some fool on FH....

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Post by Kallima »

Moley:) wrote:Love you all - Albs can go take a long walk off a very short peir :)

:moley: yes i camp that towr ,and yes other rangers do .. what am i meant to do . get zerged by the uber fantastic infil grps .. no thanks :) - and only play him when bored been playing alb/excal so TS to them . Gonna make another thread now i got TS 3 :mwahaha:

You do what you like and have fun moley <grins> They just can't cope with losing unless they believe you not only have an imaginary DI3 buff bot but you have a giant killer rabbit and a martian flying saucer that plays tunes and flashes coloured laser beams.

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Post by Norcott »

Moley:) wrote:Love you all - Albs can go take a long walk off a very short peir :)

:moley: yes i camp that towr ,and yes other rangers do .. what am i meant to do . get zerged by the uber fantastic infil grps .. no thanks :) - and only play him when bored been playing alb/excal so TS to them . Gonna make another thread now i got TS 3 :mwahaha:

Thats the spirit.. but if you want to make ur self really famous cus i see it as a personal achievment getting slated on FH.. (big ego boost).. then go Alb poc and kill xpers.. thats what got me famous on FH.. well tbh i think it was the grey con gettin pl'd dieing after i showed him my nice shiney sun sword.. :lol2: that was after his friend tripped and fell on to my quiver.. and his bot seemed to get caught up in somekind of wirlwind which just happened to drop him right in the middle of some nasty monsters.. :shock:
and it all started so friendly with a wave.. hehehe
keep up the good work Moley... dont want them to think Hib Rangers are going all soft now eh ..
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Post by Lothandar »

Poor asterixxx :( :(

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Post by Xcerus »

now i remember why i tell people to go fk themselfs when they say their raid info is on FH.

FH is a shit forum tbh
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Post by Alexandrinus »

evul Norcott :-)

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Post by Dorin »

personA: lets rate "insert name" with negatives haha!
personB: omg so much fun omg ya!
personC: WOW COOL IDEA m8

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Post by Sharkith »

Dorin wrote:personA: lets rate "insert name" with negatives haha!
personB: omg so much fun omg ya!
personC: WOW COOL IDEA m8

irc bois of wonder xD
true a lot of it does look like double dutch. I like the place in a strange kind of way although it can get repetitive:

a) whine thread about adding
b) whine thread about bug abouse
c) whine thread wbout over powered baseline stun
d) FAO willy waving
e) FAO whine threads
f) whine thread about adding
g) odd polls

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Post by Quinlan »

Sharkith wrote:true a lot of it does look like double dutch.
FH mode:


what did the dutch do to you!!!

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Post by Moley:) »

im a noob what FAO mean? .. is it abusive .. can i ban them :D

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Post by Lothandar »

Moley:) wrote:im a noob what FAO mean? .. is it abusive .. can i ban them :D

Yes FAO is abusive it is the root of all malice and fear, when you see "FAO <whatever>" you must not click that link because the temptation found inside will be unbearable.

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