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Post by Gandelf »

Cernos wrote:You can't just earn RPs for summoning wood, that would give Convokers a free RP machine. You'd have to track the wood and award RPs if it got used for repairs, which would be hard to implement.

I suppose, but if the wood is summoned in the keep where it's needed, then they could do it that way.

The timer being what it is, generally a Convoker has to hang around for quite a while if the repairer is short of wood. There's not enough time between summoning wood to go off and do something else and if you do, the repairer might run out of wood. If the timer was say, 30 secs, you could summon quite a lot in 5 minutes, give it to the repairer then go off and do something else.

There should be some recognition at least, because summoned wood dissapears on logout, so it can't be stockpiled and really it's so heavy that you become encumbered, so you're not going to be carting it around in your backpack. Really, it's summoned when and where it's needed, i.e. to repair a keep. So there should be some element of reward for convokers who stay around a long time to aid repairs.

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Post by Adalyn »

Ok Gandelf look at it this way. Yes the repairer needs wood to repair, the repairer also needs high woodworking which the convoker doesn't need and only needs Master Level 1. The repairing takes more time then someone summoning wood, the repairer can also teleport back and forth from keeps or get someone to buy loads for him and take it to him and he pays back.

If Ml1 Convoker Summon Wood ability is to grant people rps, altho it might only be 50rps or something small each time you summon them. The third party users (Macros) can just summon wood 24/7 getting 50ps or so every minute. Would you want that to happen?

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Post by Gandelf »

Adalyn wrote:If Ml1 Convoker Summon Wood ability is to grant people rps, altho it might only be 50rps or something small each time you summon them. The third party users (Macros) can just summon wood 24/7 getting 50ps or so every minute. Would you want that to happen?

But that wouldn't have to be the scenario. The rps would only be awarded if 1. The wood was summoned in a keep that needed repairing and handed to a repairer. 2. The summoned wood was used to repair the keep during the time it takes for the keep to become fully repaired.

With such a system no-one could abuse the system because it relies not only on the wood being summoned in the right place at the right time, but also on a repairer being there to receive the wood.

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Post by Kari »

Rofl, you're going to want rp's for buying bloody wood next :)

50plat for rr5 anyone? :P

The act of summoning wood has precisely no impact on the rvr world, the act of repairing something like a keep door with the afore mentioned wood does. That's it really.

/edit: Spelling...

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Post by Lieva »

When loot drops, if solo, and /autoloot is active, you should pick up gold and items automatically.

When loot drops, if grouped, and the group leader has /autoloot active, gold and items will be picked up automatically. Gold and item division should be handled normally from that point depending on the group settings.

When loot drops, if in a battlegroup with a designated treasurer, and that treasurer has /autoloot active, items that are high enough level to go to the treasurer will be looted automatically and distributed to the battlegroup treasurer.

If autoloot fails because no one in your group has open inventory slots, the item should remain on the ground.
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Post by Ovi »

Kari wrote:Rofl, you're going to want rp's for buying bloody wood next :)

50plat for rr5 anyone? :P

The act of summoning wood has precisely no impact on the rvr world, the act of repairing something like a keep door with the afore mentioned wood does. That's it really.

/edit: Spelling...

On a long repair the summoner is giving up just as much time as the repairer, and the summoned wood has exactly the same impact on RvR as the repair, since you can't do one without the other.

I don't think it is workable, however I also don't think it is a laughable suggestion.

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Post by Kari »

But you agree there is no direct impact? That's what this whole round of RP's for heals, mezzes, stuns, repairing etc smacks of to me - RP's for things directly affecting RvR and the RvR world.

The suggestion of RP's for summoning wood is indeed a laughable suggestion in my eyes, you may as well give RP's for buffing, or RP's for forming an RvR BG, or RP's for placing a speedwarp... All things which indirectly may or may not affect the outcome of a fight which actually does give RP's.
Of course, you're welcome to your opinion so we'll agree to disagree on this one I guess.

On topic, I'm actually feeling quite positive about this patch. The heavy tank changes are excessive, the primary healer changes seem to have been thought of by someone who has never played a primary healer, but apart from that there are many positives & nice touches in there.

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Post by Hrymf »

Gandelf wrote:But that wouldn't have to be the scenario. The rps would only be awarded if 1. The wood was summoned in a keep that needed repairing and handed to a repairer. 2. The summoned wood was used to repair the keep during the time it takes for the keep to become fully repaired.

With such a system no-one could abuse the system because it relies not only on the wood being summoned in the right place at the right time, but also on a repairer being there to receive the wood.
Or you could go get your woodworking high your self and use YOUR summoned wood to repair the keep?

The whole "if he gets, then i want also" attitude this thread screams out is utter stupid, no way in hell someone pressing the button to summon a piece of wood should get rps, it cost you nothing, and its hardly a timesink to your ingame experiense. The reason they introduce something like this is simple to reward those few poor guys/girls who have always been loyal enough to take care of our keeps and such, and the worst thing with doing it, is the cash that it often cost, its not always easy to get everyone to bring wood, often most people just rush off and 1 guy is stuck there repairing and maybe even having to pay for the wood.

I think you should try consider how nice it is they introduce this to help our fellow repair crew, rather than scream out that then wood summoners deserve rps also, this situation reminds me purely of 2 kids where the one get a piece of candy, then the other one want as well....
Inzo Nightshade 7Lx
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Post by Ovi »

Hrymf wrote:Or you could go get your woodworking high your self and use YOUR summoned wood to repair the keep?

The whole "if he gets, then i want also" attitude this thread screams out is utter stupid, no way in hell someone pressing the button to summon a piece of wood should get rps, it cost you nothing, and its hardly a timesink to your ingame experiense. The reason they introduce something like this is simple to reward those few poor guys/girls who have always been loyal enough to take care of our keeps and such, and the worst thing with doing it, is the cash that it often cost, its not always easy to get everyone to bring wood, often most people just rush off and 1 guy is stuck there repairing and maybe even having to pay for the wood.

I think you should try consider how nice it is they introduce this to help our fellow repair crew, rather than scream out that then wood summoners deserve rps also, this situation reminds me purely of 2 kids where the one get a piece of candy, then the other one want as well....

As with kari, I think you are looking at this from the wrong angle.

It is not about someone getting RPs because they got to ML1 and can press a button. It's about spending time pressing that button to help repair when they could have been off getting RPs in more fun ways instead.

In my opinion the repair crew consists of those repairing, and those supplying wood. As a team. All concerned are giving up their time, when they could be doing something more enjoyable instead.

I have often swapped from a Repairer character to a summoner, since that is what is needed most, wonder how many people will be willing to swap now? :o

One thing that is not clear, and could make this discussion redundant, is whether those RP are split between the group or only individual. If they are split between the group then as long as the repair crew are grouped all is fair :)

As I said before, unless the RPs are split between the group, I really can't see how it can be made workable, and certainly doesn't deserve a significant amount of time spending on it.

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Post by Hrymf »

Still this is pretty much a situation where we are given something good, and instead of seeing the good in it, you guys scream for more...

I dont mind spending a bit time given wood or summong wood (if i could) to a guy who repair, and then get rps for it, i can assure you that overall the people who spend most time in the keeps is the ones repairing, just because you summon wood, 1, 2 or even 3 times, it take much less time than to do the actually repair. And again, noone sais you cant just go woodworking your self and repair with your own wood for your own rps. Anyone have the option to go repair tbh.
Inzo Nightshade 7Lx
Inzak Warden 8lx
Inzork Blademaster 6lx


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