Adalyn wrote:Altho i agree with you shike that NF drove a lot of people away from DAoC. But surely would they still be playing the game now if it still was OF? in my opinion a new scenary (spelling?) was needed to keep people playing.
Yes, I agree totally on the point that OF was indeed getting old and that too would have driven away people aswell as NF has done, but, NF by design and concept is a disaster, pure 100% disaster. The bad things i see with it is:
Hello! Heeeeeeeeelloooooo! And nobody answers.. it is too big, waay too big. You need very large servers to support NF, actually so large so it all just lags to hell or crash.
Towers.. well.. isnt it fun to have some soloarcher lighting up a tower on fire, the guards have an IQ of 2 and dont even bother to charge him. You go there with a group and the archer stealths, 5min later, tower on fire again.. yay. One tower per keep is enough, more than enough. All you actually need a tower for is putting up siege in shelter, why is there 4 towers for this? Its silly to break ports by taking one tower and open ports with 4 towers, one is enough.
Bridges, well, isnt it clever to build bridges so that enemys have a perfect place to build siege on, and also a tight spot which is silly easy to defend for them aswell. Its great tactics actually!! Fkin idiotdesigners imo. A plain bridge is enough, no more, no less, allow us to kill bridges with siege aswell to prevent enemys from passing easy and set up camps to just farm and farm and faaaarm. Its the same as old frontiers with the MGrooms. No different in any way tbh, ppl use it in the exact same way.
Water.. yay for water, yay for ppl diving and surfacing, diving and surfacing, Its completely silly and its badly designed. Put cooldown on 10s on dive/surface and give LOS through it both ways for both nukers and melee. Make all movement 30% in NFwater, end of story. This gives a reason to kill a bridge near keeps to prevent enemys from easy rush towards keeps across a bridge.
LAG.. HI! OF wasnt as laggy as NF is, nowhere near. Bad design yet once again. 200 ppl zerg in a keep is unplayable for many many players. Delay on heals and stuff.. fun.. not..
Oil.. shouldnt give RPs, at all. Its silly. Its not you who is killing, you was lucky to get to leech RPs with it first of all who wanted to do it, and the damage on it is still silly, oneshotting isnt a good thing, never was and never will be.
etc etc, there are more stuff but i have to work now :<