The importance of being earnest... er honest

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Post by Aran_Thule »

quite frankly all these flames/discussions are starting to upset me, we had a community and its one of the things that made playing here fun.

What i am seeing now is people that have decided that they dont want to play anymore or that the grass is greener over the other side, but they are not content with just throwing thier dummy out of the pram they have to upset things for everyone else as well.
We are all in the same boat, if you want to jump ship then so be it but there is no need to drill a few holes in it before you leave.
Ive had enough, i always thought this forum a nicer place then FH but im starting to change my mind now.
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by awarkle »

well i was just trying to point out that not all mmorpgs are the same, i wouldnt say DAOC is the worse but then again i wouldnt say it is the best.

Eve is a very select type of MMORPG there isnt really anything else out on the market (yet) and so the ccp folks can get away with being more open they also have a different marketting model if i remember all subscription funds go towards free content there isnt bought expansions as such.

as where swg is more like daoc in the pricing structure of the game the money making from expansions.

However SWG has a run forum which you can use when you first get your account what folks were saying ( i might be wrong ) is that it would be better if they got access to say a proper GOA run forum ie no no freddyshouse and instead we have a forum where there would be a sort of board where only E&e and gms and such would post not necesarily make it open to the players. It does work but it has its drawbacks (just read the majority of the posts)

im probbly moving off topic and stuff its just remember when you think goa is being a big pile of shit that the folks at swg have it far far worse :P and likewise the folks at CCP got a system that works, its all swings and roundabouts and grass is greener syndrome. if we were all paid CSR's would things be different ?

anywho thats just me i think goa could do better but the private stuff should remain private weather or not they are lying to the customers or not if it backfires on them then they got noone else to blame but themselves but us as e&e's shouldnt try and make things worse by posting stuff on external boards. i wouldnt want the whole game to suddenly get axed just because of somthing i said or found out from the internal boards.

It wouldnt be fair to the other people who maybe dont read forums or arnt e&e's or just dont care. Anywho read some of the threads on starwars you might have to go back about 20 pages to the start of the NGE threads the ones that didnt get blocked.
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Post by ambera »

Sorry you feel that way Aran, but have you been to FH lately? We have some way to go before we're not nicer than that.

We still have a community. Those that are leaving aren't sharing their frustration in order to 'drill holes in the ship'.

Life isn't all butterflies and kittens. People who are angry and upset have a right to express that, albeit they should try and do so in a way that doesn't make things worse. If is somewhere you can only post if you're thinking 'happy' thoughts, then this isn't a community, it's a (thought) police state.
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Post by Shike »

Aran_Thule wrote:we had a community and its one of the things that made playing here fun.
we have Aran, we have. Sure some things in this thread and other threads have been abit hostile and I've ofc done my part in it aswell as usual (which I totally stand for even tho I got warned) but, remember that this all depends on the simple fact that GOA have done a lousy job on informing the community, it imo does not justify some of the things done but in the end of the day:

The lag seem to be getting better and better, XML is starting to work, people will be happier overall and in a while this thread will not be much more than a memory. Large problems like GOA have had lately tend to upset people, since we cant bash GOAs headquarter with rotten tomatoes we get frustrated and let some of the preassure out here among other places. Think back Aran, and try to remember all the large flamethreads that has shaken hib/pryd in the ground. It didnt really cause much in the longrun I think. :)

I sometimes get the question : Do you hate anyone in DAoC? My only answer is always: naah, how could I hate someone over a game? That would be silly. Ingame is ingame, forums is forums, RL is RL. Keep these separate and things should be fine :)
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Post by Selenia »

I've asked for the E&E programme to be disbanded or completely rethought. It's obvious that it's not working in it's present form from the amount of complaints it's generated.

We're extremely lucky we have something like this working *for* us, not against us, and you wont know what you've lost until it's gone. We're working for the community to try and keep things together. The moment the programme becomes compromised then it's no longer viable.

Making the internal boards public is not a good idea. If it was, then there'd be a whole lot of "who flung dung" posts about who's radaring etc than is worth it. As I've said, yes I can totally sympathise with people who are angry, frustrated. Let's try and keep this constructive and we can all work everything out. People always talk about the bad things, but never the good things anymore.
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Post by Gahn »

Puppet wrote:In the end, if both Taki and Avernal felt like they could no longer be an E&E then simply resign. There's no need for either bashing (because the poisonspike issue was simply bashing, nothing else) or leaking information. A simple resignation would been enough, why make up a mascarade, throw yourselves up as 'martyr' ? Well my guess is basically attention-seeking and ofcourse the 15 mins of fame as I said before.

And to Crom, the guild NFD has little to do with it, what I ment was, I think, Avernal had more intimite contact with Takhi which resulted in the Avernal also leaving. Perhaps Im wrong, but I think it had a major impact on the final decision of Avernal regarding his departure. That's what I ment with same guild, it was not a rant towards NFD or any of the members of NFD. I would have said the same thing if they both where member of FS, Eclipse, Severance etc.
U still ain't trying to see the other side of the medal, oh well nm :)
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Post by Keriwin »

With all this arselicking and ex-E&E bashing that Puppet has been doing... he has failed to mention that on the internals he posted if the item deletion bug had happened to him he would have packed up shop and quit... yet it didnt, he hasnt.

I didn't mean this to be a flame thread (which it hasn't in my opinion) but a calm disscussion thread as stated...

Yes i breached a form of trust (which imo vanished when Kemor left but thats my perogative) but my trust isn't the only one that has been broken... reason i posted this thread was to show what was being witheld, basically trust breaking as they have been decieving... no matter how big or small you see it and i just felt that people should know...

E&E stands for being a communicator between GoA and the community... now doesn't that mean the community should be allowed to know this? else if not then why class it that... why not just class it as 'testers + abuser reporters'?

*hug to everyone*
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Post by Tare »

Keriwin wrote:Yes i breached a form of trust (which imo vanished when Kemor left but thats my perogative)

E&E stands for being a communicator between GoA and the community...
Good work on contradicting yourself in one post.

E&E is a deal between GoA and you, while you're saying that the band of trust was between u and kemor? ><

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Post by ambera »

Don't tell us what Puppet has said in the E&E forums Keri, fgs, that's not on.
Ambera the Heroine
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Post by Ovi »

Keriwin wrote:With all this arselicking and ex-E&E bashing that Puppet has been doing... he has failed to mention that on the internals he posted if the item deletion bug had happened to him he would have packed up shop and quit... yet it didnt, he hasnt.

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