Dark Age of Interruptalot and other musings

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Dark Age of Interruptalot and other musings

Post by Wyst »

Dark Age of Interruptalot

Are the interrupts in this game now the over-riding power in RvR (fg and zerg)?

Is the general requirement for classes to have a large range of interrupts just a counter to the OPedness of the currently silly casting speeds? And has this therefore subsequently been countered by MoC prevalence?

Would you prefer spells, effects, etc only to interrupt if they did damage? Would you prefer this change only if something was done about the cast speeds of casters?

As a Banelord BM would you feel more gratified playing your supposed DPS light tank if you weren’t there primarily to hit 4 or 5 BL abilities each fight but to actually do some dps? ( I expect LW champs, heros etc to have same issues but cant comment from personal experience)

Do you feel you are more likely to get into groups based on ML abilities and template rather than class ability and knowledge of class?

Do you find it annoying that most casters prefer to run solo to chase the holy rp rather than join a PuG?

Do you find it strange that people feel they cant compete without a BB/someone supplying them capped buffs?

Do you feel none of the above questions apply to you? If not why not?

If you could change one thing for the good of the game OVERALL, what would that one thing be?

<musings and questions designed to stimulate interest and response>
Wyst Fullthinker 50 Warden ML10 BM RR8+
Vilcleft Cullthinker 50 BM ML10 BL RR5+
Ydrys Bard ML10 Soj RR4+
Hegglion 50 Voidy M10 convoker RR3+
Grusalug Hero, brainless ML8 WL RR3+
Cwmblyss MotherofWyst ML10 Conv RR2+
Ydryst Darkside screamer ML10 RR4+
Arnfiorgrit Valewalker ML8 RR3+
Molarbfloem Druid ML10 Perfector RR6+
Quickflick NS ML5 RR3+
Some others of lesser note on other servers of no consequence

All now asleep and probably forgotton

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Post by Bondoila »

Wyst wrote:Dark Age of Interruptalot

Are the interrupts in this game now the over-riding power in RvR (fg and zerg)?

Is the general requirement for classes to have a large range of interrupts just a counter to the OPedness of the currently silly casting speeds? And has this therefore subsequently been countered by MoC prevalence?

Would you prefer spells, effects, etc only to interrupt if they did damage? Would you prefer this change only if something was done about the cast speeds of casters?

As a Banelord BM would you feel more gratified playing your supposed DPS light tank if you weren’t there primarily to hit 4 or 5 BL abilities each fight but to actually do some dps? ( I expect LW champs, heros etc to have same issues but cant comment from personal experience)

Do you feel you are more likely to get into groups based on ML abilities and template rather than class ability and knowledge of class?

Do you find it annoying that most casters prefer to run solo to chase the holy rp rather than join a PuG?

Do you find it strange that people feel they cant compete without a BB/someone supplying them capped buffs?

Do you feel none of the above questions apply to you? If not why not?

If you could change one thing for the good of the game OVERALL, what would that one thing be?

<musings and questions designed to stimulate interest and response>
I find that the interrupt part works perfectly, and I feel that the game is pretty balanced overall (fg vs fg).

"If you could change one thing for the good of the game OVERALL, what would that one thing be?"
It's actually 3 things, remove lt and make it pure dmg, nerf ml9 pets and lower the intercept on sm pets.
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Post by Lieva »

get rid of buffs totally and use alchemists to make potions to buff people.

Also start listing drops etc on the main site insted of having to rely on fanbase run websites...
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Post by Genedril »


Not really - though definately required. Good interupts can turn the fight & allow you to get your damage & heals out.

Yup - though really good casters claim they don't need MoC.

Tanks aren't DPS compared to mages - they're probably better value for DoT mind (longer life expectancy, can keep hitting while interupted). But this is all about burst damage now.

Nope, you need: knowledge - class/ml ability - template if you're going to fg I reckon (class/ml interchangeable for some classes).

Yup & especially when they claim that fg's are rp obssessed.

Some people don't, but it's unfortunately become the norm.

Lifetap (not copying Bond - honest). & slight decrease on mage damage/speed so that druids can keep up (not rr10 druids with all the toys, just the mere mortals).
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Post by <ankh> »

Add nudity patch. Thats enough for me.


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Post by Maeloch »

Interrupting by spamming grey crap and stuff the target had immunity timer up on seemed v dumb/lame at when peeps started doing it, but now to me seems a sensible part of game tactics and caster control.

Peeps solo on casters cos u don't need anything else to get cracking, just you, ur buffbot and rdy to go. Not sure it's always about rps as it's often not that great, but depends what u mean by solo.

Casters are in the position atm where they have it all. Think tanks vs casters is 'fairly' balanced in grp stuff, but thing is casters can easy move between siege/solo/small scale/grp rvr - they have everything in terms of choice of rvr, they have everything to go (CC/dps/utility/whatelse is there? heals?). Something should give somewhere really, I get sick of the sight of them myself.
Mael, 50th ment.

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Post by Xest »

Still not really convinced casters are overpowered, it's just the misguided thought process where people feel a caster that's pumped all their RSPs into MoM/AA/WP shouldn't hit for 30% more damage or whatever they've paid for, not enough people put RSPs into counter RAs like AoM/Toughness/EM, fact is you can get more for your money in terms of countering caster damage than you can as a caster boosting caster damage and a caster straight out the box really isn't that hard hitting.

Fact is casters tend to put their early RSPs into damage whereas tanks/druids tend to wait until later on for countering them. Choosing RAs is all about prioritising what RAs you think are most important, problem is many people don't do this, they go with what everyone else says - fact is though, if damage from casters is a bigger priority for you than doing damage, or being un-CCable then you need to reprioritise instead of complaining about it. Casters suffer the exact same issue in that when they dump into damage they're losing out on mana, utility and survivability also.

First hand experience for me on my merc and minstrel has been that getting AoM3 and acheiving around 2300+ hps with toughness/CLs/SC as a priority means I can stand up to any casters with a good cleric behind me and it's much more important for me than things like an extra 10 points in det. - put simply at say, RR3L5 on a merc, AoM3 + Det3 + charge1 seems much more worthwhile for me than Det4 and charge 1 or det 3 and charge 2.

I'm not going to say everything in DAoC can be countered by RAs - that's simply not the case, but when you get things like people complaining about caster damage (because of casters who've spent 30+ RSPs in RAs) and don't counter it with 20+ RSPs defensive RAs or when infils/minstrel complain to me about MoC lifetapping SMs and don't counter the MoC3 (30 RSPs) with vanish1/SoS1 (5 RSPs) then come back when the SM's MoC has run out I really have little sympathy.

Just my take on the issue.
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Post by pikeh »

Remove casters armour shields (restrict to pve) - great damage but shit defence.
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Post by pikeh »

Xest wrote: I'm not going to say everything in DAoC can be countered by RAs - that's simply not the case, but when you get things like people complaining about caster damage (because of casters who've spent 30+ RSPs in RAs) and don't counter it with 20+ RSPs defensive RAs or when infils/minstrel complain to me about MoC lifetapping SMs and don't counter the MoC3 (30 RSPs) with vanish1/SoS1 (5 RSPs) then come back when the SM's MoC has run out I really have little sympathy.
Cant really bring vanish into it. Any idiot can chase down / pbaoe / find a 10% hp , Vanish 1 stealther, and its still bugged to hell it dosent work half the time.
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Post by Alexandrinus »

-think the FG-FG caster-tanks-hybrid groupfights are pretty balanced atm,interrupting is now a big part fo these fights,wich makes them more complicated and much more fun
-but i find it wrong that BM's are sometimes degraded for interrupt duty mainly
-caster....and Tanks runs solo often because they can,and its uncomplicate´d no waiting time for others,you can go where you want....
-yes im one of these wich feels not good when i have blue buffs in my back,i dont play a i-win button class so i need to push all stats to the maximum
-love to run in a group....if we have voice com....thats not because im so leet or soo, its because i know what good communication means for a group.

Arkaon / Karak-Norn
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