pet part; remember pet pulling Fins in CF 2 years ago etc?)

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:48 pm
by Grymligast
U havent even begun to scratch my DL speed cap :)-

205 downloads so far in quite a short time though

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:44 pm
by VidX
Grymligast wrote:U havent even begun to scratch my DL speed cap :)-

205 downloads so far in quite a short time though
Hmm... Grym seems to be lurking on these forums alot.... Does that mean you're gonna roll on Hib?!?!

Go on, you know you want to! Everyone wants to be a Hibbie!

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 7:09 pm
by Xest
Merino wrote:You say it yourself, that bragging is a huge invitation to the nerf bat. And, if I may add, rightly so. Playing a tank sometimes i have mixed feelings knowing that a FG of Anis and support is able to do what several FG of tanks and support can't even imagine to achieve. Of course I'm happy that we as a realm have more ML10s and have some ML10 items to purchase on the market thanks to you, but I guess it's the animist class which is gonna pay the price for that.

Just my opinion.

It's nothing new, the first people who ever did ML10 did it with a really small amount of people abusing animists and ToA's been out on US like 1.5 years now so if it's not been nerfed now I'm not convinced it ever will be.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 7:37 pm
by Treeeebeard
Armok wrote:i need get my animist to ml10 so i can beg to tag along lol

d/ling now
I already tried on my ani and got turned down :P

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:25 pm
by Lieva
stuff only gets nerfed when it directly affects RvR i think.
PvE they dont really bother with - unless its really over powered...

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:54 pm
by Quinlan
What do you want to do with this pupo besides prove animists are OP

But yet again i love your music choice!

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:55 pm
by Tare
What Quin said about the music.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:34 pm
by Grimsong
Does this mean the items u sell aint gonna be well over priced as we all know how easy it is :D Nice vid though :)

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 11:22 pm
by Puppet
Grimsong wrote:Does this mean the items u sell aint gonna be well over priced as we all know how easy it is :D Nice vid though :)
Well what's overpriced really? Took all of us quite some time to get ML10 on the animists for starters. Then there's finding the portals; paying the 5 plat for people helping the search, the stress, the insane amount of PM's the the the ..... xD

Anyhow for what I can see most stuff is used by the people farming; for example I dont really have anything I think I would sell (except SoD's, we get those plenty!) - SoD-price seems to be steady around 10 plat which doesnt seem too excessive to me (I would GLADLY farm 10 plat for a SoD if I was the 'wrong' ML-path)

Some stuff will be sold; other stuff wont be sold. Droprate on scale was pretty low where leather seemed quite excessive.