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Emerald Rider
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Post by Tammuz »

i got a tailor to lgm (yes the easiest one :)) and never tried anything else as even that was boring and totally worthless, i have never understood how you can get all the ingredients, craft and item that is 95%+ quality (in real terms these would be expertly made items) then no one would want them as the game isnt designed for anything less then 99% (and for a long time now only MPs really), but then it gets even worse, after all the time and effort, making these impresssive items (and if you would something in RL which were effectively 95% it would be top quality expensive clothes) you go to sell them any shop and guess what, YOU LOSE MONEY, and i dont just mean on the lower ones, i also dont just mean a little bit of money, oh no you get a massive cash loss then the base materials for your time and effort, if life were like that wed all be nekkid as no one would have gone into those businesses, it makes absolutly no sense.

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Post by Mojo »

Tammuz wrote:if life were like that wed all be nekkid as no one would have gone into those businesses, it makes absolutly no sense.
being naked make sense to me ;), clothes are so overated.
look, no hands!

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Post by Maeloch »

Tammuz wrote:if life were like that wed all be nekkid as no one would have gone into those businesses, it makes absolutly no sense.
What I really used to hate, was sat bored shitless crafting in DC, while watching your customer's death spam as they ran about emain having fun.

(this is pre-SI ofc, when merchant/relic keeps actually got used for crafting)

Mael, 50th ment.

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Post by Dotster »

i stop crafting as ppl just do not understand how long crafting takes and when u say it was extra u get whine whine whine so i stopped and do guildeys only just not worth the hassel :coffee:
maybe im back

New Toon Tripler - VW lvl 49uk:

all chars are gonedoh:


Post by Gitt »

Maeloch wrote:....watching your customer's death spam as they ran about emain having fun.
Yeah, that was one of the reasons I finally hung up my tool kit. Crafters get a hard life in general in DAoC...

Saturday morning 6am... what shall I do?...

Spend 2+ hours fixing a hole in a keep left from the previous night while the people who left the hole unrepaired in the first place run about having fun.

Craft for an unknown period of time for a customer who nags constantly about how long it takes, or complains about the estimated price (colour, design, smell etc) while they run about having fun.

Churn out 30+ end/pow/health pots for a couple of silver profit for a customer that expects you to deliver them to whichever tower/keep/hill he's currently camping and doesn't even have room to take them anyway.

and as for the conversations...

Idiot: "Hiya"
Crafter: "Hello there"
<10 minute delay>
Idiot: "You make armour right"
Crafter: <checks trade flag is still on> "Yes m8"
Idiot: "I need boots, legs and gloves"
Crafter: "MP I pressume? What type?"
Idiot: "No"
Crafter: "No?"
<10 minute delay>
Idiot: "It's for an alt"
Crafter: "Ok, what type, and 99% or MP?"
Idiot: "For Thid"
Crafter: <sigh> "Ok, what type, and 99% or MP? I don't take Thid orders anymore but I'll see what I have in stock"
Idiot: "Reinforced"
Crafter: <sigh> "Ok, 99% or MP?"
Idiot: "99%"
Crafter: "Ok, let me check what I have in stock" <searches through vaults>
Idiot: "or MP"
Crafter: "Ok m8, I have the boots in 99% and gloves in MP.. its old stock so u can have them for free if you want them, I need the vault space ;p"
Idiot: "What about the legs?"
Crafter: "Don't have them in stock I'm affraid m8"
Idiot: "Can you make them?"
Crafter: "I don't take Thid orders anymore, but I can ask in guild for you when theres a few more crafters on"
<10 minute delay>
Idiot: "I need them now, my SCer is waiting"
Crafter: "Sorry m8, no other crafters in guild are on atm"
Idiot: "Can't you make them?"
Crafter: <sigh> "I don't do Thid stuff anymore m8, I have a full book of MP level 51 orders still to sort out"
Idiot: "Can't you do mine first? I need it now"
Crafter: <sigh> "I don't do Thid stuff anymore m8, I have a full book of MP level 51 orders still to sort out"
Idiot: "It wont take long, I'll pay 50g extra"
Crafter: "I have a full book of MP 51 orders to do m8, and I can farm 50g faster than I can make your armour ;p"
Idiot: "I need them now"
Crafter: "I'm sorry m8, but no, you can have the boots and gloves for free tho"
<10 minute delay>
Idiot: "Ok, I'm in Ligen"
Crafter: "I'm kind of busy here m8, can you come get them? I'm in house xxxx Meath"
Idiot: "Won't you bring them here?"
Crafter: <speachless>
Idiot: "I cba to zone to housing.. I don't need them that bad"
Crafter: <increases /ignore list by 1>

This is a REAL conversation, only the names have been changed to protect the unbelievably stupid.

... and people wonder why I quit and moved to WoW :p

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Post by Arcsalin »

rofl, i've seen that conversation so many times and it always manages to repeat itself hehe xD

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Post by Tammuz »

hehe i didnt take many orders and even ive seen things like that.

Btw with my detectives eye i wonder if crafter = Gitt, am i right hu hu :cheers:

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