Hibernia post cluster is divided: Discuss

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Hibernia post cluster is divided: Discuss

Post by Sharkith »

I am not sure about everyone else here but it does concern me that Hibernia post cluster is still very much a divided. We do not discuss or share our views in a similar medium and there is very little beyond ML raids in the way of cooperative behaviour.

Am I right?

I am not sure why but I do feel we are divided. There could be many reasons for this perception but I thought we should try and discuss these here as constructively as possible. I would also suggest we do need to consider trying to communicate across servers better. I have asked a few Excallies to come along and contribute here and I hope we can start by thinking about this and looking for ways to try and over come what I feel are quite big differences in gaming style and attutide.

(Excuse me spamming the boards but I am in the middle of writing a complicated bit and instead of smoking for a break which is what I used to do. I read the forums, obviously it is a matter of opinion which is healthier. Since your all not posting I am having to just let whats in me head come out. So its your own fault! ;))
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Post by Genedril »

Maybe the influx of new people has led to the feeling that we are no longer the under dog (which we, nummerically, were on hib/pryd for a long time) to such an extent and that the banding together (kindred spirits, brothers in arms, call it what you will) is no longer part & parcel of our being.

Long gone are the days when everyone had time for everyone else (rose tinted specs??? maybe) & would help each other & the realm when ever was needed.

In days of yore the more serious RvR guilds would always help out the realm & support us as needed. Soul Pact & HDS & then the Eclipse /as would always help when we were under attack & the relics were under threat. They harried the enemy while the bulk of us sat on the relic keep & tried to keep the hordes at bay.

Now it seems that people with differing playstyles cannot (will not?) take the time to look at it from the other point of view. They are right & why should they help out those who are wrong? Aran's attempt (pre-relic capture) to take back our frontier had an under-whelming response. It could have been down to the day (FA Cup final etc), but once upon a time even with people out watching a match the turn out would have been higher than 30.

As far as I'm concerned all this l££+ vs. zerg stuff is just a pile of pants that people have taken to throwing around. Everyone's a human being at the other end of the keyboard; people enjoy life differently & no-one is more right than anyone else. There's room for all in this game without resorting to trying to annoy & flame each other (either in game/via playstyle or on forums).
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Post by Xest »

I felt the same on Merlin when it got clustered but then I realised it's because we got clustered with a bunch of zerging redneck backwater servers with large armies of nobodies and that it's just we were far better than all of them! :p
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Post by Aran_Thule »

When clustering finallly took place i tried to get both sides working together.
Arranged a meeting for all Alliance leaders, pointed people to here and asked them to sign up.
How much effect did it have... i dont know.
I think it is as much the departure of well known leader types from hib/pryd as the cluster.
Also that a lot of people are not willing to listen, or worse are back seat leaders.
It made it very hard going from a core of people that were willing to work together to a larger mass that wanted to do thier own thing.
Another thing is that whereas before people played 1 realm, now all you need is an hour break and you can change side.
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Post by Satyn »

Genedril wrote:
Now it seems that people with differing playstyles cannot (will not?) take the time to look at it from the other point of view. They are right & why should they help out those who are wrong? Aran's attempt (pre-relic capture) to take back our frontier had an under-whelming response. It could have been down to the day (FA Cup final etc), but once upon a time even with people out watching a match the turn out would have been higher than 30.
Must have been the football match cos when Vegeta tried later it was a well organised raid and everyone helped out to get our land + relics back.
Long gone are the days when everyone had time for everyone else (rose tinted specs??? maybe) & would help each other & the realm when ever was needed.
Tbh that is still the case. But the only thing that has changed is that you have to know ppl.
But we have a very good alliance and that helps a lot. I know that if anyone needs help FS will always try its best to help out. And i know that GPK and MH are helpfull guilds aswell, same as SW. (sorry if i'm forgetting other guild but these are the first that pop in my mind.)

As for the working together with the excal ppl, i think we first need to learn how to work together (as in learn to help a stranger out) before we'll be able to work together with them.
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Post by Genedril »

Satyn wrote:
Moi wrote:Long gone are the days when everyone had time for everyone else (rose tinted specs??? maybe) & would help each other & the realm when ever was needed.
Tbh that is still the case. But the only thing that has changed is that you have to know ppl.
But we have a very good alliance and that helps a lot. I know that if anyone needs help FS will always try its best to help out. And i know that GPK and MH are helpfull guilds aswell, same as SW. (sorry if i'm forgetting other guild but these are the first that pop in my mind.)

As for the working together with the excal ppl, i think we first need to learn how to work together (as in learn to help a stranger out) before we'll be able to work together with them.
I think all guilds help out there own, as do alliances. It didn't used to be like that though - if one /as put out a cry for help, CTA or whatever then the you'd get people from everywhere turning up. Soul Pact were as likely to turn up to help to defend a keep as the Order of the Illuminati, or AoW (mind you it's not like we had that many keeps most of the time). I remember leveling alts with all & sundry (inclulding some of Nolby Pride - made me eat my words about them that's to be sure).
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Post by Belisar »

Truth be known this forum does not help.

Us Hib Pryds have always used this forum and always will. We like it, we have grown with it, it is ours. Hib excal uses the dreaded FH, they rarely come here and we rarely go there (well ok the latter may be a bit of an exaggeration).

Mids and Albs use FH almost exclusively so there is only one place to look for raids etc.

So close the forum and make us all use FH..... hhmm what a wonderful thought :p
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Post by Ebenezer/sol »

Hey folks:)
Well i do believe that it is a bit divided as well as shark sais. I havent taken the pulse on it for a while though as i havent been involved in much cooperation myself lately due to rl issues and doing other things when i do come online. However i remember before we clustered i always belived prydwen was a happier place then the comunity of excalibur. I made a few alts there and was always met with friendliness and nice people . So when you guys clustered with us i really looked forward to it. And in beginning i was thrilled to group with some guilds from pryd in rvr etc and get to know a few. Lately it feels though you have grown together a bit with us, and as someone mentioned you can make a character a little here and there and pop up somewhere else and you dont get the "us" "them" feeling as much anymore. Its almost more like pockets and guilds fighting together for their own cause or opinions. Im not sure this will get any better, following discussions on FH you can see that more and more people( there at least, not all use FH) tend to either go for fg rvr or solo rvr and duel somewhere and compete in that manner rather then work together with their realm...
oh and btw...be happy you have this forum..even though FH have been a bit better in the discussions they are feeble at times and just flamewars and add discussions that end in locked threads^^
over and out..

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Post by Craft »

In an ideal world ( obviously not Hibernia at the moment ) there wld only be a few alliances cross server ( RvR / PvE / RvR and PvE / RvR and PvE for fun ) there would be people who you could count on comming to save a precious tower whn you ask them for help, they would bring a Fullgroup to aid them and save the frontiers, Aran tries his very best but at the moment it seems that people just want to do what they want without struture then the same people complain because RvR and realm spirit is down, if people think about what is happening and assess the situation then people would realise that you need to think about what your doing and change the opinion of the rest, many times people leave full groups after they get steamrolled a couple of times, this shows no commitment to the other 1 - 7 players who are also grouped, they are also logged in and wish to achieve goals of their own. Not sure if that makes sense but i would like to point out to guild leaders that if you do want a successfull realm then you may have to do some running around and contact those in Excalibur who arent contacting you, i know its alot of work sometimes but leaders have to lead by example and take action, a big alliance list would be cool, with clear objectives laid out for everyone to see, when people log on they are nearly always limited to realm status / information by their own alliances.

Ok, so what im trying to say is:
1. We need clear alliance objectives ( RvR / PvE / RvR and PvE )
2. more communication between cross server guilds / alliances ( im still not sure if a cross server alliance is up, this would be ideal )

I guess more to come coffee: army:
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Post by Monk »

think 1 of the problems is ppl grp with ppl they know and may only meet one or 2 ppl from other server every so often, if we were clustered during the dreaded 1-50 (for the majority of players, that too long ago to remember tho) it would be different i think,

RE: Raids tho, u must remember that unlike the real army, we are playing a fun online game, where we can do pretty much whatever we want (within reason) so when u ask 100 ppl to sit at their screen and focus on 1 objective, it gets dull, especially when most ppl dont know eachother,

my suggestion would be to petition mythic to expand alliance caps and merge exc/pryd allainces in some instances, and where possible im sure alliances exist that could be merged now, even with the 20 cap. this would allow ppl to talk relatively easiy on /as
~~~GM of Fallen Spirits - Prydwen~~~
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