ML3 pre-req steps, Sunday, noon UK time

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ML3 pre-req steps, Sunday, noon UK time

Post by Finolin »

I'll take a 1 FG through the ML3 pre-req steps on Sunday, 10 April, at noon UK time. Sign up here and meet in Aerus 15 minutes before.

A few caveats: I have not led these steps before so it will probably not be exceptionally smooth. Also, I'm going to the ML7 BG raid - we should be done well before, but in case we're not I will bail and reattempt some other time.

Bard Sarabande
Druid Fiat
Caster Tugie
Caster Mwa
Tank Overdue
Melee Dairuinn
Warden/BB Findrid
Any Audible (bainshee)

Acysh (mentalist)
Toxsly (nightshade)
Nosferankh (vampiir)
Immediate (warden)
Scharrina (hero)

Also, I have two other characters (on the same account) who need the pre-reqs so I'll run this at least two times before the raid on Thursday. Along those lines, after Rami's raid my plan is to run a ML3 raid next week for those who either still need credit or who need MLXP.
Finolin, 50th Elven Void Eldritch ML10 Convoker
Felia, 50th Celt Bard ML10 Sojourner
Fert, 50th Sylvan Arboreal Animist ML10 Convoker
Finality, 50th Sylvan Valewalker ML10 Battlemaster
Finoshar, 50th Shar Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Findrid, 50th Celt Druid ML10 Perfector
Fiat, 50th Celt Druid ML10 Perfector
Finesty, 50th Shar Mentalist ML10 Warlord
Fung, 50th Sylvan Verdant Animist ML10 Convoker
Finchant, 50th Elven Mana Enchanter ML10 Convoker

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Post by Izalia »

Tugie 50 light menta signing up
Member of Golden Age

Izalia 6l9 Naturalist
Izalee 2l7 Wannabe Nilmeia

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Post by Nejtun »

signing up mwa the chanter for other caster slot please :)
Nejtun Eld ML10 Convoker
Mwa Enchanter ML10 Convoker
Nayten Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Qois Ranger ML10 Sojourner
Blam Dr00D ML10 Perfector
<Guildmaster Incorporated>
ChungalungaWarlock :O( fun for 5 minutes )
Coal Hunter
Natheh BD


Post by Kallima »

Sign up with Sarabande 46 Bard please.

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Post by Aran_Thule »

signing up for melee space please with dairuinn, Vamp
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by Overdue »

46 Blademaster signing up :)

Thanks :). Can bring a FoP Druid out of group.
Devera the 10th Season Thunderer Blademaster
Gori the 8th Season Silver Hand Bard
Deify the 9th Season Flammen Vakten Spiritmaster


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Post by Asysh »

If there's room for a 48 mana ment I`ll come along.

Between red-hot and 26mentalism spec my heals arn't too bad.
Asysh Eccos RR5 Valewalker, ML10 Battlemaster
Acysh KeKe RR2 Mentalist, ML3 Warlord
Asysh Timpatik RR6 Cabalist, Pre-ToA [deleted]

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Post by Tox »

Toxsly please ns lvl 50 ml1
And can we do it on sunday the 10 april as my tardis is broken atm :bandit:

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

I can see your a fg, but I'd like to join if there is a spot open tomorrow..

With Nosferankh that is


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Post by twinga »

i cant do raids before 6pm gmt but will be able to do it any other the others days before the raid, so add my chanter krakatoa for any of the others runs you make as long as they are later that 6pm :P

laterr :)

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