Prydwen - US community

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Post by Vai »

Downy wrote:Would start on USA right away but im still scared of having to be online to 5am my local time :p
Hey Downy ..long time no see... top servers always have RvR going on, Merlin, Gareth ( classic ).. surprising how many Europeans play U.S.servers.Im sticking to classics due to no ToA ..saves a hell of a lot of time getting a char ready for RvR .

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Post by Shike »

Thandruil wrote:Those are points why we really should look forward to moving US servers tbh, things we've always complained about on Pryd happen there as well. So if Pryd dies i c no reason to continue playing.

I reopened my old hibaccs day before yesterday and I really have to say it felt like coming home again when talking to my old guildmates and friends ingame on Prydwen.

The things i really dislike with US are quite few:

The cheating.. omfg! its just nuts, its crawling with them and the community actually seem to just.. accept it. Its totally ****ed up :(

The community sucks totally, VN is full of people with serious issues and very little on VN is actually constructive, if any at all. FH is a quite flamy forum yes but, many issues are also raised and I also see quite many serious posts if you look between the what trolls type down.

The quality of RvR is far far below what it is in EU, people have craptemplates at high RR and generally just play worse, both in PvE and in RvR. My merc has gotten grappled 4 times now over there and im 6L5 at this time.. that kinda says it all. They just play really really different there. Its far more casual and laidback, but, to cover for skill they instead use every laghax and cheat you possibly can find. Abuse is a part of the game there, which I really really dislike.

The obvious advantage US has over EU is, its directly run by Mythic, and Mythic handles most things except cheaters way way way way better, its a massive difference with ingamesupport and generally I have no problems at all with connection to the servers either while Opentransit is pure ****e.

Moving to US is one way to keep the game alive for oneself, but I also think quite many that go there might be very dissapointed in how the community acts and works there and... This is not a flame but, remember the flaming of Penlid here in EU? Since he admitted he use radar in US, and his reason to use it was, "everybody else use it".. this is something to remember and keep in mind if considering a move to US. It really is that horribly bad. Imagine it to be really bad, then multiply it to 10 and you the reality there, thats how it was for me, I was shocked and still am disgusted with how it is.

If you go solo, expect to be radared down constantly and zerged to hell, if you go with a PuG, expect to be jumped by a rr11group from nowwhere that somehow always get you from behind. If you can live with things like this and dont bother with it much, then US could be ok for you. Otherwise you will be very dissapointed. Hell even the zergs there run with radar to hunt down full groups. This all is for the Kiliburycluster, with Merlin among other servers, I havent played the other clusters so things might be different there, I really dont know.

Running with our guild is still fun for me, we can take on any group there and win but thats all there is to it, I just dont RvR with random groups, even if they are good, since its quite likely that the one leading grp uses radar, which I refuse to acccept and condone by not appealing him asap while running in the group with the person in question.

EU at least condemn cheaters and report them asap, US just /shrug and make a +1post on VN and say that the person complaining about cheaters is a looser and should die irl or cry to mommy... GOA at least have taken a stand versus bugabusing (hello bains for example..) and I believe they actively investigate and ban people that get reported and found guilty. This is actually the one and only single reason to play under GOA today in my opinion, its quite sad but thats how I see it. If Mythic was enforcing their rules more actively and actually gave a **** about abusers and cheaters, I would encourage people to under Mythic instead, but as is I'd say its down to what one values ingame.
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Post by Cernos »

Shike wrote: This all is for the Kiliburycluster, with Merlin among other servers, I havent played the other clusters so things might be different there, I really dont know.
I had much the same experience. I played a fair bit on the US servers in the period leading up to and just after Catacombs US release. I played initially on Alb/Merlin and didn't like it much. The community was a pale comparison to Hib/Pryd or Mid/Excal, people were generally ruder, cheated more and abused noobs (and Albion seems to attract more noobs than other realms). Player skill levels were right down on what we're used to in EU (so much so that even a gimp like me felt overpowered RvR'ing my way up in the BGs with basic gear). I got to 50 and found the zergs, radar and LOS abuses were horrific in big boy RvR.

When Catacombs was released I decided to move to Mid/Lancelot and try a Winlock. The difference was night and day. I found the people on Mid/Lancelot to be much more friendly and helpful, much less abusive and skill levels were higher. Still nowhere near the community I was used to on Pryd though, but much better than Merlin. RvR on Lancelot seemed better too, less evidence of cheats and slightly more bearable zergs (but still much more zergy than Pryd).

But all this was pre clustering. If (and it's a big if) I was to reactivate I'd play my Mid/Lance characters or try Hib somewhere, I don't think I'd go back to Alb/Merlin (especially given what Shike has to say about what things are like there).

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Post by Heta »

Worst thing about US server for me.. is how I self have started to stop caring about radar.

I do hate it, would never ever consider using anything like it. Still tho when you get radard down time after time after time, and no matter how many times you report they still don't get banned for it. After a while you just don't bother to report as nothing happen anyway.

And I mean its not like they are hiding it either. They talk freely about it on vent, but what someone has said on vent aint grounds they can ban on aparently.
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Post by Poh »

Going to check out the EU classic server first but if not many people are going to play it or i find it boring i might aswell reopen my US account. I must say never met so nice people or had such a good time than i had in From dusk till dawn. Tho that guild is pretty dead now :( with the new changes to artifacts and stuff will get easier to get your stuff done even when you play on US atleast i believe that.
Pryd: Pohez 50Eld, Pohuz 50Vamp, Pohbot 50Druid
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Post by Heta »

one thing that makes this game tho...

is the people you play with, not the server you play on

so for the most part that will run to US server will face nothing but disappointments.

worked quite well for me as we were quite a few that started at the same time
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Post by Xest »

Alb/Merlin isn't anywhere near that bad, it's one of the few server/realm combos that DOES have a proper community forum other than VN i.e.

I think the key thing is you have to give it a chance and get to know people there, Shike doesn't like grouping with yanks so doesn't get to know most of them that's his problem :p Cheating is indeed lame but I think it's just a case of seeing things through rose tinted spectacles again, I remember one minstrel on Pryd, name begins with E, is quite high RR blatantly speedhacking from me once, when I posted on FH about it I just got the same bull**** by people who weren't even there basically condoning what she did or defending her without any evidence they had to back her up and she's still in game so I don't really see any difference there seeing as the community on Prydwen just accepted cheating here also and GOA did nothing about it also.

The common complaint from most will be a feeling of isolation as when you do start on a new server, as with starting on any new game from scratch you wont know people at first but if you stick around and talk to people it's not hard to get to know them IMO, certainly I've only been playing Alb/Merlin a year and can get a spot in a strong group pretty much as soon as I log in on an evening. I found it pretty much the same on MLF, starting wasn't so bad as we moved there with like 2fg of other prydwenites but a few left the game and such and I was finding decent RvR groups pretty fast on my bard and ment. I think some people adapt better than others, some get to know people on new servers quick and do fine, others tend to merge into the community less quick but moving with people you know is one way to be sure no matter how well you manage to fit in you'll have friends with you until you do ;)

Just to sum up on some tips, if you're going to do it, try and make sure you do it with people you know, unless you socialise really well. When choosing a server ignore underpopulations bonuses - we're a little bewildered as to why Hib/Merlin was recently declared underpopulated when it zergs harder than any other realm ever and Mid/Merlin can summon zergs equal to Alb so it's pretty clear that population bonuses aren't based on active RvR population and when the servers usually have a few hundred people per realm minimum the argument of ML raids being too hard seems rather irrelevant too - basically the underpopulation stats really don't tell you which realms are underpopulated or not sadly. Try and find out whether your Server/Realm selection does have it's own forums like or for example, it'll help you merge in and finally if you wanna get /level fast then roll a necro, ding 50 in 2 days then start your level 20s ;)
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Post by Sharkith »

please keep the discussion going it is very informative and people need to be able to read all of the angles. Thanks for bringing the discussion here Shike, Cernos, Heta and Xest - that sharing of views really helps inform people thinking about leaving. Its why snap decisions should not be made on this.

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Post by Bebop »

Well, rolled a RM on mid/merlin & was on there late last night, servers were buzy & was on it today as well (600+ in mid alone @ 11amGMT which was about 5am US i think?, the Merlin server brought a sence of relief to me tbh...

Do you remember your VERY first time in daoc here on euro? ...well i was kinda having flashbacks ^^ ...knowing nobody & grouping with people you dont know to XP (from level 1 i might add!) which to me was fun & summit that i missed on pryd. sounds silly but tbh ive enjoyed last night & today ..i know its only early days but the thing i was dreading most was leveling up from level 1... But now ive started it aint too bad, afterall this is how you get to know people & make frineds in-game... most of the people i know (or knew on pryd before they left for wow etc) i got to know from leveling up with not 4fin but the oldskool way ;) so far ive made a few friends & i know its only early days but these 2 days have give me ALOT more fun than ive had on pryd in a long time.

The other thing i was wary about was Americans in general! ...but those ive met so far have been helpful/friendly, the only thing u need to get to used to is things like "dude!!" <--yanks love saying that for sum reason!)..ok sometimes they talk strange :P but they prob think the same about us euro's, when i said summit like "ellos m8" they would ask "whats m8?"! ... Was also fun when someone i grouped with today played daoc for the 1st time....

Was me & warlock & a thane...

This was the Thanes very 1st time in DAoC, & ofc... he liked the AoE spell so you can guess what pulling was like :P but after a while he got the message that only the WL will pull :P ...anywayz 1/2 way through the day he said "WOW, Ive just realised i have chambers to" ...ofc me & the WL couldnt stop lol'n tbh then afterwards i gently put it to him that those are insta spells not chambers like WL's ^^ ....things like this made it fun day overall & was good to actually see new blood starting the game & enjoying it whereas on euro its just alts & alts.

But i have to admit, when i did /who all & over 600 shown up, i was amazed to say the least as this was not even prime time in US.

So for me 1st impressions, im happy & im even more certain that i will not be renewing my euro subs. Im sure eventually i will find a guild, prefeably a euro one, but after grouping with quite a few yanks yesterday & today i wouldnt mind at all joining a guild thats 90% yanks, ;)

Every server has its nubtards, Pryd has had its fair share & im sure theres going to be alot more on merlin due to the population being alot more, but this also means there will be alot more people that will be friendly too :)

btw the horses look uber \o/ :-)
Prydwen RETIRED..Might be comming back!

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Post by Shike »

Xest wrote:I think the key thing is you have to give it a chance and get to know people there, Shike doesn't like grouping with yanks so doesn't get to know most of them that's his problem :p Cheating is indeed lame but I think it's just a case of seeing things through rose tinted spectacles again, I remember one minstrel on Pryd, name begins with E, is quite high RR blatantly speedhacking from me once, when I posted on FH about it I just got the same bull**** by people who weren't even there basically condoning what she did or defending her without any evidence they had to back her up and she's still in game so I don't really see any difference there seeing as the community on Prydwen just accepted cheating here also and GOA did nothing about it also.
I dont like grouping with n00bs, and I also dont like to group with cheaters either, kinda puts me in a situation where it is very hard to find groups besides our guildgroup. Last time I was running in a "PuG" Kainbladell was leading it, and hes a blatant radaruser and everybody knows this, for me it came down to this: Shall I appeal him now and just ask a CSR to follow us around or shall I just stop running with these idiots that all actually KNOW and SUPPORT this cheater since they group with him. Choice was simple, I dont RVR with them. Its equally bad to run with someone you know radars, as it is to radar imo, I just will never ever accept it, I rather quit. I get groupinvites pretty much every time I log on my merc in sauvage, but i turn them down, either since I know its a group with people I simply dont like (quite some people that RVR there are completely ****ed up in the head tbh) or I know that they cheat. You know how it is Xest so I shouldnt have to explain this.

And no, its not about some rosetinted glasses, no no no. You are so wrong here. The difference is massive, and beyond massive. Perhaps you have gotten abit blind (the thing Heta spoke about) and just got used to it so you just dont realise how bad it actually is.

My first reaction the first RR's in RVR was:


In my wildest dreams I wouldnt have guessed that so many people used radar and abused every single existing bug you can use to your advantage and Mythic did just about.. nothing. I sent a bunch of PMs to Missy and Sanya and a couple of months later we saw the wave of bannings, then another, and people still cheat, admittedly not as many since some has gotten banned and it shows some things, the community doesnt care, they dont care if they get banned, they are stupid and ignorant and play the game like they would play Counterstrike, with aimbots and whatnot. VN is filled with ignorant ****wits that has the IQ of a goldfish, the forum you speak of is used for one thing, organising MLs and other raids, and tbh, it aint much used and its not a communitything either, its just a tool for raids. Compare it to for example and you compare apples and oranges.

You yourself Xest, whine in our /gu every single day, on and on about how cheaters did this, cheaters did that, every single day. Doesnt this actually tell you that something is seriosly wrong? :)

This aint a flame or something Xest, I would scream at you on MSN instead but this time, with what you post, I believe you are quite wrong about some stuff.

Regarding the other stuff, I pretty much agree :) Its important to go in to a new server with friends, without friends DAoC is total utter crap. Rather play BF2 and blow up stuff then ^^
Shikei, Temples, Shike, Imidyr and Shiko
<Ascending Dawn>

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