Where to find Champion Weapons stats/sshots??

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Post by Aran_Thule »

Druid blunt looks like a Mekon head on a handle.
Best one has to be the Hero 2 handed blunt, the picture on cam-her isnt the best but its a HUGE moose head on a stick, i so want to see thoose on the frontier.
Rangers have the best bow <cheers>
Dont like the vamp weapon much but i can see why they resorted to it.
Elds get the best staff, but the animists one has a mushroom on the end so its close.
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by Vukod »

Imo, Savage H2H in a Troll will scare everything ;)

Also Skald 2h is so cute!
Charlize / 6L6 Cleric LGM Scer
Shariesh / 6L5 Ranger ml8
Uglyshade / 6L6 Infiltrator
Vukod / 6L6 Savage

Vukod / 3L5 Warrior LGM Weaponcrafter
Shariesh / 5L1 Hunter

Charlize / 4L0 Champion
Vukod / 1L0 :satyn1: Bard
Vukkod / 5LX Nightshade (ACTIVE) :mojo:
Kulzor / 3L3 Warden
Shariesh / 2L4 Ranger

And many more

Emerald Rider
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Post by jimmylimmy »

pheer the Friar wielding a blue lollipop!

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