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Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:21 pm
by Xilia
Bubble wrote:Clicky

This sort of thing used to have its own part, but i guess i'll post it here until the forums are finished
I guess most of you know whats going on etc already

Thanks bubble

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:22 pm
by Xilia
Devlin wrote:but i'll be at the next one ! xD

no next one sadly, well not organized by me

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:18 pm
by Jas
I should be attending both days.... unless of course, ya don't want me to ;)!

/Jas -Ranger and never drunk a drop of alcohol in me life!

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:34 pm
by Xilia
Jas wrote:I should be attending both days.... unless of course, ya don't want me to ]/Jas -Ranger and never drunk a drop of alcohol in me life![/B]

soudns good remember to call and book your paintball

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:08 pm
by Mojo
Evulweebeastie wrote:like you? can have my address if you want :D or all mouth?
Most ppl are all mouth.

Wont be going, cba playing daoc, cba going to daoc meet :>

i can only barley be arsed to visit the forums :P

have fun n stuff those who do go :D

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:30 pm
by Jupi
Mojo wrote:Most ppl are all mouth.

Wont be going, cba playing daoc, cba going to daoc meet :>

i can only barley be arsed to visit the forums :P

have fun n stuff those who do go :D
wtf is wrong wit de short ass luri, get ur ass there, i'm goin... albs are zergin the meet dude i'll bodyguard ya, me, u, maeloch and paul will wtfpwn dem lamers

btw u on de robinsons barley water? good for de bowels i hear

Btw when i say short ass luri to Mojo i say in jest before people start pm'ing me

When i say wtfpwn i mean drink em under de table

lol hlep lol

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:18 pm
by Drahminn
Still looking for someone around the Derby area to cling onto...

Dont fancy going to London alone, i really want to go so anyone comming past that way that can pick me up id make it worth thier while (in money or beer :D)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:05 am
by Xilia
Friday, 18th of March night we are heading to the Bierodrome for a meal and drinks starting at 6:30pm(restaurant area), so if your arriving the day before and like to meet a smaller crowd feel free to join us. There is a table booked in the restaurant area and if your looking to skip the meal and come later about 8:30pm we will probably shift to the bar.

Bierodrome - Kingsway
67 Kingsway
WC2B 6TD,697&cuiID=73

Holborn/Charing Cross are the closest stations

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:08 am
by Xilia
Things to remember

  • The British have this thing called "buying rounds", its not other men hitting on you so don't be cheap
  • Please do not pee in the street, others might be doing it but I bet the cops arrest the swedes
  • We may go to a club after the pub, it will be cheesy, it will play house music and there will be big breasted ladies walking about selling shots
  • We have name tags at the meeting because when you drink alot they are the only thing that keeps you in the conversation
  • See you the weekend after next


Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:13 pm
by Mambopoa
Sorry for late post.

Going to try my best to be there for the drinks, even if it is for only a couple of hours.

(Sorry to post here, but posting from work and I don't have/want a freddys house account.)

Hope to see you there.
