Sharkith wrote:yes I sense a hint of irony.
No one understands irony anymore, or sarcasm. I blame too many people watching too many American tv programs!!.
I know that when I bard for NFD group 2 we try & avoid adding on fights, try to avoid killing soloers when we are a full group, & generally try & play fair. Sometimes this get's us killed, sometimes we get a bow in return. I'm not perfect & sometimes I make mistakes, but then I suppose the same can be said of everyone here. I'm pretty sure that NFD1 & NFD3 all have the same policy.
I'm not sure if this applies to soloers around the bridges & towers mind (that's NFD soloers as opposed to NFD groups running into soloers to prevent confusion) as those places seem to be a free-for-all for all & sundry.
If it was Drac then he was probably trying to nuke the hib & got the enemy by mistake, his incomings are a joy to behold (if you want to spot Hibs) & my SoS key is almost worn out because of it.
Those that can't lead follow.
Those that can lead should admit when they're lost.