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Post by Sharkith »

ambera wrote:Sharks

interesting initiative but this information should be posted somewhere safer than here, yes?
perhaps - this is simply a ready reckoner we need frough information first - if it should be in a new secerts section then please say so folks.
Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Belisar »

Not much point - we know that section is not especially safe anyway. Besides I am not sure what anyone could do with the information and would not expect a lot of guilds to give you as much information as you want.

You may find a few guilds have a lot of active members and a range of toons which means they can get some semblance of a decent group out for raids and things but do not do so on a regular basis.

Be interesting to see what people can tell us though, I am guessing any knowledge of their activity RvR wise is useful.
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Post by Sharkith »

Belisar wrote:Not much point - we know that section is not especially safe anyway. Besides I am not sure what anyone could do with the information and would not expect a lot of guilds to give you as much information as you want.

You may find a few guilds have a lot of active members and a range of toons which means they can get some semblance of a decent group out for raids and things but do not do so on a regular basis.

Be interesting to see what people can tell us though, I am guessing any knowledge of their activity RvR wise is useful.
yesh it is just a starter we need to know what we have to work with. Then we need to build up from there. First things first lets get people together for a few raids. It will take shape itself if we can do it right and if we are determined enough.
Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Luz »

Yeh determination is key as I posted before, we must keep trying! This idea seems nice imo, it never hurts to try.
Bah. Lv50s.
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Post by Satyn »

Sharkith, i made a post in FS section, will get back to you when they are available and what chars they can bring. If you need any other information just let me know.
FS is at your service :)
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Post by Ebenezer/sol »

Nice thread this. I never been a siege person myself but i always been a hib:) And therefor im always ready to do my best gamewise to defend it. This latest situasion with bad organisation and setbacks for hibs have driven me from soloing 90% of the time to actually group up and join bgs again as soon as there is one, for first time ina long while. Im anoyed at the development with people that switch accounts as soon as alb have the upper hand. Ofc its having fun that is the important factor for everyone and they think its no fun being zerged 90% of their game time. But on other hand some understanding and loyalty for rest of friends they met while starting up in hib wouldnt hurt imo. I have seen a lot of cries rising up against all this though and people ready to dedicate some of their game experience to help better it for all hibs. So there are recources. We just need a good leader and someone that have the patience of a beaver mom of 100 cubs:P
Im a horrible leader myself but im up for helping out in the ways i can. I know whole CLA is behind me( as far as i know) on this, and maybe its time to try and sort out which other guilds would be as well( for helping the realm).
Anyhow..keep up the fight and nice effort all this:)

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Post by Koila »

Kneehigh can manage any day after 4.30uk...but not this saturday cos I'm leading co5 ;)
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Post by Cromcruaich »

Aran_Thule wrote:The BG on wednesday went well, slow starting, when we left first time all we had were 2 NE groups.
We got wiped very quickly by a powerful alb group, we tried again, slowly picking up numbers and managed to take and hold a bolg tower for a very long time which delayed the rest of the albs from getting to behnn.
We did very well even though we were badly outnumbered and out realm ranked.
Several groups seemed to be 'roaming' this is not a problem but at times we need thier assistance, as the main /bg can not survive a powerful attack from high RR group when they are already occupied.
NFD had at least two gg's out that night, and possibly a third pug group. We spent a large proportion of the time strategically taking towers to divide the zerg up, and once port was cut additionally roaming drop off points. It is guild groups that make the backbone of any primetime rvr action. They need to be there in numbers for any chance of success.

The problem is clear - hibernia excal and prydwen are split. There is a loyal but small group of people who frequent who are mostly the old hib prydwenites - we are also split between fragmented alliances and guilds. The natural solution would be to unite behind a common alliance. That will then provide a platform from which to broker ties with our like minded Excalibur breathren.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Aran_Thule »

Cromcruaich wrote: The natural solution would be to unite behind a common alliance. That will then provide a platform from which to broker ties with our like minded Excalibur breathren.
That not going to happen as everyone plays the game in differant ways and thoose that have been in a guild a long time will not want to leave it.
The other problem with merging guilds is that we have differculty claiming everything.
Merging alliances is differcult as well due to differant rules people want to follow and leadership issues, as well as what happens to the guilds that dont make it to the new alliance.

Opening and establishing communication between alliances is important, if im running something big i try to get it mentioned in the excal alliances.
Would it be an idea to make a contact list again with details of the 3 most active guilds in each alliance and contact details for them.
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by Jarahl »

Personally I'd love to play Hibernia some more with the limited time I have avail, but I will always be Alb by heart. Mainly because of the fact that I played there for 3,5 years. So once summer is over and my Alb guild comes back to life I'll rejoin the Albion forces.

Right now I do my best with my ickle Bainshee, supporting Sharkiths PuGs as much as possiple, might even re-activate my Bard acc if he lacks it at some point, but for now I feel like playing my Bainshee. If one of the regular fixed RvR groups needs a Bainshee, I'd be more than happy to fill in, just cant commit to a CERTAIN day since my shifts vary alot, at least untill I find a new job. Think about this GMs of fixed groups ;)


Retired Hibbie

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