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Post by nibs »

Nejtun wrote:i dunno nibs , you did pretty well at insulting on of our gm's in our rvr group which we invited you to , and procceded to tell him how to play his class , covers the self righteous bit quite well :D , lol anyway , IT IS A COMPUTER GAME \o/
get over yourselves
Meh, wont go into detail about that day, but i disbanded and i did apologise in PM iirc :)
Gwarp, 42, Savage, LGM AC
Grumblebum, 50, Spiritmaster, ML3
Nibkyrie, 48, Valk, 9xx Alch
Nibmedic, 50, Healer, ML9
Stumblebum, 50, Warrior, ML10

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Emerald Rider
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Post by Asysh »

Hi kids! Don't forget to do your homework or no co-co!
Asysh Eccos RR5 Valewalker, ML10 Battlemaster
Acysh KeKe RR2 Mentalist, ML3 Warlord
Asysh Timpatik RR6 Cabalist, Pre-ToA [deleted]

Emerald Rider
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Post by Penlid »

Asysh wrote:Hi kids! Don't forget to do your homework or no co-co!
Whats my homework this week? :sheepskip

Emerald Rider
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Post by Adalyn »

Penlid wrote:\o/ First of all you won't even use the arti, 2nd of all ur a wanker 3rd of all ive offered to replace it. There ya go.

And for those who know me and know im a nice person, i wouldn't do it to anyone of you, i just think Nibalot thinks he is a righteous bastard and everyone should love him.

Hahaha i found this rather funny coming from the person who stole the GoV from a realm player, who gives you the right to decide for other people saying there not gonna use it and jsut sell it, people have alts like you, you have a bard and bainshee, for all we know you coulda sold it of instead of stick it on a alt or give it to a guildy, i respected you as a player, but how you reacted with this and come on forums calling people 'wankers' just shows how childish you are and that you need to get a life.

Adalyn - Eagle Knight - ML10



Fishyflaps - Grove Protector - Ml3

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Post by Briannon »

Penlid wrote:Whats my homework this week? :sheepskip

Thing is Penlid, why did you do it? Why didn't you respect the roll? It kinds makes it hard for peeps to trust you if we don't know why you would do something like this.

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Post by Adalyn »

Penlid wrote:Whats my homework this week? :sheepskip

1) Respect others and rules during raids
2) Get a gov for nib
3) Learn to not do it again

Adalyn - Eagle Knight - ML10



Fishyflaps - Grove Protector - Ml3

<Marsh Horde>


Emerald Rider
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Post by Penlid »

Well reason is that i been pretty desperate for that arti for a bit now, and it was up this morning and there was nobody about to do it.Then i set a raid up to do it this afternoon and we failed and most peeps left, then a guildie of mine went and found some peeps to help and we killed it and we rolled i rolled 86 and nibs rolled 89 and with him actually doing it the night before i thought that he would just sell it. So i didnt give him and activated it , dumb i know.

I've apologised to everyone involved in the encounter and most have forgiven me , only a couple left including Adalyn and Nibs, guess it will take time. Meanwhile i got some GoV camping to do, once again sorry to all those involved.

Emerald Rider
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Post by Penlid »

Adalyn wrote:1) Respect others and rules during raids
2) Get a gov for nib
3) Learn to not do it again
Number 1 is working now in ML 3 BG , Number 2 working on it. Number 3, ofc not :ba:

Emerald Rider
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Post by Lairiodd »

Penlid wrote:Well reason is that i been pretty desperate for that arti for a bit now, and it was up this morning and there was nobody about to do it.Then i set a raid up to do it this afternoon and we failed and most peeps left, then a guildie of mine went and found some peeps to help and we killed it and we rolled i rolled 86 and nibs rolled 89 and with him actually doing it the night before i thought that he would just sell it. So i didnt give him and activated it , dumb i know.

I've apologised to everyone involved in the encounter and most have forgiven me , only a couple left including Adalyn and Nibs, guess it will take time. Meanwhile i got some GoV camping to do, once again sorry to all those involved.
The only person who's forgiveness matters is the person who was entitled to the arti. I would say that the others in the bg didn't exactly forgive you, they just didn't really care one way or another as they didn't lose anything. Also, you do realise that even if you were 100% certain that Nibs would sell it, he still won the roll.

I guess the moral of the story is that when doing artis, the raid leader needs to make sure they have set it up so they get bg loot and also clearly specify what the loot split rules are in advance.

Btw, you say that your first priority is getting ML 3 now, maybe you should make getting a replacement for Nibs, your top priority ?
Lairiodd Level 50 Nightshade and Legendary Grandmaster Smith (1065) check prices here
Lairirian Level 50 Mana Mentalist and Legendary Spellcrafter (TDD)
Lairgreybark Level 50 Arb Animist
Lairmindlock Level 50 Bard (TDD)
Lairthall Level 35+ Friar

Stocking one 99% of most of the useful spellcrafting gems at Houses 3304 and 3306

Over 150 gems at 99% stocked

Emerald Rider
Posts: 320
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Post by Penlid »

Nope ML 3 isn't my 1st priority, i'll hopefully have a replacement sometime tommorow for Nibs


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