[Discussion] Server down 15.11

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Post by levelnix »

Ankh Morpork wrote:Thats EXACTLY why I want a rollback ]/Ankh[/B]
lo ankh i love your comments :wave:

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Post by Caestar »

[quote="Satyn"]no offence but have you been sleeping last couple of months? ]
i did rightnow it ofc !!
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Post by Vampiiress »

I admit this is very frustrating. I have no confidence that GoA will ever run the servers as stable as Mythic, neither even come close to their plane at servicing the community. Solutions could be either moving to the US servers or find another game.
Moving to US servers to keep playing DAoC may not give you what you are looking for. The regular servers are pretty much underpoppulated and more and more are getting clustered to make up for this. The vast majority of players has moved to the classic servers, in search of what was lost in the game after ToA was introduced. Many of the "old school" players reopened accounts and started there too. My latest info from that community is that things are getting back to normal game conditions. After DR was introduced, they're back to the situation where some players are greately overpowered due to the new champ weapons and equipment. Newcomers to the game have a very long road ahead to stand a chance in RvR. Six out of ten new chars made are the "solo strong" types, like Vamps, Warlocs and Heretics.
We still need Mythic to introduce a server that only focus on grouping and teamwork.
As for finding a new game to play - that's not easy. Many of us have been playing in this community for years, and have made a lot of friends. Many have made a lot of lvl 50 chars, and put a lot of work into those. Leaving all this behind is a major decission, not to menthion starting over in a completely new game.
I guess for me personally, it will take one more major f...up from GoA to make me leave. It will happend - just a matter of time.
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Post by Caestar »

And another thing...as far as Goa goes they shouldnt have to use Pryd.net or FH for example to ask players to read updates on the situation of the game. Although it is appreciated by the users of these forums it cant be expected that the peeps who go out and buy this game should automatically know to become a member of a forum to know that if they have charcters stripped they have to go lookin/searching for answers in other areas other than the Goa Website. All i get from my rightnow is under investigation. I have not had any emails stating i have to list my items to them. I presumed i would get compensated with plats like the rest of the Community. So what happens next? I email them again making another incident listing the items i had? And wait for another eterity?

I do hope that Goa will get up and running soon. Would they care though if the MD is willing to wipe all of our Chars to save face. Would they care if Pryd didnt exist anymore?
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Post by Aran_Thule »

given i wasnt as effected as some people i waited a few days before posting my missing items report. think its 050910 245.
From what ive heard about stuff being done ive still got 3 days worth of reports before they even look at mine <cries>

From what they are saying the problem this time will not cause the problems of the crash 2 months ago, i hope for all our sakes thats right.
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Caestar wrote:And another thing...as far as Goa goes they shouldnt have to use Pryd.net or FH for example to ask players to read updates on the situation of the game. Although it is appreciated by the users of these forums it cant be expected that the peeps who go out and buy this game should automatically know to become a member of a forum to know that if they have charcters stripped they have to go lookin/searching for answers in other areas other than the Goa Website. All i get from my rightnow is under investigation. I have not had any emails stating i have to list my items to them. I presumed i would get compensated with plats like the rest of the Community. So what happens next? I email them again making another incident listing the items i had? And wait for another eterity?
True, but im amazed how you can manage to miss the fact that you need to list your items when people have discussed it here, FH, /Gu and /as for quite some time mate. I even once told you that you need to list your items when we talked about it in /gu.. so question is - would you listen to goa more than you listen to your friends/guildmates?


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Post by Hemuli »

Phinith wrote:imo.. its to many problems all the time! :-(
I agree, and damn I'm happy that all my accounts are closed :p
- murr -

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Post by Caestar »

Ankh Morpork wrote:True, but im amazed how you can manage to miss the fact that you need to list your items when people have discussed it here, FH, /Gu and /as for quite some time mate. I even once told you that you need to list your items when we talked about it in /gu.. so question is - would you listen to goa more than you listen to your friends/guildmates?

Whats this now..a flame caesty session. Ankh, make another thread if your gonna try taking your frustrations publicly out on me. We have a Private message section for these kind of posts.
Caestar......Currently Levelling Malice E.T.A 2012
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Post by Gandelf »

The question everyone needs to ask is why the problems happen so frequently?

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Post by Vergiir »

[16-11-2005] English Cluster Up and Running Again

The problem on the English cluster has now been resolved and tests are complete, we are therefore happy to announce that the servers are now reopened.

We remind you that if you were playing last night at the time of the shutdown that any progress your character may have made after 21 :08CET, will not have been saved and will be lost. In addition all player guild data has been reset to 6am yesterday morning. This will only affect guild realm points, bounty points, merit points and the guild bank and won't affect keep claims or characters' personal realm point or bounty point totals.

In addition, we will be crediting every English player with a free day of subscription to compensate for the downtime.

Thank you for your patience and we apologise again for the disruption.

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