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Post by Pharoahe »

Heta wrote:soo, if WoW only was able to beat daoc on 1 point... how could it have been number 1 before?
Because of the massive advertising Blizzard did, they have more funds. Doesn't have to mean that it's a better game because more people buy it, more like it's a more known game due to all the commercials. I've never ever seen a DAOC commercial, WoW is seen everywhere you go, on Cinemas, train stations, bus stations etc.
Cuthifen, Tavern Regular of the Artisans of Willow (L50 Celt Bard, Legendary Armorer)
Conzpi, Stranger of the Artisans of Willow (L43 Elf Enchanter, Apprentice Spellcrafter)
Edielath, Clanlord of Circle of Satai (L42 Lurikeen Ranger, Apprentice Fletcher)

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Post by Pharoahe »

Briannon wrote:WoW won't be giving up the number 1 slot for some time, not if sales of boxes are anything to go by. Hasn't WoW sold in excess of 600,000 boxes? Just look at the number of english realms in WoW and you'll see that it is massively bigger than DAoC in Europe.

Also, I would say the WoW crafting system slams the DAoC crafting system into tiny little pieces - far, far superior, and much less tedious than the grind that is Camelot crafting.
Read my previous post about this issue. A game doesn't have to be the best because it has more people playing it. I'm talking about the different game-mechanisms. Why do you think that the WoW crafting system slams DAoC crafting system? I played a Mage there and I reached 300 herbalism/alchemy in relativiley short time, it's not hard to reach a goal in that game, it's mainly built for powergamers. I got bored of it after 2 months of playing because of that. No quests were unique, you found 30 people camping the same areas doing the same thing as you are, to advance in levels. Gankerthorn Vale, a place where L60 bashes L40 just to be annoying and to **** people off. I don't see this as a best game seller, more like a best adverticement seller, a game that has been announced to the public to be the ultimate MMORPG (so they say) when it's just a powergaming game without any roleplaying at all (except the roleplaying servers), and it often occures that people go there just to bother them. How can you say this is the best game? And why do you think that DAOC isn't better? Of course I base this on my own opinion and I speak for nobody except myself.
Cuthifen, Tavern Regular of the Artisans of Willow (L50 Celt Bard, Legendary Armorer)
Conzpi, Stranger of the Artisans of Willow (L43 Elf Enchanter, Apprentice Spellcrafter)
Edielath, Clanlord of Circle of Satai (L42 Lurikeen Ranger, Apprentice Fletcher)

Reinforced L51 masterpieces in merchant at house 3702 in Limerick.

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Post by Radu »

Cuthifen wrote:Read my previous post about this issue. A game doesn't have to be the best because it has more people playing it. I'm talking about the different game-mechanisms. Why do you think that the WoW crafting system slams DAoC crafting system? I played a Mage there and I reached 300 herbalism/alchemy in relativiley short time, it's not hard to reach a goal in that game, it's mainly built for powergamers. I got bored of it after 2 months of playing because of that. No quests were unique, you found 30 people camping the same areas doing the same thing as you are, to advance in levels. Gankerthorn Vale, a place where L60 bashes L40 just to be annoying and to **** people off. I don't see this as a best game seller, more like a best adverticement seller, a game that has been announced to the public to be the ultimate MMORPG (so they say) when it's just a powergaming game without any roleplaying at all (except the roleplaying servers), and it often occures that people go there just to bother them. How can you say this is the best game? And why do you think that DAOC isn't better? Of course I base this on my own opinion and I speak for nobody except myself.
I cant speak muh about crafting, i think it is just wasting my time so i dont bother it. But.
Quests same here as well, few prototypes only, not much variety, especially in catacombs.
Roleplaying - i have yet to see a mmorpg where a RPG part is true.. i would like to point out, you cant reach anything if you not kill things in any mmo, so bascially all "roleplayer" there just a guy who is mass murderer , and talks in emotes. Lol.
Pvp servers in wow - shrug, its playstyle. Personally i found alot of fun in stranglethorn vale, alot of kills there, many mass pvp action, many lower scaled, you didnt like it, i did, we have both points, and none of them is better. Anyway i went there as lv40, and i never minded if a L60 ganked me, wow has carebear pvp only (just like daoc normal servers), you lose nothing if you die in pvp, so just release and lets to rush continue :)
I dont say wow is superior (and i cant say it from daoc as well), it has its own goods, like no downtimes, nice graphic ( i liked it), good instances, and very group oriented play. I liked its pvp, wow's pvp more skill involved - you cant kill anyone in 1 or 2 shots like in daoc, but the fights still fast, but not too fast as sometimes in daoc. Wow has its flaws too, can be repeatedly fast, most of the few classes sux ( i played druid, what i liked, other classes seemed the pure boring). I dont say much the ganking in pvp, i never ever saw a pvp server where the ganking wouldnt be a main action, thats why they pvp server, imo. Anyway, on pvp server be a ganker or be ganked.
Daoc has very good classes, very nice combat system (interrupts sux tho), its main flaw for a new player it is not grp friendly at all, and imo the pvp combat is out of hand now, noone say me it is skill based to Stun+1sec nukes till the other die in 4 secs. They should hardcap damage or something.
Togusa the Mentalist

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Post by aegnor »

I want a pink unicorn with a purple mane.
Will call it either "my little horny pwny" or "rawky the italian frost stallion". :(
Aegnor Istaril
Elvish Barun
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Post by Briannon »

Cuthifen wrote:Read my previous post about this issue. A game doesn't have to be the best because it has more people playing it. I'm talking about the different game-mechanisms. Why do you think that the WoW crafting system slams DAoC crafting system? I played a Mage there and I reached 300 herbalism/alchemy in relativiley short time, it's not hard to reach a goal in that game, it's mainly built for powergamers. I got bored of it after 2 months of playing because of that. No quests were unique, you found 30 people camping the same areas doing the same thing as you are, to advance in levels. Gankerthorn Vale, a place where L60 bashes L40 just to be annoying and to **** people off. I don't see this as a best game seller, more like a best adverticement seller, a game that has been announced to the public to be the ultimate MMORPG (so they say) when it's just a powergaming game without any roleplaying at all (except the roleplaying servers), and it often occures that people go there just to bother them. How can you say this is the best game? And why do you think that DAOC isn't better? Of course I base this on my own opinion and I speak for nobody except myself.

Are you talking about a PvP server when you mention level 60s hitting on level 40s? If so, I probably agree with you, which is why I don't play on the PvP servers. I spend all my WoW time on the RP servers, and it is fun. It's much easier to get casual groups to achieve a quest objective and people don't seem to be too fussed it you group up for a short while and then go off and do your own thing. There's still lots to explore (not gone into half the areas yet). But, I know its not everyone's cup of tea, especially for people who love RvR.

And, I didn't say it was the best game - I said it was bigger, which it is in terms of both subscriber base and the geography in-game.

I do think it has a fresher feel about it - there are times when DAoC seems quire tired in comparison (maybe because I've played DAoC for much much longer). However, with DR around the corner it will be time to re-evaluate and explore again. I just hope that Champion levels are not as hard and tiresome to get as Master Levels are.
Badvicar EvilIdiot: level 3x heretic - Anywhere/Gaheris
Bardsimpson Botoxxbuddy: level 50 bard - Hibernia/Gawaine
Botoxx Injections: level 50 animist - Hibernia/Gawaine
Bowlina Botoxxbuddy: tiny ranger - Hibernia/Gawaine
Briannon Silverblades: level 50 nightshade - Hibernia/Prydwen (retired)
Draccula TheCount: level 46 vampiir - Hibernia/Gawaine
Playmate Ofthemonth: level 50 enchantress - Hibernia/Prydwen (retired)

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